byf !!! i have NPD , it is hard for me to empathize and sometimes get along with others. I get jealous easily and if I feel uncomfortable or upset by you depending on our relationship i will either dm u abt it or hard block i have f/os and often post weird things abt fictional characters. i dont know why its rlly that serious its mostly just funny to me i am also very paranoid!!!!! if i dont trust you itll often take me time to warm up and do so........ srry!! i do not want or need tone indicators unless they are with complete strangers , it usually takes me about a week or so depending on our bond to warm up and not need them anymore. I have strong opinions on things and if i am wrong about something feel free to correct me

Pub: 20 Feb 2024 22:40 UTC
Edit: 21 Feb 2024 00:54 UTC
Views: 142