
Ensemble Stars

yume sharing status

Ensemble Stars (main) Character(s) Abbreviation Dynamic Notes
Leomaru Leo Tsukinaga x Amaru Hidaka lomr Romantic NO SHARING (platonic selective sharing only with moots)
Knights -- -- Platonic SELECTIVE SHARING
Natsumaru Natsume Sakasaki x Amaru Hidaka ntmr Platonic selective sharing
Hokumaru Hokuto Hidaka x Amaru Hidaka hkmr Platonic (siblings) sharing
Hiyobin Hiyori Tomoe x Han Yoo-bin -- Platonic (relatives) sharing
Switch, MaM, Dramatica, Library Committee -- -- Platonic Selective sharing


  • If you are Leo yumejoshi AND only yume him (being a solo stan) without including Knights (platonic) in the dynamic, stay away from me and block/mute me. I'd rather not see you being lovey dovey with him to the extent of leaving out Knights.
  • I'm still okay with bumping into Leo yumejo from !era but I'll be picky and (so much) salty if you're Leo yumejo from !!era. Please stay away.
Ensemble Stars (lokal au) Character(s) Abbreviation Dynamic
Leomara Leonard Candrawistara x Ameera Mara Paramita lomr Romantic
Namara Aloysius Nathanael x Ameera Mara Paramita nmr Platonic
Nayo Aloysius Nathanael x Hania Yoselin -- Platonic


Tsurune Character(s) Abbreviation Dynamic
Eihare Eisuke Nikaido x Hare Suzuki -- Platonic
Rihare Rika Seo x Hare Suzuki -- Platonic
Pub: 10 Jul 2024 09:33 UTC
Edit: 18 Nov 2024 03:51 UTC
Views: 656