Warfront of Created Flavors - Dango Final Battle Arc
Tsubomi: If the judge is unable to eat it, the cook takes responsibilty and eats the whole thing!
This is the rule passed down for generations in Denki to avoid recreating the dark hot pot hell!
Mito: Now then, the Warfront of Created Flavors, Dango Final Battle Arc!
The first match is...!
Props Person: Not a fried nougat bar, but enjoy a fried nougat dango!
Makeup Person: Just fry it like normal! Why is it sandwiched between nougat bars!?
... But it's pretty flavorful. I don't hate it. It's the best, how unhealthy it seems.
Kamira: Mine is this!! Rainbow~!
Iroha: Th, this is... A colorful dango flavored like the galaxy drink I heard from the store manager was in the old neighborhood of Akiba...?
Kamira: It's covered in shaved ice syrup, so it looks pretty!
Rather, it wasn't Harajuku but Akiba? Why?
Iroha: The flavor... Is...... Personally-speaking, barely pa-il-ing!
Kamira: Which!?
Towa: (... Heh)
Kamira: Second match!
Tsubomi: I tried lightly garnishing it with roasted salt for exorcising evil spirits.
Mito: This salt... It's roasted perfectly...
It matches with the dango... It might be good to sell this...
Props Person: This one looks normal, but— Bwoah!? This... Ammonia stench!?
The candy thing inside... Is it that thing that's mainly famous in northern Europe!?
Trainee Denki Member: It's leftovers from that time I wanted to experience the flavors of Lilja-san's hometown and bought it!
Let's fill our mouths with Lilja-san! It will eventually taste good!
Towa: (This, this is it)
Tsubomi: Third match!
Iroha: I put some special curry powder on it.
Denki Member: Wait... What is this, I can't stop eating!?
You sure this isn't some sketchy powder comparable to the happy stuff!?
Iroha: Ehehe, I had Mito-chan synthesize it.
Denki Member: Borrowing the power of a genius alchemist is unfair! You cheat protagonist!
You mean you'll be with Mito-chan even if you reincarnate!?
Costume Person: I'm unsealing the surstromming can that was sealed away in the warehouse!
... *hic*!
Makeup Person: That's an S-class cursed item! That's something that should absolutely not be unsealed!
Hah, you already drank— Everyone stop heeer!!!
Towa: Waha, wahahahahahahahaha.
Towa: Man~ Humans truly are foolish.
Kamira: Aren't those totally the demon king's lines?
Kamira: Or like, Towa, aren't you gonna come up with something?
Iroha: Eh, Towa-chan's also joining the battle?
Denki Members: "What's up?" "What's Towa making?" "Let's see what she's got"
"Mogaa Mogagaaa!" "Eeey, you shut up!"
Towa: Eh~...? Hm~ ... Then~
Towa: Potato Chip Dango.
Denki Members: So random!?
Mito: ...... But, it tastes good.
The salt and seaweed flavor isn't bad.
Tsubomi: What? If Shiromaru says that...
Mito: ... But, I see. The green perilla paste and curry powder too...
The flour for dango is rice to begin with... Looking at it from this angle... Other things should also...
Iroha: ... Mito-chan?
Kamira: The plum kimchi is so good~!
Props Person: This edible chili oil really hits the spot!
Denki Member: Ugh, the mentaiko butter tastes like my mom's cooking...
Trainee Denki Member: This TKD might change my life...!
Iroha: Ooh... Mito-chan's being surrounded like a popular doujin group...
Mito: Today's dango... All made use of the flavor of the ingredients with moderate sweetness.
So I think these kinds of side dish-like toppings... Would work.
Iroha: As expected of Mito-chan.
It's decided. Today's head cook shall be Mito-chan.
Denki Members: "Wah~!" "No objections!" "Thank you for the deliciousness~!"
"Miito! Miito! Miito!"
Mito: Awawa...
Towa: Hah~ That was a good laugh.
Kamira: They're really getting fired up.
Towa: But y'know, if they saw this being done to their dango, wouldn't the people that made them cry?
Kamira: Eh? Ah...... Aaah!?
Kamira: Th... The Flavor Wars scene will be cut...
Iroha: Everyone participating in the game competition, over heeere.
Trainee Denki Member: Let's do a favorite supporting activity Bibliobattle! Me first!
Here's my collection of Lilja photobombing Hikari-chan and Ramona-san's selfies!
Towa: (It's almost back to standard operations, huh.
Towa: Well, I had fun, so I'll also— ...... Hm?)
Tsubomi: ... Wh, what?
We had that much dango, and it's about to run out!?
Denki Members: "Eh?" "I haven't conquered all the flavors, though?" "How could this be!?"
"What do I do with this remaining desire for dango!?" "We have to make sure to enjoy the rest..."
Mito: I'm... Sorry.
I can still prepare more toppings, but...
Tsubomi: ... Ngh, at this rate, they'll go on a rampage with their desires and become starving ghosts!!
It cannot be helped, I must go replenish the dango...!
Towa: (... Eh, we're still doing dango!?)
Mito: Mito will... Also come along!
I know a place... That's still open at this time!
Towa: (Seriously... Rather, wasn't today supposed to be a full moon party?
Towa: Doesn't seem like anyone's planning on looking at the moon... Well, whatever)
Towa: — Yeeeah, I win!
Towa: Iroha, you next? ... Iroha?
Iroha: Ugh, Mito-chan...
Towa: She already responded she'd be right back.
Iroha: But, to not realize she'd left to go shopping...
Iroha: Is that not a blunder that can be considered the greatest mistake of one's life?
Mito: We've... Returned.
Iroha: MI TO CH A N!!
Mito: Hyaaah!? I, Iroha-chan...?
Iroha: Hgh, you could have told me~
Mito: ... Iroha-chan.
Mito: ... You know. The moon, it was pretty...
Mito: U, um... Let's all... Look at, the moon together?
Kamira: Eh? Moon viewing? I'm in!
Oh right, this was a full moon party!
Denki Members: "It was!" "We've gotta look at the moon, then!" "I'll bring a rabbit plushie!"
"Where can you see it around here? The shrine?" "That park is a good secret spot."
Tsubomi: My words held no falseness, did they, Shiromaru.
Mito: ... Yes!
Towa: I'll pass~
Tsubomi: ... Haah. This, too, is as according to Prophecy (future told by the stars), huh?
Mito: Towa-chan!
Towa: Hweh? Eh... Wh, what...?
Mito: The moon, you know, it's really, truly... Pretty, so!
Towa: ......
Mito: This is the only chance in one year, so...
So... Um, Towa-chan, too... Together...
Towa: ... Can't be helped, huh?
Mito: Thank you, Towa-chan!
Tsubomi: Hehe.
Iroha/Mito: Uwah...
Kamira: It was a great idea to come out here!
Ah~ I wonder if the moon is showing up good?
Towa: You're getting too excited.
No matter where you look at it from, the moon's the same.
Tsubomi: Motosu. Dango.
Towa: Eeeh~ I said it's embarassing.
Tsubomi: This is the only chance you'll get in the year.
Towa: ... I got it, I got it.
Towa: Well, today's the only time I'd do it in the year, anyways.