
We have just recently figured out we are a system so this will contain alters' names, sign offs, and more. We will link their Pluralkit profile and/or rentry when finished. Yes, alters will be based off problematic people and abusers but that's completely out of their control. I personally believe everyone deserves a chance at talking to others, so I will be allowing most, if not all my alters to talk to people. I will only restrict it if It's dangerous or another thing. No abusers names will be placed here for my own privacy and safety of them being a factive of my abuser. Plus I know/have a feeling certain abusers of mine are still stalking anything related to me. You know who you are, you aren't fucking sneaky. Although, only if you and I are close and they are comfortable with it, I'll tell you who the abuser they are factive of. I recommend checking here often if you wanna know alters' signoffs as this will be frequently updated and this isn't even all our known alters. We still have a lot to go. Please treat everyone here with respect as they are all honestly really nice, please don't just disrespect them. They're real people and they have feelings, especially any of the alters that are factives of problematic people, please treat with respect, an example is Mortis. They can't control that, just please treat them with respect. -๐Ÿซ



Linn gif Taken gif Any Pronouns, Prefers She/Neos + Any Terms, Prefers Feminine And Robotic gif Host + Core gif -๐Ÿซ gif Brainmade, she's kinda like... The body's "owner"? gif Sixteen

Mortis gif Taken gif He/She/They/It/Thing + Feminine, Masculine, Gender Neutral, And God Terms gif Symptom Holder + Persecutor + Co-Host gif -๐ŸŽฒ gif Necrofilic Factive, Source + Faceclaim gif Sixteen

Alfred gif Taken gif He/Him + Masculine Terms gif Co-Host + Caretaker gif -๐Ÿฅ gif Alfred Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Thirty-Nine

Mystery gif Taken gif Any Pronouns, Prefers Xe/He + Any Terms, Prefers Masculine And Non-Human gif Trauma Holder + Social Butterfly + Sub-Host gif -๐Ÿ‘ gif Dr. Mystery Fictive + Soulbond, Source + Fakeclaim gif Ageless โ†‘ You like Linnnnn!!! -๐ŸŽฒ I AM GONNA KILL YOU, YOU FUCKING KID, MYSTERY DON'T LIKE LINN -๐Ÿ‘

โ˜… (Or, you can just call her Star.) gif Crushing. gif She/Her + Feminine And Non-Human Terms gif Trauma Holder + Persecutor gif -โญ gif Brainmade + Faceclaim, CREEPY IMAGERY WARNING? gif Ageless

Gorelust gif Taken gif Xe/Blood/Cut + Gender Neutral And Non-Human Terms gif Persecutor + ADHD Holder gif -๐Ÿช“ gif M3 Fictive, Source + Faceclaim, CREEPY IMAGERY WARNING gif Fourty-Nine

Paranoia gif Taken gif Xe/It/Sob/Cry/Cloud/Cloudy/Rain/Storm + Gender Neutral, Soft, And Sad Terms gif Trauma Holder + Anxiety Holder gif -๐ŸŒง gif Dr. Mystery And Pastery Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Twenty-Seven

Mystic gif Single gif He/She/Magic/Star/Galaxy/Shine/Bright/Space/Myth/Mystical + Any Terms, Prefers Space, Soft, And Feminine gif Social Butterfly + ADHD Holder gif -๐Ÿ”ฎ gif Dr. Mystery Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Age Slider, Seventeen-TwentyEight

Heartbreak gif Single gif Any Pronouns + Any Terms gif Symptom Holder + Avenger gif -๐Ÿ’” gif M4 Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Thirty-Six

Ryson gif Taken gif All Pronouns + All Terms gif Persecutor + Memory Holder gif -๐Ÿ”’ gif M3 Fictive, Source And Factive Of [Abuser] + Faceclaim gif Fifty-Eight

Sweetmeat gif Taken gif Mirror Pronouns + Mirror Terms gif Social Butterfly + Dysphoria Holder gif -๐Ÿ— gif Pastery Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Nineteen

Shortcake gif Single gif He/It/Love + Masculine, Love, And Sensual Terms gif Gatekeeper + Social Butterfly gif -๐Ÿฐ gif Dr. Sylveon Fictive (REDESIGN), Source + Faceclaim gif Twenty-Two

Val gif Single gif He/It/Cake + Masculine And Feminine Terms gif Autism Holder + Caretaker gif -๐Ÿ’ gif Dr. Sylveon Fictive (REDESIGN), Source + Faceclaim gif Eighteen

