An Assortment With Nowhere to Run

Lilja: (*stare*)

Koyomi: I, is there something on my face?

Lilja: Not your face, I'm looking at the box.

Lilja: ... If it's a present, I'll call everyone.
If it's a gift from Koyomi, I think they'll be happy.

Koyomi: No, um. It's nothing like that...

Lilja: Really? I thought you wanted to become friends.

Koyomi: ......

Koyomi: (... I swore, that I would not become friendly with everyone and protect our traditions.
That what is important is not things like friendship but the execution of our performance.)

Koyomi: (Despite that, the image of everyone's faces when sharing this meat with them floats up in my mind...
This group would definitely be able to enjoy it...)

Lilja: I understand your true feelings.

Koyomi: I, I struggle to understand whatever it is you could be saying.
I never said anything about it being a gift...

Lilja: I understand. Presents are something that make you worry about whether they will be appreciated.
I also worried during Christmas time.

Lilja: But, if it's something from Koyomi, it's okay. You should try imagining it.

Xue: Kehehe, what's that, Koyomi-san!
You keep saying you don't want to, but you just weren't being honest, huh!

Hikari: I love you too, Koyomi-san~! You're giving us meat!!!

Ramona: Now, Koyomi! Come jump into my breast without shame!
We shall hug with enough love to overwrite all your refusals up to now!

Lilja: ... Yup. For sure, everyone will be happy.

Koyomi: Th, that may be the case, but...

Koyomi: (Then I wouldn't know how to interact with them from now on?
Ah, geez! Why did it turn out like this...!)

Koyomi: (No, I can just honestly say we had too much leftover meat.
Ahh, but, if they realize it's from the OG members—)

Xue: To betray Gingaza's traditions, Koyomi-san is also in the palm of Germany's hand, huh?
You're unexpectedly simple, huh?

Hikari: Yup, friendship is important! After that, meat is also important~!

Ramona: So you finally understand, Koyomii...!
In sickness and in health, I'll be by your side...!

Lilja: Congratulations.

Koyomi: N, no such thing! Nothing like that!

Lilja: What?

Koyomi: N, nothing. However... Ehm...
This box is, something like a present, but not exactly...

Lilja: ?

Lilja: By the way, what's inside? Quiz?

Koyomi: No, that's...

Lilja: Color?

Koyomi: U, uhm... Red and white.

Lilja: The hardness?

Koyomi: I, I think it's soft...

Lilja: ... Wine? But we can't drink.

Lilja: ...

Koyomi: Um...

Lilja: ... I'll think about it while I take a stroll.
Moi moi.

Koyomi: O, okay. Do stay safe...

Koyomi: ... Haah. I was saved by Lilja-san's caprice...

Koyomi: (Even then, those dignitaries.
They certainly sent a troublesome gift...)

Hikari: Huh, it's Koyomi-san? There's no hotpot party today, you know?

Koyomi: Hikari-san...?

Koyomi: (That's right, if I leave it with Hikari-san and then leave, it's fine.
If I tell her it's not from me, there should be no problem...)

Koyomi: A delivery for everyone was mistakenly sent to the wrong place.
I am just here to deliver it.

Hikari: I see! If it's carrying things, leave it to me!

Koyomi: P, please do. Regardless, for it to be sent to my house mistakenly, truly mysterious things can happen, huh? Hehe. Well, then, I shall take my leave...

Hikari: Wait, Koyomi-san. Who is this from?
There's no delivery label, so we can't even say thanks!

Koyomi: Th, that will be no problem. I shall thank them myself...

Hikari: As expected of Koyomi-san! The Thoughtfulness Master!

Hikari: Ehehe~ A present, huh~♪
I wonder what's inside~? Koyomi-san, do you know?

Koyomi: I wonder. What do you think it is?

Hikari: Meat!

Hikari: ... Would be nice~♪

Hikari: Xue and I would cook it, and we'd eat it with everyone at the dorm! A meat festival!

Koyomi: ...

Koyomi: (Perhaps I was wishing to pass the days with everyone...?
I was subconsciously wishing for it, so I shared it without thinking...?)

Hikari: Of course, we'll call you, too! It'll definitely be fun!

Koyomi: (... Not possible.
That truly can't be it...)

Hikari: Koyomi-san?

Koyomi: ... No, go ahead and eat it amongst yourselves.
I am satisfied with just receiving your consideration.

Hikari: Which means it's food? Maybe it's actually meat!?

Koyomi: (If I don't want to get too involved, I should leave it here and return.
I do not want any unnecessary interaction. That, too, is Gingaza's tradition)

Koyomi: Indeed, this is actually a gift of meat—

Gingaza Member: Aah~ There you are. Mona said she's gonna start practice~

Hikari: Ageh~! I forgot!
Koyomi-san, sorry, I promised Ramo-san and the others! Here's the box!

Koyomi: Hikari-san!?

Koyomi: Haah... Getting this worried over a bit of meat...
... I hate meat.

Koyomi: I shall just leave it in the dorm's refrigerator and return home.
If I leave a note, it should find its way into someone's mouth...

Koyomi: I can't lie in the thank you letter, though.

Koyomi: It is much easier to cover up lies told to the dignitaries...

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Pub: 26 Jan 2025 03:57 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2025 04:20 UTC
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