bat header



We are VERY flirtatious and will make sexual and sugesstive remarks, THEY ARE ALL JOKES. Our humor is very innaproprate, and we make KMS/KYS jokes (please inform us if anything we say makes you uncomfortable or upsets you. we will stop when asked)

Some of us have VERY bad anger issues and can get really pissed VERY easily, sorry in advance. (pls dont make this stop you from talking to us, just keep it in mind ^^)

We have extream trust issues. sorry if this interferes with our freindship/relationship if one ever forms in the future

We use typing quirks/leet speak! examples of their quirks are on their bios. ask for a translation if needed! we dont mind ^^

Some of us have a pretty big ego and are kinda self absorbed, were working on it. so, sorry in advance. also their huge ego makes them pretty defencive when confronted or someone talking bad about them. we working on fixing it

we can get jealous EXTREAMLY easily and we very possesive of our friends and partner

We adore music, and tend to get stuck in loops of sertain songs or artists, so we might hyperfixate on talking abt it alot

We cannot spell that well, please be pacient with us

Please use tone tags ! its not a nessesity but it helps us from being confused on what youre saying, normally if youre a close freind we can understand what youre saying without the tags, but its still usefull

(on ponytown) we use alot of bypasses + slurs (that we can reclaim) if you dont like it , just block/mute/ignore me pls. were just having fun, if it makes you uncomfy please just ignore us ^^



go back?

Pub: 31 Jul 2023 19:12 UTC
Edit: 31 Jul 2023 19:46 UTC
Views: 146