Chapter 2: On stage together
Shiori: Koyomi-chan, great work on the last performance. What a great success!
Koyomi: I was wondering what you wanted when you called me out from the dormitory. I wasn't expecting this praise.
Shiori: Oh my, is this your first time getting praise? You don't seem like the type to celebrate so I decided to say something since you put in so much effort.
Koyomi: I don't really get many chances to meet people outside of practice......
Koyomi: You're the only one to call out to me so nonchalantly like that.
Shiori: Is that so? You are a hard worker I guess.
Shiori: In that case, I'll shower you with tons of praise today!
Koyomi: Haha, thank you very much.
Koyomi: By the way, are you working hard for the audition tomorrow?
Koyomi: Didn't you make a promise that someday you would co-act with me sometime? Surely we'll be together this time.
Shiori: Of course I am! But I haven't had a role for a while now. I'm just a blank slate......
Shiori: Whenever I'm watching Koyomi-chan act, I always thought I would succeed too. Even if you got the lead role, I would want to play a supporting role.
Shiori: No, even a minor role would've been fine. We will definitely stand on the stage together.
Koyomi: Gosh, don't think so lowly of yourself like that! Since we're here, why don't you challenge me for the lead role?
Shiori: R-right! I'm going to take the lead role from you~!
Koyomi: That's the spirit!
Shiori: Right... Back to normal now, now that I'm motivated.
Shiori: Sorry, I'm gonna grab the script......!
Koyomi: (Don't get carried away with other people during practice, always strive to grow and dont' settle for the status quo.)
Koyomi: (Don't get too involved into someone else's lives. This is what I'm told by my parents, but......)
Koyomi: (......that person is really kind, I wish to perform with her someday.)
Stage Director: --And after this, we will be doing a reading of the next performance. If I call your name, could you please stay back?
Koyomi: I was chosen for the next lead role. In light of my recent achievements, I was chosen for the lead in order to improve even more.
Koyomi: Despite her wishes to co-act with me, she wasn't even chosen for a minor role. Her name was not called out at all for the reading.
Stage Director: And with that, today's practice is over. In the near future, start practicing without using the script, I want you to be able to remember all your lines.
Everyone: Roger!
Koyomi: ......
Koyomi: Where are you going with that suitcase?
Shiori: You scared me.
Shiori: What a coincidence. I wasn't expecting you to come by here.
Koyomi: I wasn't able to contact you so I came to meet you.
Koyomi: Don't tell me...... Since you didn't succeed this time, you're going to quit Gingaza?
Shiori: That's not it. To tell you the truth, My dad collapsed...... So I have to go help him out with the shop.
Shiori: While I have a stable income while I'm here, that's not the case with my family. If I'm not getting any roles here, I can't send any money back home to them.
Koyomi: ......Oh no. It's going to be lonely now that you're leaving. And we just started to get along as well.
Koyomi: Once your family situation settles down a bit, would you come back to Gingaza?
Shiori: I don't know......
Shiori: I want to say yes, but it's difficult.
Shiori: Sorry I couldn't protect our promise.
Koyomi: ......
Shiori: This is rich coming from someone who is quitting, but Koyomi-chan, Gingaza really needs you.
Shiori: So I want to keep working hard.
Shiori: I'm not going to continue but, I'll continue to watch Gingaza's plays......
Shiori: I want you to perform on my behalf too.
Koyomi: ......Alright. I'll keep working hard, on your behalf.
Koyomi: I'll definitely send you an invite for our performances, so please come and watch them.
Shiori: I'll definitely go. After all, I love your acting. I look forward to it.
Koyomi: Right. That's a promise.