im gonna make this look pretty later

nancy 12 / 03 / 24
hi nanceeee, youre such a good girlfriend and i love you so much, you make me feel really cool and stuff and youre honestly the light of my life, i love watching movies with you and just talking forever, you make me so happy and im so excited to have you as my girlfriend, i mean, when i say i was crushing on you for so long, i mean it!!! youre the best i lvoe you so much i just want to scream it super loud!!!!!! youre so pretty oh my god im crazy for you LITERALLYLLYLYLYLYL youre literally so gorgeous im losing my mind like how did i land you? its crzy. CRAZY. sorry im excited, i wish i could hug you right now as im writing this, id do anything to be able to hug you forever and ever, just you in my arms foreever., you know? i love you. i love you so much. youre perfect to me, your e the most perfect girl i know <3333 im so excited for the moment i get to hug you and kiss you and just hold you, ill make it the best ever <3

aurora 17 / 03 / 24
vickieee HIIII, my partner, my love, my girlfriend, hiiii <3 i love youuu <3 i love your warm embrace and everything about you, your beautiful hair, your cheerful and cute personality, your ability to be caring to everyone and always see the light in people is so attractive ..hjjjrrrjjj ... i love cuddling you and just talking to you basically every single day, your touch brings me happiness and i know you know that. when i woke up today with a huge lovemail written just for me i nearly cried, how are you the sweetest person ever?? i know i wont be writing as much as you did but just so you know i lvoe you more and i can not wait for you and me against the world, that sounds absolutely perfect, i love you chris, i can't wait to spend eternity with you, you're amazing <3

joseph 00 / 00 / 23
you're really old lol why are you hanging around an 18 year old you creep, i love you /P stay cool man, youre actually the best bud ive ever had im not gonna lie

stevie 00 / 00 / 23
hi im gonna write this later

michael 00 / 00 / 23
hey youre like a little brother to me, youre literally so cool even if youre weird and really gay i guess

Pub: 25 Apr 2023 01:17 UTC
Edit: 14 Apr 2024 23:04 UTC
Views: 1093