Catch of the Day
Tags: [otter; Selonian; lion; Trianii] [f/f/m; size difference; larger female; muscular female; breast sucking; oral; sex; vaginal; m:dubcon; squirting; smothering; f:heat]

"So there I was," Leys Terrik, smuggler and lowlife, nursed another Corellian ale under the dim, shoddy lighting of the bar. He was enjoying the rapt attention of his one man audience and exit strategy. "Boss Graven's lackeys on all sides. They'd just smoked my buddy, Kuna. I knew that I had no chance in a stand-up gunfight - my excellent marksmanship aside - so I decided to hit a fuel pipe right above their heads. Then once they were soaked, I set 'em alight with a well-aimed shot!" The man, darker-skinned than Leys' own pale hue, nodded with only mild scepticism. One of the nice things about being in one of the galaxy's womp rat nests was that even if they smelled bantha shit, no-one ever probed too deeply. Kesfirtan II was a verdant, hilly world, but it was also a waystation for every stripe of slime you could care to name. Vices could be indulged with no fear of judgement, no matter how depraved.

Now it was time to close the deal and hopefully find a way off this forsaken rock before -

"That's funny," purred a woman's voice, her refined Coruscanti accent seeming ludicrously out of place given the locale. The eyes of Leys' would-be employer bulged and he scrambled out of his chair, hightailing it out of the cantina. The all-too-familiar cold sensation of a blaster pistol's barrel pressed against the base of Leys's skull. His hunter's breath tickled his ear as she clapped a hand on his shoulder. He caught a whiff of her scent, something he couldn't put his finger on. "The way Graven tells it, you fled like a whipped kath hound after cheating him on a deal. You got too greedy."

Fuck, too late. Trying not to let his icy fear show, Leys acted nonchalant. He answered, "Deal? What deal? And won't you do a man the courtesy of letting him see who's trying to kill him - wrongly, I might add?" She laughed, a gentle, tinkling sound that only heightened the sense of unreality.

"I suppose I can indulge you. It doesn't change the fact that you and I are going to have a very long chat aboard my ship." The bite of the blaster pistol's muzzle relented, though it was clear the bounty hunter wasn't stupid, keeping her weapon trained on the unkempt man. Absent-mindedly, Leys noticed her thighs rubbing together in an odd fashion as she slinked to the other side of the booth and sat down. "My name is Keetua, and I'm taking you in on Boss Graven's behalf."

Leys squinted through the murky lighting. He couldn't stop his eyebrows from rising in surprise. She was tall, her feline features and fluffy, tawny fur immediately making her alien nature evident. She was dressed practically, though her black shirt was presently fighting a losing war to avoid displaying her bountiful cleavage and her leather waistcoat wasn't doing any better. If she wasn't here to kill or capture him, he would've thought her beautiful.

"What are you, anyway, Miss Keetua? A... cathar? Farghul?" He tried stalling for time, gesturing vaguely in her direction as he racked his brain for a way out of the situation. Perhaps if he made his own distraction he could get out of this.

"I'm a trianii," she sniffed dismissively, ear twitching. She leaned forward, her boobs spilling forward as they pressed against the table. Did he catch a glimpse of nipples poking against the fabric? "I must say, Terrik, you weren't hard to find. I may appreciate abstract art, but your fashion sense is both offensive and doesn't help you blend in." Leys bristled at the insult, but it was true: gaudy, expensive clothes were his trademark.

"You're not exactly fooling anyone with that accent either, lady," he shot back. Under the table he had unholstered his own blaster and was pointing it at a group of wookiees glaring at some trandoshans at a nearby table. Hopefully, they would only need a slight nudge to start a brawl. "I bet you haven't even been to the Core Worlds."

"How dare you!" It was Keetua's turn to look indignant. "But enough talk. It's time to stop this pointless charade. You're coming with me." She glanced somewhere to her side and mused, "Monol's probably wondering what the hold-up is."

Leys saw his chance and took it. A shot rang out, the crimson bolt scorching a particularly burly wookiee's leg mid-argument. Roaring in pain and anger, he stood up, charged the nearest trandoshan and swung a punch at the reptilian alien's face. His snaggle-toothed friend responded in kind, and soon the entire cantina had erupted in a chaotic barfight.

Leys dived for the sticky floor and began crawling for his life. Bottles sailed over his head. Clumsy drink-addled patrons stumbled over him. Blaster bolts began to singe his brightly coloured clothes. "Get back here!" yelled Keetua, ears back and teeth bared. She snapped off several shots at the smuggler's receding figure. Grimacing to himself, Leys began to shuffle faster. He was almost at the open door!

