mich - 20s - she/her - filipino

mostly g-witch currently and some dungeon meshi
other media i occasionally talk about or rt: revue starlight, genshin, fe3h
but i pretty much talk about anything i like

my otp/favorite ship is sulemio. i only passively like sabinika, noresoph, and nikachu.
my favorite character is miorine.
i can be very negative about guel and i dislike guel/suletta, shaddiq/miorine, and el4n or el5n/suletta. so obviously, don't talk to me about them.

revue starlight:
favorite ship: mayakuro
favorite character: tendo maya
no notps come to mind but i don't multiship nor polyship much.

my favorite character is edelgard, and i like most f/f edelgard ships.
not the biggest fan of dimitri and blue lions and i dislike dimigard and edelbert.

i like arlecchino, furina, yae, and raiden ei.

byf/dni/other stuff:

  • besides a few nsfw text/references, the account is mostly sfw. i don't rt nsfw art.
  • i don't tag interests
  • might be spammy/rt-heavy sometimes
  • dni if you actively hate on any of my faves
  • i don't always check profiles right away so i may follow back very late !!

my yt channel
i also run mayakuroarchive
^ both are currently inactive because i'm very busy right now with college :')

my tumblr
my bluesky

Pub: 14 Mar 2022 13:20 UTC
Edit: 13 May 2024 12:30 UTC
Views: 10696