
Ensemble Stars

Ensemble Stars (main) Character(s) Abbreviation Dynamic Notes
Leomaru Leo Tsukinaga x Amaru Hidaka lomr Romantic NO SHARING (platonic selective sharing only with moots)
Knights -- -- Platonic SELECTIVE SHARING
Natsumaru Natsume Sakasaki x Amaru Hidaka ntmr Platonic selective sharing
Hokumaru Hokuto Hidaka x Amaru Hidaka hkmr Platonic (siblings) sharing
Hiyobin Hiyori Tomoe x Han Yoo-bin -- Platonic (relatives) sharing
Switch, MaM, Dramatica, Library Committee -- -- Platonic Selective sharing

note: If you are Leo yumejin AND only yume him (being his solo stan) without including Knights (platonic) in the dynamic, stay away from me and block/mute me.

Ensemble Stars (lokal au) Character(s) Abbreviation Dynamic
Leomara Leonard Candrawistara x Ameera Mara Paramita lomr Romantic
Namara Aloysius Nathanael x Ameera Mara Paramita nmr Platonic
Nayo Aloysius Nathanael x Hania Yoselin -- Platonic


Tsurune Character(s) Abbreviation Dynamic
Eihare Eisuke Nikaido x Hare Suzuki -- Platonic
Rihare Rika Seo x Hare Suzuki -- Platonic
Pub: 10 Jul 2024 09:33 UTC
Edit: 06 Sep 2024 03:32 UTC
Views: 517