The Boy And The Fairy

ArthurSummer2 (Literotica)

Desc: A man stranded on an island finds pleasure with a futa fairy.

Note to the reader: This story contains heavy futanari/dickgirl/chicks with dicks on male action. This story additionally includes anal, tentacle plants, and urethral insertion, also known as sounding. If you don't like these themes, then this story is not for you.

Chapter 1

His name was Jemidah, and he was supposed to be a sailor. Briefly, he even was a sailor, serving aboard the Busty Mermaid mere hours ago. Everything went south, however, when the other men onboard the merchant ship began eyeing him and his body. It all finally came to a head when the captain informed him that they would be stranding him on the next island that they came across. According to him, and the rest of the crew when he asked around, he was too feminine. He was giving the other sailors impure thoughts, and that just couldn't be allowed. Not aboard his ship. They gave him about three days of rations and stranded him on an uncharted, yet verdant island.

"Those fucking fucks!" Jemidah yelled to the sky as he ineffectually hacked through the thick underbrush with a stick that he had found on the sandy shore of the island. "How dare they kick me off the ship for being 'too feminine'! What do they even mean by that? I'm twice the man any of them are."

Jemidah was more pouting than navigating. He understood objectively that he would have to locate shelter, water, and a food source if he was going to have any chance at escaping, but at the moment he would rather vent and yell than do anything productive. His wanderings lead him deep within the tropical forest that seemed to cover this island entirely. When he finally sat down on the roots of a large tree to catch his breath, he finally took the time to look around. The local flora was just like any other tropical flora that he had seen, except for one plant. It was a single large flower at the base of a tree. The stock of this enormous flower was thick and woody, like the trunk of a short tree, and its bright pink petals were closed tight.

Not having anything better to do, Jemidah decided to go investigate this strange plant. He stood up and moved over to the flower, walking around it and inspecting it closer. Was it edible? Did it rely on some dangerous insect to pollinate? He placed his hands on the fleshy petals and moved his face closer to the center of the closed petals to try to smell it. As he did this, the petals opened slightly and a puff of pollen shot out into his face, hitting his nostrils just as he inhaled. He had expected it to smell sweet, but instead it had an all-to-human scent. It smelled like Jemidah's own cock after a long day. Before he even knew that he was doing it, Jemidah was inhaling the scent deeply. Shame flushed his face as he realized that he actually enjoyed it and wanted more. He felt almost intoxicated by the smell of the flower.

With great mental difficulty, Jemidah pulled himself away from the mysterious plant. He would never be able to live with himself knowing that he enjoyed a smell like that so much. As he stumbled back, he realized that the island was swelteringly hot, and he was fully clothed. To remedy the situation, Jemidah began to strip, hanging his clothes on some low-hanging branches. Before he knew it, he was buck naked in the middle of the forest. He hadn't meant to strip that far, but it had just felt so right. The island air brushing against his exposed nether regions reminded him just how horny he was. So incredibly horny. As he began jacking off his stiffening cock, his mind wandered. He had always heard of prostitutes that would provide anal play for their male clients. He wondered why they liked it so much. Was there something special about it?

As Jemidah's hand wandered to his rear end to experimentally play with his ass, his eyes wandered back over to the flower. The petals had fully opened while he was getting undressed, and a large, thick stamen was sticking out if it, glistening and covered in some clear fluid. Jemidah's anal sphincter seemed to relax against his own probing finger at the sight of this fleshy plant appendage. Quickly looking around, he saw no living creature in sight, and quickly hurried over to the flower and backed his ass up against the flower. He felt the thick stamen probe against his anus, and he was overcome with desire to get it inside of him. All thoughts of his own cock pushed from his mind, Jemidah slowly, but insistently, lowered himself onto the pre-lubed flower pole until he felt his ass cheeks press down against the petals. He was impressed that the flower was sturdy enough to take his whole weight, and even more impressed that he had been able to take the monster of a stamen into his ass. It hadn't even hurt at all! In fact, his ass felt great. The stamen was pressing against his prostate in all the right ways, and he was filled with euphoria from the ass up.

