A Whale of a Snack

The four children lay on dazed the ground, drenched in all sorts of fluids, fresh out of the maw of Humphrey the whale. What an ordeal, Omori thought as he took off his shirt to dry it. Kel and Hero were knocked unconscious by the impact but were otherwise fine, and Omori managed to catch Aubrey on their way out, much to the girl’s delight.

“Omori, are you okay?!” cried the girl, surprising him with a hug.

Omori nodded.

“Nyak nyak nyak! Well done kids! Didn’t think you had it in you!” the obnoxious whale bellowed as he gazed upon them. Omori could tell that hunger still lingered in the back of his mind, just waiting for them to let their guard down for a second to swallow them up again. He knew that Humphrey won’t let them go that easily.




The moment he asked, Aubrey’s stomach started growling. Aubrey covered her face in embarrassment.

“Haha, um, yeah? A bit.”

That was all he needed to hear.

Satisfied, Omori snapped his fingers.

There was a flash.

They were now in a massive shore, sand stretching as far as the eye can see. Like a colossal sandbox.

“Uh, Omori? Where are we?” Aubrey asked as she rubbed her eyes .

“Somewhere far away.”

Next to them was Humphrey the Whale, but something seemed different. “Oh wow. What just happened?” the mighty whale asked in an uncharacteristically confused tone.

Aubrey stood up and soaked in the new environment, but quickly realized that something was off. “Omori? Is it just me or does Humphrey seem, different?”

The girl rubbed her eyes again, just to confirm that what she was seeing was right. Humprey the Whale just got a whole lot smaller and they a whole lot bigger.

“Wait, what’s going on? Why are we so big?! Omori!”

Omori just smirked.

Amidst Aubrey’s confusion she detected a pleasant smell wafting in the air.

Coming right from the whale himself.

Aubrey’s mouth began watering and her stomach growled again, this time loud enough to shake the surrounding air. It smells so good! Her eyes turned to Humphrey and the formerly little girl was struck with an uncontrollable desire to devour him right then and there.

“Omori, I don’t know what’s happening right now, but—"

“You want to eat Humphrey?” he finished.

Aubrey blushed. “Uh, haha, kinda?”

“Then do it,” he said, giving her a thumbs up sign.

Aubrey squealed in delight. If Omori said so then she guess it’s okay.

“I guess I will!”

“Uh kids, calm down. Let’s talk things out before we do anything hasty, eh?” pleaded the whale, now visibly panicking.

Aubrey licked her lips. “What’s there to talk about? I’m hungry and you’re food!” She grabbed Humphrey and brought him up close to her mouth, her warm breath blowing on his face. The whale wriggled helplessly and started emitting strange sounds as she brought him closer and closer inside.


Aubrey decided to lick his face, just to tease him. “Hee hee, so cute! Omori? Wanna share him with me?”

Omori quietly declined. Aubrey can’t help but feel a little bit disappointed, as she secretly hoped that they would get to share this moment together.

But food is food.

“Okay. In you go!”


Humphrey was jostled inside by her ginormous tongue. She sucked on his puny form and felt some resistance, but nothing too bad. Aubrey giggled as she enjoyed his flavor. A bit salty, like the ocean itself, but mostly sweet. A unique taste she’s never had before.


After playing with the whale in her mouth for a few minutes, Aubrey finally decided that it was time to swallow.

The muffled cries of the whale can be faintly heard outside. “NOOOOO! PLEASE LET ME OUT! I’M SORRY FOR EATING ALL OF YOU BEFORE! JUST PLEASE DON’T—”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you out eventually Mr. Humphrey. Just not today, hee hee.”

And with that, Aubrey tilted her head and let the whale slide down her throat, squirming in pleasure as he travelled down her digestive system. It didn’t take long for the whale to reach its destination, causing the girl to belch loudly.

“Ooops! Sorry about that, Omori,” blushing and covering her face in embarrassment.

Omori smiled at her proudly.

Aubrey’s stomach was full. Inside, the poor whale was being torn apart by the acid in all direction, experiencing agonizing pain like he never felt before. A few more hours and his body would finally be fit for absorption, his flesh and nutrients providing a hefty contribution to the girl's ass and thighs, while the rest of him would be discarded without any trace. The whale who preyed on every living creature was now the prey, doomed to be forgotten soon.

A fitting end for a monster.

Pub: 22 Mar 2022 02:39 UTC
Views: 482