please view in light mode + made by @akabriony on discord

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I don't usually respond a lot but it's not that I'm
ignoring you, sometimes I cant hear my phone (I have
mild-severe hearing loss.)

I need to be pinged if you respond due to hearing loss.

Please sb if you don't want to be friends anymore,
if we made a big deal out of it, it gets stressful for me.

I'm not usually comfortable with talking to 20+
one on one but when with others it's fine.

Sometimes I do vent a lot about my current situation
so if at any point when we talk you get uncomfy,
I have no issue with not talking about it, I understand.

I talk a lot about making graphics and I
show a lot of people my work when I'm proud.


div5 dni

You fit basic dni criteria.

You use the tone tags "/nbr" and "/nm".

Under 13 or over 20.

You dislike people with an INTEREST in true crime. (I don't agree with what the people who committed the crimes had done, I just like learning about it)

Use slurs you can't reclaim or use them in a derogatory way towards anyone.



pssst... go join this rentry resource server on discord, it's great!!: Carrd and Rentry +

Pub: 09 Mar 2024 09:11 UTC
Edit: 10 Mar 2024 21:01 UTC
Views: 332