Now that he had impaled himself on the flower's stamen, his lust went into overdrive and he began to bounce his body up and down on the flower. The stamen was so long that he didn't have to worry about it accidentally slipping out, so he fucked the flower with his own ass with reckless abandon. With every thrust, he could feel the pressure growing inside him, the pleasure become more and more intense. He knew that he was going to cum from shoving a plant cock up his ass, he just had to keep riding it.

Just as he was on the brink of orgasm, Jemidah slammed his ass down onto the flower in an attempt to get the stamen as deep inside him as possible, and that's when it happened. The base of the stamen, which was now firmly lodged in his rectum, expanded like a dog's cock when it orgasms. As the base expanded, Jemidah could feel his guts being pumped with something gooey, the plant's seeds. He tried to pull himself up to continue the fucking and get himself off, but he realized that he was held tight. The inflated bulb in his ass was so large that he was trapped with it impaled inside of him. He gyrated desperately against the flower to try to cum, and even thought it felt good, it wasn't quite enough. He was losing progress toward orgasm.

As the young man was gyrating helplessly against the flower that had filled his bowels with seed with his painfully erect cock flopping about, a small woman flew from behind a large leaf of one of the nearby trees.

"Um, excuse me good sir. Can you understand my language?" Her skin was a hot pink, and she seemed to glow with an aura of the same color. She was flying toward the young man on dragon fly wings and was wearing wraps made of leaves. When she got close enough, Jemidah could see that she was about a foot tall, give or take.

"Huh? Wha? Yeah, I can understand you," Jemidah said breathlessly in his lust drunken stupor, still desperately grinding against the flower hoping for an anal orgasm. The chemical effects of the flower were so strong on him that he didn't think to be shocked by the revelation that fairies were real, to be ashamed or embarrassed about what he was doing, or even to try to rub his cock to reach orgasm. All he could think about was the huge, fleshy bulb lodged in his rectum.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Said the fairy, now hovering close to him. "I was watching your performance, and I have to say that I am very turned on. I was wondering, would you let me make love to you?"

Jemidah looked over at her. He still wasn't thinking straight, but he was clear headed enough to understand that fucking lead to cumming, and dear lord did he want to cum right now.

"Yes, yes please!" Jemidah exclaimed. "Do whatever you want, I just want to cum!"

The fairy giggled and removed her leafy vestments. Her tits were large in comparison to her body, and her waist was thin and her hips wide. He had the perfect hour glass figure, scaled down to a woman only a little bigger than his hand. There was one abnormality that he didn't expect to see on a woman, however. Between her legs dangled a cock, glowing the same pink as the rest of her. It wasn't a large cock objectively, but compared to the rest of her body, it seemed to hand down almost to her knees while flaccid. The fairy grabbed her meat rod and began stroking. In no time she was erect. Jemidah guessed that her cock must have been nearly three inches long, but it wasn't very thick. Additionally, there were no testicles between her legs.

"Fuck that's hot," Jemidah moaned, still grinding his hips against the flower. He had already taken one genital in his body today, what difference did two make?

"I'm glad you think so, now hold still," The fairy said, grabbing the head of Jemidah's rock hard cock when he reluctantly stopped grinding his hips.

"What are you going to do?" Jemidah asked groggily.

"Don't worry," She began. "You're going to like this."

With that, the small fairy woman lined her long, thin cock up with the slit at the end of Jemidah's penis which was already desperately dripping pre-cum. She slipped the head of her cock into the slit of his penis and began feeding her long fairy cock down his urethra.

Once again, Jemidah thought that this should have hurt, but it didn't. Her cock stretched out his urethra as it worked its way down his cock, and he could even see the bulge of it moving the wrong way through his penis toward his body. But there was no pain. This was weird, of course. Jemidah had tried fingering the slit of his own cock on more than one occasion, and it had always been painful. How this fairy cock was able to get so far without hurting was a miracle.

