hie so i remembered about this url

i actually made something for this url back in like november bur quickly decided it was ugly and couldnt be assed to make another one yet but like. Swear. im gona

im gonna decorate it



do u like my Art. i doodled that like an hoir or two agoMISGLINDA! WHY DOES WICKEDNESS HAPPEN'

anyways i shoudl probably put stuff here in the meantime
ummhey guys its blue or swap you can cal me either
you could even call me BIANCA if you wanted to because that is my real life legal name
i only put it on here for legal purposes

its really fucing windy

im 16 year old
she Her :heart: (pretend its blue)

ENTJ sp3. like i actually turnd out to be sp3. not sp8l. i just have a really bad sp8 fix. also a sp7 fix. Self preservation god
"um i actually think yiou're ET(S)" How bout you suck my booty

i solemnly swear to deocrate this url before it gets taken from me i think its. 4th on the list? but since i prefer this url im actully gonna move it up to like. 3rd

i canr have another url taken from me and then have it be made into an uggo looking thang Im Eyeing a Certain Person does it really count as vagueposting if i'm 90% certain they dont keep tabs on me anymore cause they got bort

Cuh Deg Board

sorry shouldve left that in 2024

give me like. a week . pls dont claim. i will put somethign on here.

i used to love filling out urls now im like struggling to come up with stuff Sorry guys the brainfog is Real

NEOSPING hope i got that right i typed out the actual website link

Pub: 11 Feb 2023 06:06 UTC
Edit: 24 Jan 2025 05:15 UTC
Views: 207