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"there is no real magic ever." a drawing of martin, a white man with brown hair, with a stake through his heart. he is looking down at it in dismay. in his hand he holds a syringe full of blood
a drawing of martin, a white man with brown hair wearing a black turtleneck, looking over his shoulder at the viewer. between his lips he holds a syringe. his mouth is drenched in blood.

⠀⠀     hi im martin.. i use a lot of ellipses &  stuff
⠀⠀   it's just to mimic how i talk... sometimes i'm 'nonscribal'
⠀⠀   and i dont tend to talk on any phone calls...
⠀⠀   uh don't, like, be mean, but other than that i ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  
⠀⠀   don't have any special interaction requests.  

⠀⠀   just be nice & we will get along i'm sure .. :)
⠀⠀     Sanguffectis   Vampire flag  Vampire bi  coffin pixel

⠀⠀  martin stamp     bloody hands stamp

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Pub: 18 Oct 2024 02:01 UTC
Views: 16