When the fairy had finally bottomed out against the head of his cock, she began to withdraw and slowly begin to fuck his cock. She started slowly, but she quickly began to pick up speed and was soon fucking his cock with vigor. Strangely, it felt good. Really good. The sensation was similar to conventional sex, but the pleasure was coming from inside the cock, not outside. Whatever the difference was, it didn't matter to Jemidah as he felt his orgasm once again getting closer and closer. He closed his eyes and moaned, whispering to the fairy to fuck him harder.

He was so close, just moments away from orgasm, when he felt the fairy's cock begin to twitch inside his own. With this much pressure, he could feel everything her cock did. Before he knew it, she was moaning and her cock was spurting a fluid into his own. It felt weird, her cum shooting into his cock, but he was so horny that he liked it.

"Wait, you're done?!" He cried out, as the fairy's cock shrunk within him and she began to withdraw. "I still need to cum!"

"I'm sorry, stranger," The fairy said. "But that flower that sprayed you in the face will suppress any orgasm you might have for a while. You might feel like you're getting close, but you won't be able to go over the edge until it wears off. It's the plant's way of making sure that you don't leave until it's seeds are released inside of you."

"Oh, no..." Jemidah moaned, defeated.

"If you would like, you could come with me and I could make love to your cock some more later?" The fairy suggested, hopefully.

"Yeah, yeah I'd like that," Jemidah was still under the influence of the strange aphrodisiac plant.

"Wondrous! What's your name?" The fairy asked.

"My name is Jemidah. But people call me Jem for short." Jemidah replied.

"And my name is Raisa," The fairy offered. "By the way, the flower has probably shrunk by now. You can probably stand up if you'd like."

With grumbled disappointment, Jemidah stood, the soft fleshy stamen now flopping out of his ass, followed by a dribble of tiny, round seeds covered in a white goo as his anal sphincter struggled to close after it's intense plant fucking.

"You probably don't want to put your pants on for a while," The Raisa said, flying over to his clothes. "That delightful plant spreads its seed by filling you with it and getting you to spread it all over the island as it leaks out."

"Thanks for the advice," Jemidah said as he grabbed his clothes. His modesty slowly returning to him, Jemidah decided to put on his shirt at least, even if it meant that he would be walking around in the forest with his tumescent junk swinging freely in the thick forest.

"Come with me, I know of a good cave near a stream and some fruit trees. You can rest and wash up there," Raisa said. "And maybe we can... enjoy each other's company some more."

Chapter 2

Having washed up in a nearby stream and eating some succulent fruit from a fruit tree that Raisa showed him, Jemidah was reclining naked on the cave floor. Things had seemed pretty terrible when the crew of his old ship were rowing him out to be stranded on this island, but now he had food, water, shelter, and was hornier than he had ever been in his life with several new sexual experiences under his belt. Not to mention, he now knew of the existence of fairies and even had one as a fuck-buddy. If only he could cum, life would be good. Jemidah drifted off to sleep, fondling his cock as Raisa watched from her position sitting on his chest.

Later on in the day, Jemidah found himself blinking awake. His cock was rock hard again, and as he lay there he noticed that Raisa was actually sitting around the base of his shaft and rubbing his cock to full mast.

"There, you're awake!" Raisa exclaimed, taking flight and hovering in front of his face. She let her stiffening cock hang before his face as she spoke to him. "The plant's spores should be mostly worn off by now. Do you want to make love again?"

"Fuck yes!" Jemidah exclaimed, sitting up. He was so horny he couldn't think straight, even when not under the influences of some strange plant's chemical aphrodisiac.

"Here, Jem, kneel in front of this rock," Raisa said, flying over to a boulder lying in the cave.