Once he was close enough - narrowly avoiding a concussion courtesy of a swung bar stool - Leys scrambled to his feet, dusting himself off as he sprinted from the cantina.

"Heh, did it again, you sly dog..." he muttered as he looked back, enjoying the cool wind of the Kesfirtan II day as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Maybe he could hotwire a ship. Terrik had scarcely begun to whistle one of his favourite songs when something massive, furry, and soft yet built like a durasteel wall rudely interposed itself between him and the starport. A strangely spicy scent briefly filled his nose. "Hey, watch where you're going, you...!"

His complaint died in his throat as he realised he was looking up at a huge, otter-like alien. Her sizeable rack left no illusions as to her gender, emphasised by the plunging neckline that reached the navel of her incongruously gossamer-thin, semi-transparent white dress. It hinted alluringly at what lay beneath, shadows and shapes visible through the garment. Equally as distracting were the alien's thick, muscular thighs that the raised hemline emphasised. It was as though someone had dressed a war droid in a noblewoman's clothes.

"Look what we have here," she boomed, her voice suitably imposing for someone of her stature and build. She cracked her knuckles, limbering herself up. "You're Leys Terrik, aren't you? Or is there a different human with fucking terrible taste in clothes who causes problems wherever he goes?"

"I don't know what you're blabbing about," Leys shrugged. "Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to get going!" Quick as a flash, he drew his blaster and squeezed off two shots from his hip. Instead of a mountain of muscle howling in pain, however, all he got for his efforts was the telltale actinic flash of a personal energy shield activating. The bolts dissipated harmlessly.

"Oh Sithspit!" He didn't get the chance to say anything else. For all her size, the alien could move. She sent his blaster pistol flying with a contemptuous backhand. The next blow drove the air from his lungs as she hit him in the gut. Reeling and wheezing, he could do nothing to stop her meaty lutrine tail from catching him in the side. He collapsed in a crumpled heap, groaning pathetically. The woman's foot pinned him in place. Not that he was in a state to resist.

"Pathetic," she snarled. From this angle she somehow managed to look even more imposing, a tower of strength. Leys let his eyes wander. Not like he could do anything else. The lightweight dress lifted in a passing breeze, giving him a tantalising glimpse underneath. He thought he momentarily saw some moisture catch the light, but it was hard to be sure. "I'm tempted to say this is where you belong."

"Don't get cocky," wheezed Leys. He instantly regretted it as he saw a flash of contempt cross the woman's face. Worse yet, Keetua had finally caught up to the pair. She was somewhat more dishevelled than when he'd last seen her. Her waistcoat had been dirtied in places and her fur wasn't quite as neat as it had been. In natural daylight he could see now that she was wearing a t-shirt, revealing the lean muscle of her arms. Of course, Keetua still didn't hold a candle to his captor's muscle. It was also plain as day that the trianii's rack was a good bit bigger than the other alien's bust, as well-endowed as she was. Creeping closer, she kept her blaster trained on the smuggler. Once again Leys was distracted by the sight of her legs rubbing against one another.

"I see you've met my associate, Monol Thia," said Keetua, chuckling. Her ears twitched occasionally as she picked up the sounds of the settlement. "You'll have to forgive my selonian friend, she has a low opinion of men."

Monol grunted. "It's not my fault that all they're good for is fucking." She shifted slightly, her free foot tapping the ground. "As much as I like seeing this guy beneath my heel, we'd better get going. I don't wanna have to explain what's going on to the dregs that pass for a police force here."

Keetua nodded, and Monol yanked Leys to his feet.

"Well, if you don't want to explain, maybe you could let me go?" asked Leys, his tone leavened with hope. The only response he got was Keetua slapping binders on his wrists. Monol kept a firm grip on him.

"Come on, let's head back to the Huntress," said Keetua. "We don't have any time to waste." Having nothing else to do, Terrik began to whistle. A swift prod from Keetua put an end to that. The frogmarch to the starport was short, and Leys kicked himself. If only he had been faster! However, it wasn't all bad. He could feel the pleasantly soft mass of Monol's chest pressing against him, her nipples poking him insistently.

The Huntress itself was a heavily armed, saucer-shaped thing, its narrow cockpit jutting out of its front. Sky blue accents helped off-set the gunmetal grey of most of the hull. A pair of squat ion engine pods positioned amidships gave it a balanced profile. "A Lancer-class? Nice ship," whistled Leys.

