The mechanical sounds filled the engine room, alone, a human hid between the beams and oil covered pipes.
He had managed to stowaway into a spaceship to escape the human reservoir.
His hands shook with the fear of getting caught. He had been hiding in a hole for several days now.
Eating a few stolen rations bars from the kitchen and hoping to get off the ship in some jungle world.
The dream of starting a new life away from everything keep him going.
He closed his eyes, thinking of the times when he was a child and humans were kings of the galaxy.
Times do change a lot.
He drifted to sleep with the humming of the motor.

A loud noise woke him up. A deep scratching sound rumbled through the hull and the shaking almost made him fall off the hiding place. The shining red light filled the room as the engine wailed as pressure boiled up in the pipes.
The human receded deeper, pressing his back against the cold wall.
The sounds of destruction traveled across the metalwork, screams could be heard from outside the room.
He heard movement.
A dark shadow entered through the door, dashing towards the control panel.
He could only catch a glimpse of the dark fur tainted with the red glow.

The man huddle in the corner listening to the repairman work.
Some cursing and pulling of leavers stopped the engine’s protest and the light return to faint pale color that left the room in almost total darkness.
The dark blob of fur was walking to the exit when it stopped.
A feint sniffing sound could be heard, and the floor creaked under the weight of the crewmen.
It drew near the humans hiding place, he held his breath.
His heart racing while his mind futilely searched for an exit.
The light coming from the entrance of the hole was block off as a pair of deep hazel eyes stared at him.
A roguish smile grew under them.

"Got ya, " He flinch in surprise hitting his head in the roof of his hideout, the crewman leaned closer, she was too big to fit.
Her breath filled the crevice “Hey cutie, why don’t you come out and make me some company? I promise I won’t bite… much.”
The man was terrified, he had gotten caught, he had been so careful not to leave trails or hints of his existence in the ship and an accident outside of his control had overturned his plan.
He had to think of a way out! Maybe he could make a run for it? Or maybe try to subdue her? But she was 1 feet taller than him how was he… “AJEM!!!” the dark shadow interrupted his train of thought “I can see you. I know you are in there.”
The man panicked “No?”
She laughed “Are you asking me or telling me you are not there?”
He started sweating “Can’t you just leave?” he looked directly at her eyes “please.”
This was but a game to her, and she wouldn’t let go of her newfound toy.

“Oh, but we just met!” he could hear the wagging of her tail “Tell me about you, what are you doing here?“
He thought about not responding, but he realized he didn’t have anything left to lose.
“I wanted to escape the human reservoir, it all felt strange,”
“But you humie’s are endangered!” the tail stopped wagging “You could get hurt and there’s so few of you!”
He buried his face on his knees in an attempt to hide his indignation.
“That is what I was talking about. The cameras, the menial works they give us, the guards. It feels like a zoo,”
“Well…. It's actually a Tv stream so….”
He could hear his jaw hit the floor, that was so stupid it made sense.
“Okay, so somehow you escaped and left in a ship, I get that, but,”
the woman asked with a hint of amusement in her voice "Do you know where you are?”

“A …” the man tried to think what she found so funny but had no clue “A spaceship?”
Snickering came from the darkness “Oh, you are so cute,” the woman moved, uncovering the entrance of the hole, “this is a pirate ship!” Her rising laughter was ignored by the man.
Dread started to crawl up his back as he imagined the things that could happen to him.
Sold as a slave, become some pirates chew toy or whatever they could consider `fun´.
A small squeal escaped his mouth, his throat shrank into a knot in fear.

“Oh, don’t say that pinky," A joyful cackle emerged from the darkness “All the humans we take end up happy. But what do I do with you?”
His guts fell to the ground and adrenaline rush into his bloodstream, he felt the need to hide.
He made a run for it.
He raced out hoping to find the emergency shuttle.
He only briefly looked behind to see her.
She was musculed antro woman of a wolfish complexion covered in a dark grey fur.
She was removing the last few parts of some mechanics uniform.
His eyes widened, her chest was decorated by to average size breast and some well-defined pectoral muscles and her head top with two long pointy ears at the top of the skull.
She was hunching, preparing her digitigrade legs into position and letting him get a head start for a new game, a game of chase.
Her eyes were wild with excitement and a grin spread across her face showing all her fangs.

