ill deco this and make it pretty soon....................
hello!! i'm mintii, my pronouns are
she/they, i'm korean, and im a minor.
i'm always happy to make new friends!
i like consuming various media in
my free time!! tv shows, movies,
manga, webtoons, literature, novels,
etcetera. you can check my interests
list to see if we have any common
interests!! i also get possessive and
defensive over my interests easily so
if you insult a series i really like or
claim to be a bigger fan of it or in
some cases just be a fan i might
block you;; it's nothing personal!
i'm just a bit crazy about my ints
and fixations,,
i also like to draw in my free
time!! i've been meaning to also
get into journaling and i've been
searching how to make felt dolls.
i also really enjoy listening to
music!! especially music with a
female vocalist that hs a soft voice,,
lasah and mili oh how i love you