rumandemilico dni:
(1) basic dni criteria,
(2) if you lurk / are in freak subtwts (leaktwt, edtwt, shtwt etc).
(3) if you support any mcyts,
(4) If you are proship / radinclus.
(5) If you do not believe if self dx.
(6) Younger than 14 & older than 21 (current mutuals ok!)

(1) I have a typing quirk (Double / Triple spaces + random capitals).
(2) I bring discourse to the tl (sometimes).
(3) i hate a bunch of ccs so (not) sorry if i talk bad about them!
(4) I don't usually tag things so dm me if you need something tagged.
(5) i do tag spoilers for manga's that are ongoing; mute for example: "bnha 'chap number'".
(6) i will use she/her on a bunch of characters (mainly hunter from toh)
(7) i struggle with interacting, but i will try!!
(8) my interests change a lot so i never really stick to talking about one thing.
(9) i livetweet a lot ; mostly manga's i read & anime's i watch.
(10) i am not in any subtwt, i tweet about my interests that's all!

Pub: 27 May 2022 16:49 UTC
Edit: 23 Oct 2022 16:13 UTC
Views: 1215