The Ultimate Guide To Buying The Best Water Tank For Your Home

Statistics say that Australians are among the highest consumer of water worldwide. And it is when the country is considered dry and the yearly rainfall is quite below the global average.

Therefore, Australians must do their best to preserve every single drop of water. Rainwater harvesting is the right way of doing that. When you do rainwater harvesting, you need good-quality water tanks Canberra. Rainwater tanks can save millions of liters of water every year.
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It is good for the environment. It is good for the city infrastructure. And it is good for your pocket also. You save on the water bill. Experts say that the success of a rainwater system largely depends on the quality of the tank. The good the tanks are, the better results you get. In this context, it is essential to know everything about how to select the right tank?

Here is a comprehensive guide.

Get The Rainfall First

Before you call any of the renowned suppliers of Canberra water tanks, you need to get an idea of the rainfall in your area. As far as Canberra is concerned, you can go to the website of the local administration. Or you can study the data given by the meteorological department of Canberra. Based on the historical data on rainfall, you can get average rainfall.

Calculate Your Rainwater Harvesting Capacity

Before asking anything from water tank supplier Canberra, it is important to calculate the rainwater harvesting capacity of your roof. The formula is simple. Each square meter of roof collects one liter of water when there is 1 mm rainfall. So, let’s assume you have 200 square meters of roof area. And there is average of 500mm rainfall. So, you can expect to harvest 100,000 liters of water. Once you get an idea of the rainwater harvesting capacity, you can decide on the right type of water tank.

Tank Size

Once you get an idea of how much water you can collect, now you should work out how big your tank should be. Experts say that one should select a size that will hold at least one month’s supply.

Location Of The Tank

Though the best place is next to a fence or wall, you should check its feasibility. Make sure that the surface is leveled and strong enough to bear the load of the tank. Once you are through with these steps, you can finalize the tank. Install it to get a permanent supply of water.

Pub: 24 Jun 2022 13:51 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2022 12:43 UTC
Views: 395