"Thank you," Keetua purred. "She's my pride and joy."

"Who added that?" he asked, admiring the stylised trianii figure on the hull.

"I did," said Monol. Her tone was almost proud. "I like customising our ships. Helps make it feel like home."

"You have hobbies?" A firm squeeze from Monol convinced Leys not to press the issue. He was led inside, and once more he could smell a strange spiciness in the air. It was strongest as they approached the pilot and co-pilot cabins at the front of the ship. Before he could mull it over further, he was shoved into the lounge. It was surprisingly spotless for a bounty hunter's ship. "Hey, watch it! I paid a lot of good credits for these threads!"

"Then you'll know better than to push your luck," said Monol.

"Settle down, Monol, he hasn't tried anything yet," said Keetua. She had a strange gleam in her feline eyes as she added, "I'm going to go tell Graven the bad news."

"Bad news?" Leys and Monol blurted out almost simultaneously. But Keetua was already out the door, leaving the odd pair alone in the room. Monol began tapping her foot to fill the silence. Leys began to whistle again but Monol glared darkly at him.

"You know, I never got to ask... why'd you wear that?" Leys ventured, gesturing at Monol's provocative dress. "I would've thought it would just get in the way."

"I wear it because I'm not ashamed of my body," said Monol. "We selonians have never cared much for others' conceptions of modesty... and nor do trianii. The main reason we wear more than some of our sisters is that it helps more self-conscious aliens take us more seriously." She jabbed an index finger at Leys. "So let me ask you the same thing: why do you wear that?"

"What, this?" He waved an arm languidly over his brightly coloured clothes. "It's how I express myself. I love making an impression. Wait a second..." He spotted a rather wicked looking glaive leaning against the spotless wall. Its angular obsidian blades gleamed in the artificial lighting. "...Why didn't you or Keetua bring that thing with you?"

"Because I wanted to give a small-time smuggler who asks too many questions the chance to talk about it!" hissed Monol with venomous sarcasm, her annoyance underlined by her thick tail slapping the wall she'd propped herself up against. "If I needed my glaive to subdue you then I would be getting slow. Or I'd be dead."

The pair continued their awkward chat for several minutes. Leys had even taken to playing with a caff mug printed with a MandalMotors logo in his boredom. Monol was still beating a steady tattoo with her foot, occasionally stealing glances in her captive's direction. As if summoned by Leys wondering what was taking Keetua so long, the trianii strode into the lounge and clapped her hands together. "Well, it's settled. Graven thinks Leys is dead, and we're keeping our human friend."

"You what?!" The selonian's objection drowned out Leys's own. She loomed over her feline comrade. Her expression was stormy. "You know that a selonian is as good as her word. We do not - cannot - lie! We may have been getting desperate, but..." Monol abruptly fell silent, dark eyes gauging Leys' reaction. The comparatively diminutive human was still reeling from the bombshell Keetua had dropped.

"Well, good thing that it was a trianii negotiating both times, then," purred Keetua, every inch of her features radiating smugness. Her look turned into something almost predatory as she eyed Leys. "And hey, it gives us a solid reason to keep this cute little thing locked up in our ship nice. And. Tight."

"I suppose..." Now it was Monol's turn for her body to betray her. She crossed her legs, thick cords of muscle in her thighs tensing and loosening. "It has been a long time..."

Suddenly, it all clicked. The strange scents. Keetua's legs rubbing together. The hint of dew beneath Monol's dress. "You're both more sex-starved than a Nexu in heat!" blurted out Leys.

"That's a crass way of putting it," said Keetua, folding her arms defensively and inadvertantly accentuating her bust in the process. "It's hard finding anyone who matches our... tastes in our line of work. Or at least anyone who we can trust to stick around."

"No, no, he's got it right. I'm getting pent up enough that even inanimate objects are starting to look pretty good," said Monol. "Oh, that reminds me: you might want to avoid the corners." She jabbed a finger at Leys's table. The smuggler almost jumped out of his seat, prompting a peal of laughter from the selonian. Controlling herself, she began to creep towards him. "Still, don't mind if I break our new toy in..."

Keetua held up a hand to stop her. "I'm captain, remember? And as captain, I say that I get first dibs." Monol snorted in annoyance, but stepped back. Keetua shucked off her waistcoat. "Come on, let's take this to a more appropriate venue."

She pulled Leys up by his arm and began to lead him out of the lounge. Monol trailed behind the pair.