As Jemidah kneeled in front of the rock, he realized that it was almost the perfect height to put his erect cock level with the tiny fairy woman who had taken him in. Raisa stood on the bounder and was rubbing her cock with some kind of lubricant that she had taken out of a fruit laying nearby. When she was done, she grabbed the head of his cock and lined her cock up with the slit of his penis. Jemidah could see that her face was flushed an even deeper shade of pink than her normal skin tone as she began to slowly thrust her fairy cock into his urethra. She seemed to be just as horny as he was.

Once again, the fairy cock didn't hurt going down his urethra, filling his cock and stretching him open. When she bottomed out and her hips touched the tip of his penis, Raisa stopped and looked up into his eyes.

"You know, Jem, I do have magic," She began. "My penis doesn't have to be this size. If you would like, I could grow it ever so slightly and stretch you out. You seem to be able to take my girth and length right now. Would you like me to stretch you out? Would you like me to make your penis into a proper fairy love hole?"

Something about the way that she said 'proper fairy love hole' made Jemidah want to become that. It was probably just that he was so aroused that he could slip into the deepest pits of depravity, but with this beautiful woman's dick shoved deep into his own urethra, he wanted nothing more than to become the perfect fuck toy for her to stretch and fuck.

"Yeah, I think I would like you to go a little bigger," Jemidah almost moaned. "Stretch my cock. I want to be able to take a bigger cock in my dick. Let's keep going bigger and bigger every time we fuck."

Jemidah could tell that he was using some words that were unfamiliar to this fairy, but she seemed encouraged and waved her hand along the portion of his cock that contained her smaller cock. Moments later, Jemidah could feel her cock expanding within him, and the walls of his urethra begin to stretch. Just as the size became uncomfortable, her cock stopped growing. He felt so full and wonderful. He was starting to feel like his cock was meant to be penetrated. Like he was meant to receive, and his penis was more of a boy pussy than anything else.

Raisa, her spell complete, began to slowly fuck his cock. They were both enthralled by the sight of her cock bulge moving into and out of his penis as she fucked him. The sight encouraged the little fairy, and Raisa began to fuck his cock harder and harder. Once again, Jemidah could feel his orgasm building with every thrust. Given how teased he had been earlier that day, it wasn't long before he felt his orgasm approach.

"I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum!" Jemidah yelled, thinking that the fairy would want to pull out before she took a dick full of his human-sized loads.

Raisa, however, just kept fucking his cock, even as his balls began to tense and his body was wracked by orgasm. Strangely enough, however, nothing came out. Jemidah felt the orgasm, and he felt his body tense up trying to shoot his white hot cum onto the fairy, but there was nothing. As he finished cumming, he realized that his orgasm didn't properly subside. Usually when he had sex or pleasured himself, there would be a hard cliff after he came and his cock would become useless for a little while. That wasn't the case this time. He subsided to a pleasurable state before orgasm, and his cock was still as hard as a rock.

Raisa wasn't deterred by the young man's orgasm and kept pumping into his urethra with all her might. Moments later, she followed his orgasm with one of her own. Her newly enlarged cock twitched and spurted load after load into Jemidah's waiting and willing cock. As she pulled out, there was a single strand of brilliant cum that glittered with all the colors of the rainbow that connected them.

"That was amazing!" Jemidah sighed, falling back onto his ass with his red, erect cock sticking straight out in front of him. He was more satisfied than when they had started, but he was still horny, and aroused.

"It truly was," Raisa cooed, a happy, contented smile filling her face as her cock slowly shrunk to its flaccid size.

"What happened to my orgasm there?" Jemidah asked. "I thought I would cum so much, and that you'd be drenched."

"You're fully of fairy cum, Jem," Raisa explained. "Our cum fills your balls and prevents ejaculation. When you're all full of fairy cum, you'll have to fuck a forest nymph. That's how we reproduce!"

"Um... What?" Jemidah was taken aback.

