Shinji Ikari lounged on the bed. He was naked, his huge body enjoying the pleasant cool of the bedroom. Kaworu Nagisa, his boyfriend, was feeding him doughnuts.

And feeding him.

And feeding him.

And feeding him.

Feeding, feeding, feeding, feeding, feeding. And Shinji Ikari ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and ate.

"Bigger than ever," he mumbled as he gorged. His huge hog's face rippled as he chewed, fattened like a prize-winning pig. He looked like a swine. He looked like a sow. He looked like a farm animal fattened for slaughter.


He stank like one, too. Shinji's huge body had an awful stench around it constantly these days. Some of this was his immense pooping, the vast amounts of feces it produced. Some of it was his flatulence, his huge and inflamed intestines venting their irritation in terrible farts almost constantly throughout the day. But some of it was simply the stench that accompanied being so overwhelmingly fat. Shinji's folds and rolls collected dirt and sweat and bacteria and only rarely was he totally and fully cleaned. His gigantic butt crack was caked in so much poop residue that it had a permanent funk along its walls. His skin was pale and waxy and goopy, and itself gave off a pungent odor. It looked like Shinji was made of ooze.

"Eat," said Kaworu, feeding him another doughnut.

Shinji ate. He was an eating machine. He loved eating, he dreamed of eating, he got erections eating and thinking about eating. A pure machine of gorging and feasting, Shinji could eat hundreds of pounds of food in a day. Kaworu had fed him six dozen doughnuts. There were more than five dozen doughnuts left. Shinji would consume a gross of doughnuts, 144, in one sitting. It was merely what he expected at this point.

"Mormfn, feed me," he mumbled, drool oozing down his hog face. Shinji had a literally animal-like face at this point, so fat and bloated that almost all traces of humanity were gone. His cheeks were the size of bicycle tires, and they slopped down onto one, two, three chins, and even a fourth chin was starting to emerge. The giant hog boy had eaten himself into a quadruple chin, just about.

His boobs were the size of semi-truck tires, and flared upon the shelf of his gut. His huge nipples and areolae were dark and sensitive. His arms were so fat and bloated that they were nearly useless, Shinji only able to motion and grasp at food on occasion. His giant upper arms were rolled and folded, arm flab that you could have fit small toys into the folds of. His fat fingers touched to the knuckle, and his hands were like mittens they were so bloated with flab.

His belly was the size of a subcompact car. Shinji's vast belly, riddled with stretch marks, took up more than half the bed, pale and goopy and one huge, mountain-like slope, oozing forward. It covered his enormous fat legs like some disgusting heavy apron of butter. Another way he increasingly did not look human. Shinji was like an oozing slug of a creature, all belly from the front. His belly button was almost a foot deep.



"Ohhhh, I've pooped," he mumbled in between bites. His feces were puttering out of his exposed ass crack. Shinji had finally gotten so fat that even the custom-sized bariatric diapers no longer were made in the sizes he would have needed. This left him completely naked, and his sofa-sized ass took up the other half of the bed's expanse. Shinji's colossal, gargantuan, elephant-sized bottom was pale and dimpled with cellulite, and it oozed in a fluid-bloated mass behind him, emptying shit out onto the tarp beneath it at least once every hour. Shinji Ikari was an eating machine, which also made him a pooping machine. His total lack of bowel control, built up by all the time Kaworu had spent sodomizing him, combined with his vast food intake and horrible diet to make him an absolute feces factory. He constantly felt the gurgle and swirl of his innards accompanied by the frequent feeling of release that came as he emptied pounds and pounds of shit out of himself. His huge legs touched to the knee despite being spread apart beneath the gulf of his belly. His feet were as fat as his hands, and his toes, like his fingers, touched far up their lengths.

"502 kilograms," said the voice of the scale attached to the bed. Shinji was more than half a ton in the standard system. He had been fattened beyond all belief.

And yet... "Mmrng, more," he mumbled between bites as Kaworu fed him another doughnut.

"Ah, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu with a smile at the vile blob of a boy. "I truly have conditioned you to be my perfect fat pet."

"Oh, mmm, yes, Kaworu-san, oh, more, keep feeding, I need to eat." His beady blue eyes were milky and dull. "Ohh, mmm, Kaworu-san, you know, I, mmm, like you always say, I'm a growing boy."

"Indeed, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, his pale, thin form moving close to the waxy pale blob body of his toy. "You are a growing boy and you shall always be a growing boy. That is how I desire you, and it allows my brothers and sisters to achieve their aims."

"Ohhh, keep feeding me," moaned Shinji. "Ohhh, I'm so hungry."

Kaworu fed Shinji another doughnut. Then another. Then another. Then another. And as he fed him, he spoke:

"Shinji-kun, you are my fat sex toy. I love you like this, and I know you love this, too. I will feed you and feed you and feed you, and you will grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger. You will need more accommodations in time. I may have to start keeping you in water to keep your own weight from crushing you." He fed Shinji another doughnut. "Or we may have to move you into a zero gravity environment." He fed Shinji another doughnut. "Or perhaps, Shinji-kun, even all my powers and abilities as an Angel will no longer be able to sustain you, and you will simply die, having eaten yourself to death."

"More, more, mmm, Kaworu-san, feed me," Shinji opened his mouth wide and his tongue lolled out.