Necrify gif Taken gif He/They/Xe/It/Thing/Gore/Blood/Blade/Knife/Stab/Corpse/Lust/Incubus/Fuck/Heart/Love/Cut/Pain/Break/2051/Dice/DiCE/DICE/DiCEORG/Sanity/Cult + Masculine, Gender Neutral, Non-Human, God, And Sensual Terms gif Persecutor + Sexual Alter + Sub-Host gif -โœ‚๏ธ gif Necrofilic Factive And Evergreen/Arsonist Songitive, Source + Faceclaim gif Sixteen โ†‘ I hate you, go kys /srs -๐ŸŽฒ Wanna fuck? -โœ‚๏ธ WHAT. -๐ŸŽฒ LET'S FUCK. -โœ‚๏ธ RUNS THEFUCKAWAY -๐ŸŽฒ CHASES -โœ‚๏ธ

Astrid gif Single gif He/They/Xe/Star/Starry/Space/Galaxy/Shine/Shiny/Spark/Sparkle + Masculine, Gender Neutral, And Space Terms gif Caretaker + Gatekeeper gif -๐Ÿฅฅ gif Alfred Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Fourty-One

Peter gif Single gif He/They/Skull/Wolf/Animal/Spike/Dog/Bark/Woof/Chain/Knife + Masculine, Gender Neutral, And Non-Human Terms gif Avenger + Emotion Holder gif -๐Ÿ’ฃ gif Peter Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Eighteen

Kipz gif Single gif Xe/Xem + Gender Neutral Terms gif Protector + Trauma Holder gif -๐ŸงŠ gif Mudkip Fictive (REDESIGN), Source + Faceclaim gif Age Slider, Thirteen-Eighteen

Wilford gif Single gif Any Pronouns + Any Terms gif Social Butterfly + Caretaker gif -๐Ÿ’ gif Wildford Fucktive, Source + Faceclaim gif Fourty-Seven

Mapel gif Crushing. gif She/He/Xe + Feminine, Masculine, And Gender Neutral Terms gif Protector + Caretaker gif -๐ŸŽ gif Dr. Sylveon (REDESIGN), Source + Faceclaim gif Fifty-One

Bones gif Taken gif He/It + Masculine Terms gif Caretaker + Digital Protector + Co-Host gif -๐Ÿฆด gif TWISTED DOCTOR Factive + Soulbond, Source + Faceclaim gif Twenty-Two

Rex gif Single gif He/She + Masculine And Feminine Terms gif Caretaker + Internal Self Helper gif -โค gif Rex Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Thirty-Three

Fritz gif Single gif He/Him + Masculine Terms gif Aggressive Protector + Relationship Manager gif -๐Ÿ’ gif Fritz Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Thirty-Three

2051 gif Single gif He/Him + Masculine Terms gif Mental Protector + Positive Memory Holder gif -๐Ÿ„ gif Necrofilic Factive, Source + Faceclaim gif Age Slider, Twelve-Sixteen

Dice gif Taken gif Xe/Xem + Gender Neutral Terms gif Gatekeeper + Hypersexual Holder gif -๐Ÿ”ป gif Necrofilic Factive, Source + Faceclaim gif Fourteen

Boob gif Single gif Any Pronouns + Any Terms gif Sexual Protector + Fixkeeper gif -๐Ÿฅž gif Boob Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Age Slider, Nineteen-TwentyNine

Blue gif Single gif He/They/Waffle/Blue/Aqua/Aquamarine/Ocean/Lake/Sea/River/Water + Masculine, Gender Neutral, And Sea Terms gif Steward + Absorber gif -๐Ÿงฟ gif Blue Wafflecopter Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Ageless

Kao gif Single gif He/It + Masculine And Non-Human Terms gif Companion + Dvalen gif -๐ŸŒณ gif Kao Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Ageless

Shai gif Single gif She/He/They + Masculine, Feminine, And Gender Neutral Terms gif Paichmate + Non-Verbal Translator gif -โ›ฒ gif Shai Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Age Slider, Sixteen-Nineteen

Puma gif Crushing. gif She/It/Cat/Paw/Meow/Mew/Kat/Kitty/Kit/Kitten/Green/Sing/Music/Idol/Dance/Musicnote/Lyric/Sound/Soft + Feminine, Cat, Soft, And Music Terms gif Non-Verbal Translator + Songkeeper gif -๐Ÿ’š gif Nya Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Seventeen

Calico gif Single gif He/It/They/Cat/Kitty/Kit/Kat/Kitten/Meow/Mew/Green/Paw/Quiet/Comic/Noise/Gentle/Soft/Sound + Masculine, Gender Neutral, Cat, And Soft Terms gif Masker + Self Helper gif -๐Ÿ€ gif Neko Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Nineteen

