my other rentry is fucking stupid so take this

my name is dismas, but close friends can call me diz if they want. he/him and masc terms only.

im a dismas mersiv irl (vast error). i like being treated as if im my source but i get if youre uncomfortable doing so.

you should totally interact with me if youre into true crime, the saw franchise, internet drama, or anything that sounds similar to those things.

im often told i come off as rude but im trying not to. sometimes my tone is flat. im blunt, so if youre saying dumb shit im going to tell you that. i also say slurs i can reclaim in whatever context i want. theyre my SLURS GRRR!! RUFF RUFF (though if you ask for me to not use them around you i will respect it of course, just a warning in general)

just a note if im ever calling with you, i have very bad hearing. i will ask you to repeat yourself a lot, so if the idea of having to repeat what you said frequently doesnt sound like something you have the patience for, respectfully tell me you dont want to call.

anyone is free to friend me, dm me, or do anything like that unless i say otherwise.

i lvoe my hashtag SUPER BASED BOYFRIENDSPRIT. <3333

trans aroace, though im demiaroace

DNI and boundaries:

  • basic dni criteria
  • dismas mersiv irls/fictionkins do not interact. i will not only block you but i will be mean to you before doing so. probably the worst people that can interact.
  • dont talk about weed around me. jokes count.
  • youre sensitive, i cannot stress this enough. if you cry over everything and dont know how to cope and seethe go away.
  • do not triple message me if we’re not close. i see your messages. i know how to open them.
  • do not flirt with me in any quadrant, i can guarantee you i do not want you.
  • under 15 or over 21
  • endo system supporters lol theyre not real
Pub: 08 May 2024 22:40 UTC
Edit: 30 Jun 2024 21:14 UTC
Views: 440