"Yes, the forest nymphs are too large for us fairies to copulate with. So we find other creatures and fill them with our cum so that they can fuck the nymphs for us. My plan is to take you to my village when you're ready so that the rest of the fairies can help me fill you up. Is that okay?" Suddenly Raisa became embarrassed, almost as if it had just occurred to her that what she said might not be acceptable to him.

"Uh, I guess?" Jemidah said tentatively. It was somewhat disturbing to think of his balls as being a repository for countless fairy loads, but on the other hand, it meant that he'd get a lot more amazing sex like he had just experienced, and that he'd get to fuck a hot forest nymph at the end of it.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked you first," Raisa said, now definitely feeling self conscious. "I just wasn't thinking about it. We don't often reproduce, so we just assume that it will be okay."

"No, no it's fine," Jemidah reassured her. "I was just a little surprised. Now that I think about it, I think that I would like that. It sounds good to me."

"I'm glad!" Raisa was filled with joy and flew to hug his face. Jemidah tried not to protest as her cum covered cock rubbed up against his chin. "We can leave for my village tomorrow."


The next day, Jemida found himself walking into a clearing made by the fairies, Raisa leading him excitedly by the finger. The fairy houses were made out of wood and leaves and snaked their way up the trees around the clearing. They were smaller than any human house, but were still two to three feet tall. He identified a bazaar-like market district in the center of the clearing that was positively buzzing with activity as glowing women flew about. It was at this point that Jemidah realized that not every fairy was pink. They were all different colors. Women glowing blue, orange, yellow, purple, red, and every other color imaginable were flitting about, carrying woven baskets filled with goods.

At the intrusion of this giant humanoid into their territory, the hustle and bustle of fairy society stopped as they all turned to look at him.

"Sisters!" Raisa exclaimed, opening her arms as she entered the village. "It is time for us to mate! I have found this young man in the forest, and he has agreed to help us bring new life into the world!"

At her embarrassing declaration, the entire village cheered. Fairies dropped whatever they were doing and yelled out their joy, clapping and swarming up from all around to greet Raisa as though she were some chosen hero. Shortly after congratulating the returned fairy, the rest of her village moved to inspect the strange young man in small groups. They poked and prodded him, whispering and giggling as they pulled at the hems of his clothes and pawed at the bulge in his trousers.

For his part, Jemidah tried to be kind and polite despite how awkward the situation felt to him. It almost felt like he was a piece of meat on display for these tiny, flying women to investigate and discuss. Was this how women in human society felt when they got hollered at? For him, though, it was kind of arousing. He wasn't unpopular with the ladies in his society, but men just didn't get this kind of attention where he came from. And being in reverse position felt... erotic.

"Here, follow me into the center of the village," Raisa said, flying near his face and breaking him from his revelry. "We're going to have a feast!"

The small pink fairy woman lead Jemidah to the center of town where the other fairies were already busily flying about preparing for the festivities. Clearly these ladies didn't waste any time. He had just gotten to the village, and their immediate reaction was to party.


When all of the preparations were complete, the fairies undressed Jemidah, flying around him and lifting his clothes away like a scene from an erotic Disney movie. They didn't have any furniture that could fit him, so he sat on the soft grass as the fairies flew about serving food and drinks. They seemed to be mostly vegetarian, and they served him berries, fruits, and loaves of bread that were the size of small biscuits to him. They also seemed to have copious quantities of a fruity wine that they made, and Jemidah could feel it getting to his head. He hadn't had very much substantial food in the last two days.

About halfway through the feast, the fairies began to 'prepare' him. They took turns in his lap, rubbing his sensitive cock and full balls until he was at full mast and then decorating his cock in multicolored floral wreathes and painting his skin all the colors of the rainbow. By the end of the feast he looked like an art school disaster and his painfully erect cock was wrapped tightly with the stems of flowers.

The fairies guided Jemidah over to a nearby stump where he could comfortably crouch with his cock in an easily accessible location. Raisa took position in front of Jemidah's raging cock head and began to slather her right arm in the same clear lubricant that she had used on him before.

