
DNI !! meow

[!] basic dni, [!] endogenic systems and supporters, [!] proshippers, [!] if you hate on any of my favourite characters ../hj [!] if you sexualise the sv/gen 9 trio [!]

thin ice!

[!] ghetsis (b/w) apologists (he sucks LMAOO i won't block over it though) [!] hardcore arven fans (/r or /p doesn't matter--i have a hard time comprehending ppl liking him romantically, and dislike seeing others platonically liking him the same way i do! i won't block, but please try to refrain rambling abt him to me ^_^ i don't want feelings hurt on either end!) [!]

BYI !!

[meow] i am horrible at starting conversations or interacting first. no, i'm not ignoring you, i just feel rlly awkward!! [meow] i constantly talk abt my interests and i may change the topic just to do so!! [meow] i might be super dry or spam 10 billion messages. no inbetween!! [meow]

back! :33

Pub: 31 May 2023 08:02 UTC
Edit: 23 Jul 2023 10:25 UTC
Views: 344