the water is still。 。( lovemail )

recently reworked: 4:04 AM. if you aren't here, then you do not mean such significance to me. best viewed on light mode

tw for violent and aggressive wording.

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ felix . ezzie . . . ♡

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ bridget ╰ 𓈒   ﹒In the depths of my thoughts, where the shadows of time linger,
I find myself compelled to tell you how much you mean to me.
Since our first encounter in 1st grade, and make-up in 4th,
you’ve been a constant light in my life, guiding me through every twist and turn.
Your presence is like a rare gem that shines even in the darkest moments.
Your obnoxiously cute laughter and warmth have always been my refuge, turning even the most ordinary days into something tender.
I'd hate to imagine having to leave you once we graduate. I love you. 𓂃  ∘  𓏲

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ kamis nation ╰ 𓈒   ﹒I wanted to take a moment to shout out how much I appreciate this strangely comforting community.
From my first chaotic day in the nation to the latest group-wide frenzy,
you’ve all been the heartbeat of this server. And a big boost in.. my health in general (not you dylan stinkyy)
Your humor and energy bring light to every corner of my virtual little world.
Here’s to the countless laughs, harsh arguments mellowed out eventually, and the fantastic staff that makes it all worth it.
I greatly appreciate the amount of acceptance i am given here. 𓂃  ∘  𓏲

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ dr2 + sf standbys ╰ 𓈒   ﹒It’s abundantly clear why you all earn the top spot in this message.
Through all the turbulence and disruptions, and even amidst the harshest accusations thrown my way,
you’ve stood by my side unwaveringly.
No regrets, I assume, just true loyalty. That’s the mark of a real comrade, a genuine friend.
No matter how tough things get, you remain united. Even without words, your actions speak volumes of acceptance and courage.
You’re the ones I’d trust with everything, the ones I’d step in front of a speeding car for.
Cina, Malak, Stryker, Harold, Salem, Taffy, Hacker, Riki, Kylo, Chauter, Nell. <3𓂃  ∘  𓏲


you can't see the river。 。( hatemail )

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ rox ╰ 𓈒   ﹒To Rox, the architect of the DOWNFALL of this once tall individual.
I need to let you know how much you’ve impacted my life.
It’s important you know the damage you’ve done.
You’ve messed up my mental state,
ruined my habits,
and fundamentally changed who I am.
You’ve turned me into something I hate.
You’ve trashed my self-image and personality, leaving me frustrated and angry.
I can’t stand the person I’ve become because of you.
Your impact has been deeply negative, and
I want you to know how much I despise the changes you’ve forced upon me. This situation is far from acceptable,
and I resent what you’ve done.
I want you to understand just how much I hate the way you've altered my life.
I’m left dealing with the fallout of what you've done,
and I am incredibly miserable with the person I’ve become because of your influence.
i wish we never met. 𓂃  ∘  𓏲

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ derek . simon ╰ 𓈒   ﹒I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong. Though honestly, it’s not surprising that people leave.
What hurts is that you vanished just when I started to connect with you, unlike anyone else.
I’m not sure what you had assumed,
but I never expected to be your first.
You were my first.
I understand you have others in your life.
But, All you had to do was talk to me about what was bothering you.
Instead, you just left.
So, have a good life. I wish you all the best with your dad and pillhead.
But don’t come back if you leave in the first place. 𓂃  ∘  𓏲

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ karol . record ╰ 𓈒   ﹒Sorry, but you’re coming off as pathetic.
I’ve made mistakes too, but unless I get the rentry URL /celia that was fairly gifted to me,
before you claimed it, which is, an act of theft,
I won’t be removing you.
Nobody’s perfect, and while you’re great in some ways, you’re overreacting by demanding I remove you,
and shouting out to kill myself, just for adding you here.
This hatemail sector is for people like you.
I wanted to be fair, but not after that response.
Also, your 'boundaries' weren’t clear or stated, and statuses aren’t claimable.
No one cares about your ponytown character and it is NOT a stated boundary to insult your RIDICULOUS behavior over it,
I don't know who Elliot is,
and atleast you're self aware enough to admit you're a huge hypocrite.
That will be all. Please stop stalking my socials such as this rentry whilst you're accusing ME of the same thing,
even though i am simply checking the status of the url. 𓂃  ∘  𓏲

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ bri ╰ 𓈒   ﹒I'm so glad you moved on. I wish you all the best. 𓂃  ∘  𓏲

ᵔ   .     :   ⠀⠀✿ starfoam ╰ 𓈒   ﹒Can you all PLEASE clear my plate and go?
It’s really frustrating trying to create characters in-game only for a headmod to come in and try to ban me.
Thankfully, my Wi-Fi glitches whenever that happens.
It’s disheartening to see that grudges are still held against me despite numerous blacklisteds roaming freely.
Yet, somehow, I’m the one who’s blamed.
To make matters worse, I’m often hit with false or misinterpreted accusations.
And, aren't you all constantly hacked and raided by hackers,
who manage to ban moderators and admins with no chance of unbanning, and shutdown servers with the FULL n word in the shutdown message,
and in general destroy the game?
You all do NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about that, alas,
spring into action once i step foot ingame.
Shameful, really. 𓂃  ∘  𓏲

more possibly soon . . home

Pub: 21 Jul 2024 10:24 UTC
Edit: 22 Aug 2024 17:45 UTC
Views: 641