"Since I brought you home, I get the honor of being the first to prepare you and to start filling you up," Raisa explained as she began to finger his cock slit with the fingers on her lubed hand.

"So how does this work? How much does it take to 'fill me up'?" Jemidah asked, gasping as Raisa's small hand began to work its way into his cock and down his urethra.

"It takes a village. That's our saying, at least," Raisa giggled as she began pistoning her balled hand in and out of him, effectively fisting his cock. "The village is going to make love to you tonight. We're going to fill your testicles until you're ready to impregnate a nymph."

"All of you? Now?" Jemidah asked breathlessly. Looking around, he could see dozens of fairies floating around him, their clothes now gone and their multicolored cocks slowly standing to attention as they watched their sister work his cock hole. He remembered how he had stayed erect and horny even after Raisa had brought him to orgasm with her cock fucking. It was something in the fairy semen. Every one of these beautiful women was going to be pounding his cock by night's end, and he loved the idea.

Raisa withdrew her fist from his cock and Jemidah could see how loose his once tight slit now was. Loose and lubed up. He was ready for these fairies. Raisa replaced her fist with her raging erection and began to lovingly pump her cock in and out of his urethra. His cock felt so full and wonderful. The friction from within quickly bringing him to orgasm in his sensitive state. He tried not to buck too much as orgasm rocked his body so that he wouldn't dislodge the beautiful woman fucking his cock from the wrong direction. Once again his arousal didn't fully subside after his orgasm and his raging hard cock remained erect for Raisa to pump to her hearts content. She began to fuck him in earnest, vigorously pounding her cock in and out of his stretched urethra. She nearly brought him to a second orgasm before Jemidah could feel her cock twitch and begin spurting her fairy cum down his urethra and into his body.

Jemidah moaned as Raisa withdrew her softening cock, not wanting the pleasure to stop when he was so close to orgasm. He didn't have to wait long though as another fairy took her place before his stretched cock hole. Her skin was a deep red and her cock was thicker and longer than Raisa's. As she placed the head of her lubed cock against Jemidah's loose slit, she started thrusting into him, stretching his cock further than he had yet experienced.

The stretching feeling of this bigger fairy extended deeper and deeper down his cock until she was buried nearly all the way down his cock and almost into the root of his penis. When she finally bottomed out in him, she started thrusting with vigor. Jemidah just sat there and took her cock with only a moan of pleasure in protest. He didn't have to wait long before he could feel himself tense up as the pleasure of a new orgasm built within him. This time his orgasm was so intense that he couldn't stop himself from bucking his hips as he was rocked by waves of pleasure. This caused the red fairy to grab on to his cock head in order to keep herself buried deep in his cock, and her intense grip only increased the power of his already mind-numbing orgasm.

Jemidah's orgasm subsided enough for the fairy to continue her fucking, and before he knew it he could feel the edge of orgasm rising within his body. Before he could finish again, however, the fairy buried deep in his cock let out a feminine moan as her cock enlarged, twitched, and shot her rainbow colored goo down his cock hole and into his urethra.

The red fairy leaned down and gave his cock head a kiss as she withdrew her softening cock from his abused cock hole. The next fairy to take her place was a light blue, almost turquoise, woman with a smaller cock than even Raisa. She was curvy, had an incredible tit-to-body-ratio, and could easily be described as 'thicc'. Her cock didn't stretch Jemidah's abused hole nearly as much as the other fairies, and she was only able to bring him back to the edge of orgasm before she, too, was filling his balls with her colorful sperm.

The next fairy was a deep yellow and her cock thin but incredibly long. Her long, beautiful, glowing cock filled his cock completely, going all the way down and prodding at his prostate. With such a deep probing, it wasn't long before Jemidah was cumming again, his cock pulsing and yet still releasing none of the fairy cum that had been filling him.

