

McCafferty is Moon of The Wicked's 28th contestant, a psychic cyborg with an eye for detail and practicality. He loves computer science, coding and taking apart computers. He is the host of a system, and sometimes says "we/us" instead of "i/me" for this reason. His alters usually pretend to be him, some failing and some perfect at it. During his time as a contestant on Team Mayhem, he hass made best friends with Doctor Dottie and best enemies with Lottomore. -

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GENERAL INFO ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Real name: Stephen McCafferty
Nickname(s): Caff, McCafferty
Team: - Mayhem
Species: Half robot, half psychic superhuman
Gender: Male (he/him, they/them collective)
Age: 24, born July 27th
Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis, Technokinesis (ex. controlling technology without using a mouse or anything), a sixth sense (the sense of danger - can automatically know if something bad is going to happen)


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Edit Report
Pub: 18 Jan 2025 07:57 UTC
Edit: 08 Feb 2025 04:33 UTC
Views: 75