"Wait, don't I get a say in this?" asked Leys. Keetua looked him over as they reached the captain's cabin. Here her scent was potent indeed, only rivalled by Monol's own spiciness from the co-pilot's cabin opposite it. "Or can you at least undo my binders?" Shamefully, despite himself he could feel his body beginning to stir.

"...No," she purred. Shoving him inside with slightly more force than strictly necessary, she added, "Get on the bed, please. Monol, join us. Wouldn't want to leave you out of proceedings! Who knows, maybe I can teach you something." Monol slid into the cabin, fidgeting with her hands. Settling onto the surprisingly plush bed, the sight struck Leys as strange. This was probably the closest he'd ever seen the towering bounty hunter to uncertain in their short time together.

Such thoughts were pushed out of his mind as Keetua used a single hand to shove him onto his back. "You know, ladies, this is all very sexy but -" Keetua shushed him with a furry finger.

"Just stay there." The trianii slinked onto the bed and crawled until her nose was almost touching the human's groin. Her eyes closed, as if stuck in a trance. Keetua seemed content to lie there, taking deep breaths as her right hand began to snake south. Then suddenly, her eyes snapped open, and she began undoing Leys's pants with only the barest hint of restraint.

Her prize lay before her. Leys's bulge was concealed by a pair of boxer shorts. Keetua leaned forward and nuzzled it, making Leys squirm slightly under her touch. "Well, lover boy, if this is all it takes to get you worked up then you've got a lot of stamina training ahead of you..." She hooked her fingers under the waistband, careful not to nick her newest toy. Leys surrendered to her wishes, shuffling awkwardly to help her work his already hard cock free.

"Ah, there you are," she cooed, her breath tickling him. "You look so much nicer like this." She began licking up and down his shaft, enjoying how he fidgeted in his restraints. Despite what Leys had feared, the trianii's tongue wasn't very rough at all - in fact, it had a strangely pleasurable bumpiness to it. Keetua was an expert, her warm, wet tongue delicately teasing the underside of his tip. Distantly, Leys was aware of the sound of Monol's breath quickening, but he only had eyes for Keetua in this moment. She briefly withdrew, admiring how Leys had lost his cool. His eyes pleaded with her to remove the binders, to let him do more than be completely at her whim.

"Now watch this." Smirking and with one hand buried deep in her own pants, Keetua opened her jaw wide and curved her broad tongue into roughly a "U" shape. With graceful precision, she nestled Leys's dick on her tongue, the muscle forming a delightfully hot and wet cushion and keeping his maleness from her teeth. She started off slow, pumping her head back and forth, building in speed as her confidence and desire grew to ever giddier heights. The sensation was indescribable, making Leys buck against his captor.

His dick twitched and throbbed, pre spilling across Keetua's tongue. She relished it as if it were the finest drink in the galaxy, flexing her tongue to bring more of it in contact with his tip. Leys tried and failed to prevent a moan escape his lips. Keetua giggled, the vibrations proving oddly enjoyable for the bound smuggler. "If you're not careful, I'm going to..." gasped Leys. Suddenly he found the enticing warmth of Keetua's tongue gone, the sudden wet coolness against his dick making him shiver.

"It's fair to say you're ready," purred Keetua, peeling off her black shirt to leave herself gloriously bare from the waist up. The hand that had previously been stuck down her trousers was now sodden with her feminity, dampening her fur as she grabbed a hefty handful of titflesh and gave it a long, hard squeeze. Her breasts were capped with pink nipples that were as hard as vibrodaggers. "But now it's your turn to make your mistress ready." The way she stressed those two little words sent an involuntary, shameful shudder up her captive's spine. Before Leys could even think of responding, she had seized him by the shoulders. Pulling him close, she growled, "Get going."

Leys knew better than to argue. Burying himself in her chest, he began to suck on and tease her nipples, his efforts earning him a hitch in Keetua's panting and a shiver. He could still taste a hint of her essence where she had been groping herself. Her tits were so big that he almost felt as if he were drowning in them, but Keetua didn't let him take more than an occasional breath. As awkward as it was with his hands still bound, Leys tweaked her nipples with his dextrous fingers, making Keetua only press harder against him. She was utterly overwhelming to him, barely giving him the opportunity to keep up. He almost felt cheated when Keetua got up and shimmied out of her trousers.

"Alright... I think that's enough," panted Keetua, absent-mindedly flicking one of her nipples with her fingers. "I feel bad leaving you out, Monol. Ride his face. I'm going to claim my right as captain." The feline alien quickly slipped off her panties, but Leys didn't have much time to enjoy the view before Monol made her move.