Next was a deep blue fairy with a cock much like Raisa's. And Jemidah came again. After her came a large purple fairy with a short, but incredibly fat cock that stretched his cock to such an uncomfortable degree that he wasn't able to cum. But strangely enough, Jemidah found himself enjoying this incredible stretching almost more than an orgasm. After the purple fairy came an orange fairy with a smaller cock. Even though she wasn't as thick or long as some of the others, she still made him cum with her insistent, deep thrusts down his cock hole.

The fairies continued to fuck his cock one by one, making him orgasm over and over again as his balls expanded with an entire tribe's worth of futa fairy cum. Every single woman in the village had a turn with his cock, and every single woman in the village deposited their load inside him. By the end of the ceremony, Jemidah was covered in sweat and his cock hole was so stretched out that he could easily put his index finger down it. He felt as though he came at least a dozen times, if not more. That was entirely new to him. As a man, his refactory period was long enough that he never before would have been able to experience that many orgasms in that amount of time. Even though he was still somehow horny after all those orgasms, Jemidah found himself drifting off to sleep.


The next morning, Jemidah awoke naked with his morning wood poking into the soft ground under him. Over the night the fairies had covered him in a knitted blanket of grasses. He blinked blearily into the early morning light and looked around. Several fairy villagers were flitting about preparing morning meals of fruits and vegetables. He stood up and stretched, the blanket falling away and his rock hard erection sticking straight out into the air for the whole village to see. He was proud to hear the appraising comments and sensual hums of the awake fairies who gazed on the cock that they had spent the previous night making love to.

Later in the morning, when she had awoken, Raisa prepared a meal for Jemidah and spoke to him about the day to come.

"Now that you are full of our love, Jem, I think it is time for you to help us reproduce," Raisa said as she took a bite out of a berry.

"I thought that's what yesterday was all about," Jemidah joked, giving Raisa a smile.

"Of course it was, silly!" Raisa laughed. "But now we need to find you a nymph to deposit our love into."

Jemidah reached down and fondled his balls. His testicles were oddly swollen, at least twice the size of what they normally were. He was so horny that his cock was already starting to spring back to life from just that delicate touch.

"Yeah, I think that would be best," Jemidah said thoughtfully.

"We'll go right after breakfast and try to find someone."


Raisa was true to her word and the two of them set out after they had finished their breakfast.

"Unfortunately, I don't necessarily know where the forest nymphs are," Raisa apologized. "They live in the trees and can come out anywhere. It's hard to know where they're going to be."

"As long as I get to cum and get some relief soon, that's all that matters." Jemidah hadn't bothered to wear clothes today, simply going out on their quest in his boots. There didn't seem to be any predators, or even threats, on this small island. Plus, everywhere he seemed to go he got disrobed, so he thought he'd cut out the middleman.

It was past noon by the time that the pair decided to rest. Already in their trip they had seen several different plants that had different phallic protrusions. Raisa explained that each of these different plants spread their seeds in much the same way as the flower Jemidah had first seen on the island.

"Jem," Raisa began shyly. "I know that you're already full, but would you mind making love to me again? Seeing your penis swing freely all day has filled me with desire."

Jemidah looked over at the small fairy sitting on a branch near him and noticed her cock raising the edge of her dress. His own cock responded in kind. He felt like he was on a hair trigger with his balls filled as much as they were.

"Sure," Jemidah said simply as he grabbed the base of his cock to help engorge himself.

Raisa quietly took position in front of his cock again and easily slipped her cock into the hole of his. She slowly pumped her cock into him, hugging onto the head of his cock and making slow, even thrusts into him. Jemidah was almost embarrassed to feel himself cumming before the fairy had been fucking him for even a minute, but Raisa just smiled and sped her thrusts until she was once again filling his engorged balls with her multicolored spunk.

"Excuse me," A strange, feminine voice spoke from beside the pair, causing them to jump with shock. They turned to see a woman standing there. Here skin was a light green color and her hair appeared to be made of leaves. Her stomach was flat and toned, and her breasts were about a B cup in size. She was entirely naked, and Jemidah's eyes drifted down to her hairless pussy. In fact, her entire body was hairless except for the leafy covering on her head.

