hello, i am noctis, also known as noct if you wish to call me that. nothing special. im not really good at talking about myself. i don’t know i like fishing. its’s calming, keeps me grounded. i also like spending time with others. i like calm music, cats & dogs alike, fries, soup, noodles & warm weather. im also fond of other things..
i am male and 18 years old, my sexuality is unlabeled and i also am demiromantic. i kind of age with the body, my birthday is august 30 and i will age every year on my own birthday.
╾┄┈⠀⠀⠀my likes⠀⠀
i like video games, fishing, camping, spending time with friends, sleeping, the outdoors, cup noodles, french fries, soup, calm music, warm weather, animals (i love cats the most), stargazing, quietness & casual + streetwear fashion. i also do like animangas, photography & fitness.