A Girl from a Picture Book (Part 2)

A Bloom Time-Lapse Event Side Story

A Girl from a Picture Book_01

A Girl from a Picture Book_02

A Hanami Bath

Shamo: Now, this is my humble way to thank you for today. I’ve prepared a special bath for you, so feel free to go in when you’re ready.

Kokona: Wow, I wonder what it will be like!

Shamo: Fufu, that’s a secret. Please, look forward to seeing for yourself.

Shizuka: That sure sounds intriguing…

Chisa: Maybe… We’ll get to experience the strength of Niagara Falls in full force in an open-air bath!

Panda: Hey! No chance for that in our small bathhouse!

Kokona: Well, let’s hurry up and find out!

Kathrina: …Right. Shamo-san went through the trouble of preparing it for us, after all…

Yae: Um… I’ll join you all a bit later.

Kokona: Huh, what’s wrong? You don’t want to come with us?

Yae: No, you see, Hiirgai-san…

Noa: Why are my drinks gone as soon as I drink them… I’ve done nothing to deserve this…

Kokona: Ahaha… She’s still drunk.

Shizuka: As they say, no one’s blessed twice…

Kathrina: If her fans saw her like this, I bet their admiration would evaporate in an instant.

Yae: Please, don’t say that. I respect Hiiragi-san regardless of the state she’s in.

Shizuka: Woah, Yae-chan, your trust in others is immeasurable!..

Kokona: But it’s true she can’t take a bath being like this…

Panda: Actually, wouldn’t it be better for her to lie down? She doesn’t look very well…

Chisa: She’ll be fine. I’ve seen her in a much worse state.

Panda: Let’s not let it get to that!

Kokona: Yeah, we should take care of Hiiragi-san, after all! There’s no way we’ll be able to relax otherwise!

Shamo: Don’t worry about Noa. Let the adults take care of her, and go enjoy the bath.

Yae: But…

Kathrina: Shamo-san’s right. Let’s go. It’s not like all of us here will be of much help anyway.

Shizuka: Yes. Besides, I think it’s better to just let her rest.

Shamo: Exactly. Given how she is, she’ll be fast asleep the second her head hits the pillow.

Kokona: Well then… Thank you for looking after her.

Kokona: What is it that Shamo-san has prepared for us, I wonder?

Yae: Maybe, new bath toys?

Chisa: Like, an AI-equipped, fully automated rubber duckies?

Panda: No way!

Shizuka: …hmm.

Panda: Huh?.. Sniff, sniff.

Yae: What’s that scent…

Kathrina: …what a pleasant smell.

Chisa: That’s…

Kokona: …the scent of sakura blossoms!

Everyone: Woah…

Kokona: Look! There are sakura petals floating in the bath!

Yae: It’s so beautiful, right, Kokona-san?

Kathrina: Hot water makes the gentle smell of sakura fill the air.

Panda: Uwa, I’m getting emotional… Ah, damn! I forgot my phone!

Kathrina: Hold right there, it’s bad manners to bring a phone into the bathroom, you know.

Shizuka: At least, wait until everyone got in.

Panda: I get it. Anyway, I can’t help but wonder how much it cost, to get all these petals.

Chisa: Don’t ruin the romantic atmosphere. In the face of this beauty, you should cast aside mundane things like money, Panda.

Panda: Ugh, can’t argue with that!..

Yae: I’m sure it was a present from a florist she knows.

Kokona: Huh? Hey, Shizuka-chan. What’s that brown thingy in the bag?..

Shizuka: It’s brown and soggy, huh?.. Isn’t that a bark of a tree?..

Chisa: It’s from traditional Chinese medicine. The bark of a sakura tree.

Kokona: Wow, you know that?

Chisa: Bark extracts are said to be effective against skin problems, and inhaling the steam soothes your throat and can help stop coughing.

Panda: Sassu, you really know a lot, huh…

Chisa: No, I just found a note Shamo-san left for us in the changing room. Here, take a look.

Panda: You should have said so! Now I’ve praised you for nothing!

Kokona: Come on, girls. But I’m surprised Shamo-san has also used the tree bark. I thought it was just the petals.

Kathrina: According to the note, the petals are used to decorate the bath, but the sakura bark is what gives it healing properties.

Yae: So, the sakura bark heals the body, and the view of the sakura petals soothes the soul.

Kokona: Yae-chan, you’ve summarized it well!

Shizuka: Well, enough looking at it, let’s get in and enjoy the bath.

Kokona: Yeah. We should thank Shamo-san later.

Kathrina: Ah~… I feel like the fatugie of the day’s melting away…

Yae: The scent of sakura… It fills my heart with joy…

Panda: Receiving such a precious gift, you’d just want to go back to sakura viewing, wouldn’t you?

Shizuka: Since you and Kokona fell asleep right in the middle of it, it’s no wonder you’d want to go back, right?

Kokona: Yes! I’m hoping to always enjoy it with everyone from now on!

Chisa: It will be a sakura viewing revenge arc.

Kathrina: But next time, I’ll make sure to prepare the script in advance. I’ve had enough of ad-libbing as a host.

Everyone: Hahaha…

Previous part

Pub: 03 Oct 2024 21:23 UTC
Edit: 03 Oct 2024 23:13 UTC
Views: 111