
BootyGuard: Your Guide to Safe and Secure Piracy

Piracy is a common practice, but it comes with risks. We've all heard scary stories about people getting infected with malware while downloading from torrent sites. But what if we told you that with our help, you can protect yourself and avoid those horror stories altogether?

Our guide is designed to help you download your favorite media safely and without the risk of infections. By following our tips, you'll learn how to choose reliable sources, how to check for malware, and how to safeguard your device from cyber threats. With BootyGuard, you can download with confidence and peace of mind. So why take chances when you can protect your booty?

1. Getting a good VPN

If you're going to torrent, make sure to get a reliable VPN with good security and privacy features. Not all VPNs are created equal, so do your research and pick one that best fits your needs. Make sure to check if the VPN supports p2p before making a decision. Here's a list of good and safe VPNs:

2. Using Adblockers

Using an adblocker can help protect your computer from malicious ads and pop-ups that could potentially infect your computer with malware. i recommend giving uBlock Origin a try. It's an adblocker that's known for being effective and easy to use. And to get the most out of it, I suggest following this helpful guide:

3. Configure your torrent client

Before you start torrenting, you need to bind qBittorrent to your VPN to make sure that even if your VPN stops working, your real IP address is never revealed. Here's a guide on how to bind qBittorrent to your VPN:

  1. Open the qBittorrent application on your computer.
  2. Select the “Tools” tab and then click on “Options”.
  3. Under the “Connection” tab, select the “Bind to IP address or interface” option.
  4. Select your VPN connection from the drop-down menu.
  5. Close the “Options” window and restart qBittorrent for the changes to take effect.
  6. Connect to your VPN and then open qBittorrent to verify that it is now bound to your VPN.
  7. Do a VPN leak test here:

4. Download from trusted sources

It is important to only download files from trusted sources to avoid malware and other security risks. If you don't know where to start check out this awesome wiki: Keep in mind that even trusted sites can have malware if they allow user uploads.

4. Scanning with virustotal

Virustotal is a free online service that allows you to check if a file is infected with malware or not by scanning it with multiple antivirus engines. This tool is very useful for pirates as they can use it to check if the cracked software they want to download is safe or not. However, downloading potentially harmful files and scanning them on your computer can put you at risk of infecting your system with malware.
That's why we recommend using a safer method to scan your files with Virustotal by following this guide: The guide will show you how to use Google Colab and Google Drive to scan files with Virustotal without the need to download the file to your computer, which is much safer. It also includes steps on how to create a dummy account and team drive to ensure your safety and privacy.

6. Use your common sense

Always use your common sense and be careful when downloading files from the internet. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Avoid suspicious websites and files, and always verify that the files you download are legitimate and safe to use.

By following these simple instructions, you can set sail on the high seas of piracy while keeping your computer and personal information secure.

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Pub: 14 Feb 2023 03:39 UTC
Edit: 22 May 2023 18:38 UTC
Views: 54111