He made a sharp turn, the paths of metal and pipes expanded for what seem an endless labyrinth.
The sparsely placed lights only served to hasten his fear.
The scratching of claws against the paths only grew closer.
“Shit, shit, SHIT!” He didn’t dare look back to his pursuer, that would feed her thrill of the hunt.
He stopped momentarily at a cross path, searching with his gaze for a exit.
The vents!
He took off into that path and made a sprint gaining the speed for the jump.
His body soared through the air smashing against the top of the wall.
He grabbed to the ledge of the open port, forcing himself upwards.
The smell of sweat and oil filled him as he started crawling in the tight space.
He could feel freedom, he could …
He felt something grip his ankle.
A swift motion removed him from his dark escape route and put him face to face with his pursuer.

He laid on the cold floor, grunting by the impact of the fall.
His assailant had sat on top of him, one of her claw's were gripping his wrist and pulling them over his head.
Her face, a few inches above his.
Her features obscure by one of the lights behind them.
Fear made his heart race, his breath ragged by the sudden burst of action.
She smelled of oil, sweat and … pines?
His thoughts were shattered when she kissed him, her flat tongue forcefully invading and exploring every corner of his mouth.
His mind went blank, muffled moans escaping him.
She giggled while tearing his clothes with one of her clawed hands.

“You humies are so,” her hand drifted across his naked chest while grabbing her own breast “intoxicating. What’s your name?”
“Anon,” he tried to sit up, but she kept him down with greater force “uh… yours?”
She leaned closer to whisper to his ear “You can call me Rina.”
She nibbled his earlobe while rhythmically moving her hips, grinding against his groin.
The heat of her slit slowly increasing as she freed his member form the last pieces of clothing.
His shaft stood exposed, thoroughly covered in her juices, twitching in anticipation.
Anon squirmed below her weight, still a prisoner of her strong grip.
She licked his cheek on last time before burrowing his member inside her loins, spreading her.
She let out a sigh of delight while Anon’s back arched more and more the deeper she slid herself down his shaft.

Then she started moving her hips, swinging her body back and forth.
Her tongue lolling out.
“hummm,” his mind was running wild things he should do and worry about, but all his attention was dedicated to the goddess riding him. Her muscles glistered below her puffy nipples.
He wanted to reach them, but his lover increased the force of her grip each time he tugged or moved his body.
He let out an anguished whimper in frustration.
The perky breast swinging out of his reach.
She giggled seeing his frustration, teasing him a bit further before plunging him into a deep kiss.
Increasing her rhythm, now bouncing on his cock.
The sounds of flesh against flesh echoed in the dark hallways.
Her vagina clenching harder around him whenever he hit a sensitive spot, both making groans and moans of pleasure.
She had to lean forward to remain in control, burying him in between her furry breast.

His cry’s muffled by the gray fur “I’m going to…” she pressed him deeper inside her, effectively silencing him. Her hazel eyes bewitch on her lover, she inched closer to his ear and whispered.
“Yes, inside, “a lusty moan escaped her lips, “you are mine.”
She slammed her hips down one final time, that is all that it took to set him off edge, his cock swelling before unloading in her cunt. She roared in ecstasy as she reached her end, squirting on his twitching member.
Her slit gripped tight, milking him and letting all his spunk fill her most intimate parts.

She collapsed on top of him, gently purring and maintaining a firm grip on her mate.
Her tail cutely waging and grey ears reacting to every sound he made.
He no longer tried to resist her, only concentrating in regaining his breath and the smell of pines.

“That was a lot of fun,” her voice sounded comforting, she tumbled sideways, hugging Anon and pulling him to be the small spoon.
Her warmth made him feel better.
“What will happen to me?” he didn’t want to ruin the moment, but he needed to know.
“Don’t you remember,” her roguish smile grew back, she planted another kiss in his cheek “I’m a pirate, your booty is mine now.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad now.”


Pub: 22 Aug 2024 08:26 UTC
Views: 383