The Political State of Ninisani, during the years of Pomerlane's Rise

Going to drop some ideas in the thread for feedback. Also going to need to give context first.

In case you didn't know, Pomu operates a company called Stocks Contract Auction Market, aka S.C.A.M.
This will be the NijiEN version of the East India Company or the V.O.C. for lore purposes. They will have major power over shipping, banking and stocks in the Ninisani realm. Rosemi is also part of SCAM, FYI. We will talk about SCAM later.

Ninisani is an Empire, but an Empire in all but name only as of now. Internal wars and external wars constantly engulf its lands.

Politically, the traditional alliances of the realm are based upon each wave, with some exceptions.

-LazuLight has a holy alliance together that has been around since the beginning. Their unity is strong, even if Pomudachi have tried to overthrown the unity in the past.

-Obsydia is the most fractured of the factions, with all three of the groups seceding from it when convenient. Nothing truly binds Obsydia together.

-Ethyria has strong bonds between Famillie and Aloupeeps; who run Ethyria together. Phantomos are considered a minor group in the faction. Honey's, on the other hand cause internal problems for Ethyria.

The strongest Kingdoms in Ninsani are traditionally the Dragoons, Pomudachi and Famelira. The two former constantly are at war with each other while Famelira is a peaceful giant but have been de-jure leader of Ninisani since time immemorial, with their leaders always having taken the Diamond City Crown.

The exception to this was during the times of Pomeranius, when he overthrew the Fameliran hegemony at the Battle of the Lights and proclaimed himself to be the Emperor of Pomerania and All Ninisanis. His Empire fell apart after his death because of squabbling amongst his sons. When this happened, Famelira took back the crown from the Pomudachi peacefully.

The Political Landscape of Pomerania

Pomerania is the homeland of the Pomudachi, the half fairy, half human race that inhabits it. Pomerania historically has been extremely wealth thanks to its vast resources that come the Forest of Pomu. By capital and resources, their lands are the most prosperous in all of Ninisani. As shown by Pomeranius, when unified, the Pomudachi are the strongest kingdom within Ninisani but factionalism and tribalism constantly have kept the Pomudachi from taking the Diamond Crown.

By the time of Pomerlane, petty kingdoms have risen from the ashes of Pomeranius' Empire, paying lip service to the current Great King of Pomerania, Pomeralius IV. Pomeralius is effectively a puppet monarch to the three great families: The Inapuff family, the Cloudbursts and the Stormfury family. Each of these families has their own different motives but all agreed that the status quo is the best for them.

The Inapuff family holds the southeastern domains of Pomerania, and has always been viewed with distrust by the Royal Family for their claimed descendance from Pomura Inapuff. Furthermore, they claim that Pomura and Pomu are equals, opposites of each other and that if one grew to be more powerful than the other, the world would collapse. This is why they condemn the reign of Pomeranius as a great evil. They are also known for their diplomatic skills, having deep alliances with outside the Kingdom with various powerful families from Fameliria and Selenium. Their capital is the city of Pomura, unsurprisingly.

The Cloudbursts are the wealthiest of the big three, being essentially a family of Plutocrats operating along the coast. They control much of the trade and are the leaders of S.C.A.M.; the Multinational corporation that has monopolized nearly all trade in Ninisani. The Cloudbursts do not control much land themselves, and any land they do control is solely for economically exploitation. They are based in the capital city and great port of Pomeraniopolis.

The Stormfury family are cousins of the reigning dynasty but their power comes from their military ethos and vast estates. The Stormfuries played a prominent role in Pomeranius' conquest of Ninisani and were traditionally loyal to the Rainpuff clan, but their own greed and desire for power has corrupted them into siding with the Inapuffs and Cloudbursts. The Stormfury clan is known as being the muscle behind the big three, and preserves their hegemony by crushing any upstarts before they can truly challenge them or their allies. Their capital rests at Salzwedel, which is considered by many to be an impenetrable fortress.

The rest of the Kingdom is, as stated, made up of little more than petty kingdoms and principalities, some more powerful than others, but always to be fractured because of the Big Three. Pomerlane is the ruler of the Principality of Greifswald, which he inherited from his father.
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-I was inspired the by Holy Roman Empire for Ninisani since our general practically is like that.

-I once again ask for help with the boys.

-When I get to it, I will draw a map based upon the information I have that will give you an idea of whats going on.

-Since S.C.A.M is basically a multi-national Corporation, feel free to work together with me on how it impacts your nation.

-I am going to start using German placenames, real or made up by me, because I find it would be boring to call everything "Pomu something" or Griffon's Forest (Greifswald translates to that.)

-Next Chapter of Pomerlane will focus on his rise to what he becomes. The last chapter was an introduction to the story and is not the beginning time wise, for the sake of spoilers, I'll leave out when it takes place.

Pub: 17 Jun 2022 13:40 UTC
Edit: 18 Jun 2022 21:34 UTC
Views: 331