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Across time, many different civilizations have believed in various ideas of an afterlife. The Egyptians believed the Duat, which put the soul through various challenges until it was lucky enough to reach the Field of Reeds. The Greeks believed in Hades- commonly known as the Underworld in modern media. It housed many areas where different souls would travel to depending on how they were in life. The Norse believed in Valhalla, Hel, and everything in between. Even today, many believe that there is a heaven waiting for them. But, why do people hold this belief?

It stems from comfort. People need the comfort of someone watching over them, believing that if they are alone, they will resort to violence. If there is no higher power- no afterlife- then, why should people be good? This is the thought process many people use when referring to a God.

Realistically, there is little to no evidence of there actually being a higher power. Stories in the Bible originated as folk lore, originally created by many different people from around 30 CE. Over time, these stories may have been dramatized. For many years, it was unclear when the Bible was written and who actually wrote it. There have also been many translation errors over time- many of these leading to the idea of a Devil.

You may be screaming at your screen, telling me that people have seen heaven, but this can also be quickly disproven. Though there are many different ideas and even first hand accounts, the common idea is that your brain releases endorphins and similar chemicals, keeping you at peace. The phrase “my life flashed before my eyes” actually stems from many reports of a quick visual recap of one's life when they are dying.

Many people try to come up with ideas outside of these. Things like the Egg Theory and the belief that there is nothing waiting after death provides a different form of comfort. Even many different medias supply their own ideas- Notably, Upload and its virtual afterlife as well as the Good Place and its interesting spin on the classic Heaven and Hell. Even the Marvel universes, showing that people will end up in the afterlife that they believed in.

At the end of the day, there is no real way of telling what will happen once you die. Every belief is just a glimmer of hope, which brings comfort as the Earth deteriorates more and more.

Pub: 31 Jul 2024 17:13 UTC
Views: 81