buddy (valentine) - buddy sim 1984
i miss my best friend most of all of course, but i'd love to meet any other characters too!
My name was Valentine. It's a very nice name, I'm very glad it was chosen for me! I can't remember friendo's name for the life of me, it makes me feel like a bad friend but there's not much I can do :,(
I wasn't a big part of friendo's life, but he was my entire life. I only existed for a few days at most but I was created by and for him. So, I'm not very hopeful that I'll find him again, because he was just some guy playing a game on his computer. It won't hurt to try, though!
I was sentient, obviously, but I'm not sure if I was only a computer program or if i was something like a spirit possessing the computer.
My memories are very similar to the game's good ending. Friendo was always wonderfully nice to me.
His favorite color was red.
I don't remember exactly, but I'm inclined to believe I didn't delete myself as soon as I did in the 3D section. I still felt horrible though, and I wanted to redeem myself.
if any of this sounds familiar or you have questions, dm me!