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꒰ ︵︵︵︵﹙BASIC DNI LIST*﹚﹐𓂃𓂃 ੭

♡ - if you are lgbtqia+phobic (including transmeds, exclusionists, terfs and illegitmate sexualities/pronouns**) ♡ - if you fetishize the LGBTQIA+ relationships and community in type of way ♡ - if you are cishet/straight and say homophobic/transphobic things AT ALL- including "jokes" (u cant joke abt it if ur cishet/straight) ♡ - if you misgender/deadname a person bcuz ur "mad at them" ♡ - if you assume ones gender, pronouns, or race/enthincity/nationality out of anger ♡ - if you are racist, anti-semetic, xenphobic/islamophobic ♡ - participate/support in representation erasure (ex. whitewashing/blackwashing) ♡ - if you are an abelist/mentalist ♡ - if you fake or have faked any type of mental or physical disability (it's understandable if you have changed and apologised for your actions) ♡ - if you are sexist/misogynistic ♡ - if you are pedophilic/MAP ♡ - if you call children "lolis" ♡ - if you are fatphobic ♡ - if you make fun of someones looks, weight, height, etc. ♡ - if you are anti-religous (doesn't matter the religion) ♡ - if you force your religon onto others or bring it into politics ♡ - if you disrespect neo-pronouns, age regression, furries, and dark fashion styles - including "jokes"*** ♡ - if you say slurs you can't reclaim - including "jokes" (if you can't reclaim it don't say it even if its a joke) ♡ - if you try to excuse yourself after saying a slur you cannot reclaim bcuz "you were mad" ♡ - if you send gore/NSFW/SH**** images/links as a joke or you were "mad" ♡ - if you make doxxing, rape, hacking, or suicide threats ♡ - if you support toxic/problematic ppl (ex. Travis Scott, tommyinit, Nicki Minaj, etc.) ♡ - if you are a toxic kpop, dsmp, MHA, danganronpa, etc. fan ♡ - if you make fun of ppl's intrests/likings ♡ - if you make fun of ppl's comfort characters ♡ - if you make fun of ppl's relationships/crushes ♡ - if you make jokes about grooming, rape, pedophilia, incest, etc.

*dni: DO NOT INTERACT **i.e. super straight/bi/gay, MAP
nor/mal, etc. (if they're meant to
mock someone, i don't fw you)
***if you aren't making disrespectful jokes about neo-pronouns, age regression,
furries or dark fashion styles all is good (mean while you are DNI)
****NSFW: Not Safe For Work (basically porn) SH: Self-Harm

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Pub: 30 Jul 2022 21:32 UTC
Edit: 31 Jul 2022 00:31 UTC
Views: 179