"Fucking finally." The huge otter-like bounty hunter's nipples were prominent under the gossamer-thin material of her dress, which she had hitched up to reveal her sodden slit. A few strings of her arousal hung between her fingertips. Smirking, she pushed Leys down and straddled his upper torso. From this angle the selonian's thick thighs seemed as big and immovable as canyon walls. The scent of her lust was all too apparent to the smuggler. He could feel Keetua taking hold of his dick and adjusting her position. The warmth of her touch and the situation he now found himself in elicited an involuntary throb, but he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Get started," growled Monol, leering at him over the curve of her rack. To emphasise her point, she shimmied forward and pressed the human's face against her mound, shivering and instinctively grinding against him. Almost simultaneously Keetua slid Leys's cock into her, the heat and silky pressure nearly making Leys gasp. The smuggler's tongue snaked into Monol's depths, tasting her essence. The taste was strangely alluring; unlike a human the selonian's juices were slightly thicker, smearing over his face and indelibly marking him with Monol's scent. "That's what I like to see...!" she panted.

"Good boy," Keetua purred. The trianii had wasted no time in fucking their newfound toy, her pussy squeezing Leys's dick as she pumped her hips in a slow roll. Waves of pleasure raced through Leys as he tried to meet her thrusts with his own, though the combined weight of the well-built bounty hunters meant he couldn't move very much. By this point Monol's fur was matted with her lust. Leys could also feel Keetua's juices beginning to pool around his crotch, the feline alien gasping her pleasure. "Ffffuck, I've been needing this...!" She was pistoning harder on him now, getting faster and faster as ancient instinct egged on her efforts to slake her libido. It was all that Leys could do not to blow his load immediately.

Not to be outdone, Monol was facefucking Leys at this point, revelling in the human's efforts to eat her out. Her muscular thighs tensed and untensed, and the selonian's cunt seemed determined to keep hold of his tongue. "You know... I was wrong..." she huffed, prompting a muffled questioning sound from Leys. "You don't belong at my feet... you belong between my legs!" She redoubled her efforts, barely giving the smuggler time to catch his breath.

It didn't take long for everyone to reach their peaks. With a growl, Monol seized Leys's head and bucked hard. A spray of her juices flooded Leys's mouth and coated his face again, his painfully hard dick twitching shamefully. A yowl of feral lust signalled Keetua's own orgasm, her pussy clamping down hard on Leys and greedily milking his seed as he finally came. The two heat-addled aliens rode him to another orgasm not long afterwards, and the euphoria of finally being able to release his pent-up cum was almost too much for Leys as he writhed under the duo.

They lay in a tangled heap of sweaty, sex-slickened bodies, simply enjoying the afterglow. The only sounds were the soft whirr and hum of the shipboard systems and the ragged breathing of the bounty hunters and their captive. After several long minutes Keetua slid off of Leys, shivering with brief aftershocks of pleasure. Beginning to put her clothes back on, she smiled languidly as she regarded the scene before her. "What a pretty picture this is, don't you think?" The smuggler was too drained to reply; Monol simply grunted her approval. "Well, I'm heading off to the cockpit. This was fun but even Kesfirtan II's finest will track down our docking bay eventually. We'll have plenty of time to have fun with our new toy later."

"Let's blow this rock," rumbled Monol, getting off of Leys - though not before giving his untidy hair an appreciative ruffle. Keetua was already out of the cabin, doubtless prepping the ship for take-off.

"Now hold on a second," called Leys as Monol stood in the doorway. The distinct rumble of an active sublight drive was swiftly being joined by another, the pair thrumming in harmony. The selonian paused. "Aren't you going to remove these binders? My wrists are killing me! It's not like I could overpower you two anyway!"

"Maybe later." Monol grinned. "After all, I still haven't gotten to break you in... and I like my men all tied up, begging, and ready for the taking."

"Oh, come on!" shouted Leys. She sauntered out of the cabin, a sway in her tail as she ignored Leys's pleas. Soon enough, the smuggler was left with his own thoughts. Sure, he'd managed to finally get a ticket off this stupid mudball... but it seemed that he had a long, hard road ahead of him. Though he would've sworn otherwise, secretly part of him was looking forward to seeing what the two bounty hunters would do next. He found himself smiling despite his predicament. The Huntress lurched skyward, the g-force pushing him into the plush bed. "Leys, ol' buddy, just what have you gotten yourself into...?"

Pub: 23 Aug 2024 05:52 UTC
Views: 434