Kaworu grinned. "So greedy and hungry that you didn't even care about all that I said. Just like I like you, Shinji-kun. You also won't care about this: I will soon go back to Tokyo-3. I will soon locate Adam, who is currently in your father's possession. I shall fulfill the dream of my brothers and sisters. Succeed where they failed, and then I shall come back here to continue feeding and pampering you, in the altered world I will have made. A world in which you will be happy. In which only you will be happy, because you are my toy and I intend to play with you for a long time to come."

"Ohh, more, more, more," moaned Shinji. Kaworu stuffed more doughnuts into his mouth. "Ohhh, Kaworu-san, I don't care about anything but eating and fucking!" His milky, stupid blue eyes rolled back in his head as his pleasures and desires overwhelmed his conscious thoughts.

"I know that, Shinji-kun. Just like I like you. I knew that for our ambitions to succeed, the pilot of Unit-01 would have to be removed as a factor. You know, Zeruel said it would be best to kill you." Kaworu stroked Shinji's short brown hair. "But this is better. None of these circumstances were of your making, Shinji-kun. You did not deserve to suffer. So I thought... better to incapacitate you by giving you everything you ever wanted. It has achieved the same effect, and you're much happier, no?"

Kaworu moved in close. Shinji eyed him. Kaworu leaned in, and Shinji moaned in erotic bliss as Kaworu kissed him on the lips. The huge fat hog of a boy actually cried, tears leaking from his eyes as his overwhelming pleasure and satisfaction provoked the strongest of emotional reactions.

"Ohhhhh," Shinji moaned as Kaworu pulled his lips away. "Ohhh, Kaworu-san... sex, sex, ohhh, I want sex..."

"Of course, my fattened pet," said Kaworu, unbuckling his belt. He unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off, and then pulled down his pants and his boxers. "In fact, Shinji-kun, I am going to give you the greatest fucking you have ever had."

Kaworu picked up another box of doughnuts and began to stuff them in Shinji's mouth. As Shinji was fed, he watched Kaworu's crotch area, and his eyes widened as orange hexagons began to pulse in the air around Kaworu's dick. As the hexagons glowed and shone, Kaworu's penis grew in size. It was already well over six inches long. But now as Shinji watched, his boyfriend's cock grew to eight inches, ten inches, twelve inches, fourteen inches, sixteen inches. Shinji felt an immense homosexual delight as he saw his caretaker's penis swell to more than a foot and a half in length, a comically huge phallus, and growing thicker and thicker as well. It grew erect and hard. Shinji moaned like some kind of animal. He knew he was in for the sex of his life.

Kaworu climbed up on the bed. Shinji felt his cushion-sized buttocks spread wide, the vast, goopy slurry of his poop spattering all around.

Kaworu's voice breathed in his ear. "Are you ready?"

"Ohhh... ohhh...." the huge sow of a boy moaned. He gurgled deep in his throat like an animal. "Ohhh, Kaworu-san, yes, I'm ready! Make love to me, please! I'm yours!"

The hissing, rasping voice of Kaworu sounded rather sinister when it replied: "Yes, Shinji-kun. You are. You are mine."

And he thrust the gigantic penis deep into Shinji's anus.

"Ohhhhhhh," moaned Shinji as he was fucked. He was violently sodomized. Kaworu was violating him with immense force, and Shinji felt a pain that was a pleasure, and a rapture of erotic feeling that he'd never known in his life. Kaworu's hand reached around and began to feed him doughnuts again, even as he was thrusting balls-deep into the giant fat boy. Shinji's eyes rolled back into his head as his mouth was stuffed with doughnuts and his shithole was stuffed with cock.

Speaking of shit,


Kaworu chuckled as Shinji began to poop around his dick, the vast loose anus easily having enough room to empty goopy feces out of the edges even as Kaworu's massive dick took up the bulk of the space. "Ah, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, not even minding that his boyfriend was pooping all over him. "You truly are the perfect boy."

"Mmrngng" mumbled Shinji, barely even thinking. He had another doughnut stuffed into his mouth. He ate. He pooped. He was fucked. All at once.

And he'd never been happier.

On the streets below Shinji and Kaworu's apartment, someone was walking by. It was late in the afternoon, getting on into the evening, and the sun was beginning to set. The sidewalks were relatively bare, but there was one woman walking with purpose beneath the building where the fat boy and his captor had their home.

Pale skin. Lithe, but still rather curvy, especially with a rather large chest. Tall, with a beautiful angular face. She had long brown hair that ran down her back, and trailed down her front in tresses. She had keen, piercing blue eyes, which were currently set behind a pair of rectangular glasses.

She sniffed.


Mari Illustrious Makinami stopped her walking and paused. She sniffed again. She sniffed again. She grimaced at what she smelled.

"Oh, gosh, that's... gross! It smells like... semen... and... feces!" She stuck out her tongue. "Disgusting!"

A high, wattly fat person's voice came down to her from above:

"Ohhh... ohhhh... ohhh, fuck me harder, Kaworu-san..."

"Oh, gross," said Mari with a disgusted expression. "Queers need to learn to keep their windows closed when they're doing their poop sex."

Then she resumed walking, and she soon left Shinji and Kaworu far behind.


Pub: 24 Oct 2023 09:25 UTC
Views: 1282