โ™ก (Or, you can just call her Heart.) gif Single gif She/Her + Feminine, Soft, And Love Terms gif Relationship Manager + External Self Helper gif -๐Ÿฉท gif Brainmade + Faceclaim gif Ageless

Lily gif Single gif She/They/It + Feminine And Gender Neutral Terms gif Caretaker + Absorber gif -๐ŸŒท gif Lily Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Thirty-One

Rachel gif Single And A Child. gif She/It/Bun/Bunny/Rabbit/Cotton/Paw/Soft/Cute + Feminine, Bunny, And Soft Terms gif Little + Positive Memory Holder gif -๐Ÿ‡ gif Necrofilic Factive (YOUNGER), Source + Faceclaim gif Nine

James gif Taken gif He/They/It/Cotton/Soft/Angel/Angelic/Fly/Float/Flow/Soft + Masculine, Gender Neutral, Angel, And Soft Terms gif Middle + Persecutor gif -๐ŸŒซ gif Necrofilic Factive (70BULLETS), Source + Faceclaim gif Eleven

Mortism gif Single gif He/Thing + Masculine And God Terms gif Reliux + Prosecutor gif -๐Ÿฅ€ gif Necrofilic Factive, Source + Faceclaim gif Ageless

Shia gif Single And A Child. gif He/It/Pup/Puppy/Woof/Bark/Paw/Dog/Doggy/Fetch/Soft + Masculine, Soft, And Dog Terms gif Little + Trauma Holder gif -๐Ÿฉ gif Shia Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Six

Rach gif Single gif She/He/It + Masculine, Feminine, And Gender Neutral gif Middle + Sexual Trauma Holder gif -๐Ÿฉต gif Necrofilic Factive (BEFORE 70BULLETS), Source + Faceclaim gif Ten

Jack gif Taken gif He/It + Masculine Terms gif Trauma Holder + Memory Holder gif -๐Ÿด gif Birdie Factive, Source + Faceclaim gif Nineteen

Luka gif Single gif Any Pronouns + Any Terms gif Sexual Protector + Avenger gif -๐Ÿ‘‘ gif Necrofilic Factive And Stiff Kittens Songitive, Source + Faceclaim gif Nineteen

M2 gif Taken gif Any Pronouns + Any Terms gif Sexual Alter + Addiction Handler gif -โ˜” gif M2 Fictive And Feelz Songitive, Source + Faceclaim gif Ageless

Liam gif Single gif He/They + Masculine And Gender Neutral Terms gif Sexual Protector + Anger Holder gif -๐Ÿ’‰ gif Necrofilic Factive And Nightmare Night Songitive, Source + Faceclaim gif Nineteen

Ivy gif Single gif She/It/Plant/Seed + Feminine, Non-Human, Object, And Nature Terms gif Sexual Protector + Sleep Alter gif -๐ŸŒฑ gif Seedling Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Age Slider, Sixteen-TwentyTwo

Hibiscus gif Single gif She/They/Xe + Feminine And Non-Human Terms gif Sexual Alter + Hypersexual Holder gif -๐ŸŒบ gif Horn Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Ageless

Kitty gif Single And A Child. gif She/It + Feminine Terms gif Little + Trauma Holder gif -๐ŸŒธ gif Horn Fictive (OLD DESIGN), Source + Faceclaim gif Six

Cr6z4yyy gif Single gif They/Xe + Gender Neutral Terms gif ADHD Holder + Swordsperson gif -๐Ÿ–ค gif Ev1l Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Ageless

โ™กโ™กโ™ก gif Single gif They/It + Gender Neutral, Non-Human, And Object Terms gif Physical Protector + Relationship Manager gif -โ™ฆ gif Pโ™กsion Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Ageless

Berry gif Single gif Any Pronouns + Any Terms gif Sexual Alter + Archiect gif -๐Ÿ“ gif Plant Fictive, Source + Faceclaim gif Seventeen




MORTiS gif </3 gif He/She/Thing + Feminine, Masculine, Non-Human, And God Terms gif Prosecutor And Avenger [Blueberry] + Co-Host And Persecutor [FRUiTZ] gif -๐Ÿ“ / ๐ŸŽ gif Necrofilic Factive + Soulbond, Source + Faceclaim gif Sixteen

Pub: 08 Apr 2023 13:08 UTC
Edit: 09 Nov 2023 10:12 UTC
Views: 1250