About me!!! (not making this look pretty sorry guiyss))

Haii1!!! My name is Kin/Kinnie and im genderfuid/endogirl and aceflux/lesbian!! and some other things that's on my pronouns.cc ,, uhh i dont care what terms you use to compliment me or refer to me or anything. i use he/xem, or just my name.

I make a lot of kys jokes and sh jokes as a way to cope,, i am mentally ill AND i'm getting help!! I have an anxiety disorder, not sure which one since my diagnosis ins't complete yet but. yah. i'm veryb bad at talking with new people. but. i like making friends and calling with people, even if i dont know them.

I'm in a polyamourous relationship with my two lovely boyfriends, Jb andd Mulder !!

I do interact with people older than me, but if you interact with me for the purpose of getting pics get the fuck out and do not interact. Also, I am infact hypersexual- which in no way can i control. even if i dont show it, i do experience the symptoms like anyone else.

Please dont become friends with me just to ghost me a few days later. oh also also my url hoard is this

anyywayssssssss i. like tgcf, mdzs, and some anime and other things, just ask if you wanna know. and. so. i guess i can put my discord on here?? welp my user is "kinnies" good luck!!!!

Pub: 19 May 2024 01:34 UTC
Edit: 02 Jul 2024 12:44 UTC
Views: 146