"Excuse me," the strange woman said again. "May I join you?"

Raisa looked into Jemidah's eyes and whispered to him: "That's a forest nymph. Say 'yes'."

"Yes," Jemidah said, looking back at the nymph. "Please join us."

Raisa withdrew her softening cock from Jemidah's abused cock hole as the nymph walked over to them. Jemidah's penis was still painfully erect, and he was more than ready to greet the normal-sized, green woman. The nymph sank to her knees in front of the sitting Jemidah and leaned in to kiss him. Jemidah eagerly accepted the kiss and leaned back into her. He was surprised to feel her begin to French-kiss him, and his head began to swim as their tongues danced together between their locked lips.

Jemidah was over taken with lust and pushed his body into hers. She willingly leaned back into the ground, never breaking her kiss with the young man. Before he knew it, Jemidah was laying on top of the beautiful woman with her soft legs spread around his hips and his erect penis rubbing into her groin. He reached down to finger her pussy and get her ready with a little foreplay, but after finding her pussy already sopping wet, Jemidah decided to go for it and instead grabbed his cock and guided it into her waiting vagina.

The forest nymph gasped as Jemidah entered her. The feeling was so intense for her that she couldn't maintain the kiss and she instead wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him as deep into her pussy as he could go. The feeling of her soft, warm pussy wrapped around Jemidah's cock was heaven to him. He slowly began to swing his hips, moving his cock gently in and out of her and grinding his swollen testicles against her soft ass.

"Make love to me," The nymph whispered into his ear. "Make love to me hard. I want to feel you deep inside me."

Jemidah needed no more encouragement, and started pounding into her pussy hard. For the first time since arriving on this island, he was on top, and he was the one penetrating. He was worried that it wouldn't last, but he surprised himself. After about ten minutes he was still going strong and he could feel the sexy nymph begin to tense up underneath him, gyrating her hips in an ever more insistent way. Before he knew it she was moaning and her pussy was clenching around his still hard cock.

The grinding of her orgasm against him was enough to throw Jemidah over the edge, and before he knew it his body was wracked with orgasm. He thrusted as deep into the nymph as he could as he felt his balls finally release and cum shoot out of him like a rocket. The orgasm was so intense that he actually felt himself drooling as rope after rope of fairy cum was shot from his penis. He came so much into this strange woman that streams of rainbow colored cum began squirting around his cock, out of the nymphs pussy, and onto the ground around them. Normally, Jemidah would release about four or five spurts of cum, but he lost count at twelve jets of semen into this pretty, green girl, and that wasn't even halfway.

When the incredible orgasm was finally over, Jemidah slowly rolled off of the panting nymph. They laid side by side, their groins mutually covered in colorful spunk like some kind of naughty art project.

"That was incredible," The nymph gasped, trying to catch her breath.

As Jemidah looked over at her to respond, he noticed that they were surrounded. Seemingly in ever branch on every tree surrounding them were more naked nymph women. They were blushing and playing with their own pussies and tits, letting out slight moans as they watched the scene taking place before them.

"Jemidah, that was beautiful," Raisa flew up next to him, her cock semi-rigid under her dress. "Look at all these other nymphs, just waiting to be impregnated. You have done us a great service by helping us mate once. But... would you consider staying with us? There is a lot more work left to be done, and it is not often that we get to breed."

Jemidah had finally found relief, and the endorphins were coursing through his body. He considered her offer. So far he had seen no signs of proper human civilization. No boats, not even any wreckage. This island had been uncharted before he arrived, and chances were that it would remain so. Besides, living in a place where beautiful women worshipped your cock and your primary job was fucking beautiful women wasn't all that bad.

"I'll stay with you, Raisa," Jemidah said. "After all, these poor women need me."

Pub: 19 Dec 2021 22:52 UTC
Views: 503