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Imagine: It’s 2000, you are ten years old. For the first time in your life, someone has told you you’re wrong. You run home to your parents, whining about the encounter. And then- Your mother holds you close, telling you that you are right. Nobody else’s opinion matters because your word is all that’s important. This sticks with you until well past college, and you find yourself as a 27 year old arguing with people far out of your age range on the internet. Their opinions don’t matter because they aren’t you.

Now imagine this on a global scale. Millions of people, ranging from 36 all the way to 21, fighting anything and anyone that does not hold their opinion- because their parents told them the same exact things. Welcome to the Age of Outrage.

When you are raised believing that your opinion is the only thing that matters, it becomes extremely difficult to fathom that someone may agree with you. Social media sites, like Twitter or Facebook, made communication easy. Unfortunately, they also sprouted ways for people to share their opinions and argue about them. Many people hated this. They needed to be heard- they needed to be seen.

The Age of Outrage was the rise of offended millennials on the internet. Disagreeing with society and society disagreeing with them, many vowed to change society to fit their own views. They stopped listening to criticism- they weren’t taught to do that anyway- and started voicing their opinions on anything and everything, because their word was right.

This caused the internet to change. It morphed to fit their views, allowing platforms for people to say whatever they wanted. When their ideas got too offensive, cancel culture arose. It contained chaos, telling people what was and wasn’t okay. This in itself offended many people. Those who were canceled began to call themselves victims. Those doing the canceling parroted this, claiming that things said hurt them directly.

The aftermath of the Age of Outrage is prevalent in media. Now, in 2024, you are unable to go online without seeing someone complaining, canceling, or god forbid communicating. Everything said online is offensive, and those who take offense cannot win. Everyone is right, everyone is wrong. When will it end?

Pub: 29 Jul 2024 16:15 UTC
Edit: 29 Jul 2024 16:26 UTC
Views: 68