🌷✦ do not interact β€” ⟒

  • anyone bodily under 15, or over 18 (in DMs / private settings)
  • homophobic, transphobic, racist, anti-semetic, zionist, etc etc
  • RCTAs / transracial, y'all are gross
  • anti-xenogender & neopronouns
  • doesn't include aroace as apart of the queer community
  • corrects people's grammar without permission
  • pro/comshippers
  • toxic stans of any fandom
  • people who chase drama
  • anti-recovery or encourages delusions
  • right-leaning, conservative, or centrist
  • TERFs or JKR supporters
  • makes kys / kms "jokes"
  • anti-self-diagnosis within reason
  • refuses to translate typing quirks
  • uses fonts
  • misuses closed symbols for aesthetics
  • twitter users (this is only sort of a joke..)
  • endogenic / non-traumagenic systems
  • people who β€œdon’t think before [they] speak”
  • people who demonize disorders or disabilities
  • nsfw, gore, or cutegore accounts

🌷✦ before you interact β€” ⟒

  • minor, neurotypical, white, able-bodied, trans-misogyny exempt, etc. i do my best to be respectful and educated, please tell me if i offend or upset anyone
  • doesn't really use tone tags, and doesn't care if you use them for me or not. please let me know if you want my tone clarified, it's preferred to making assumptions about me
  • openly political, i will not be quiet to make you more comfortable
  • may just drop out of conversations suddenly / randomly, i don't hate you, i just get tired easily
  • watches a few minecraft youtubers, i DO NOT support dream / the dream team or wilbur soot in any way, at all. i am critical of all the media i consume, don't just assume i'm not
  • very aroace, if you make jokes about sex, or constantly talk about romance, i will not talk to you, i will consider you immature, and i will probably avoid you
  • i get really protective over my interests, i will likely avoid you if we share any major interests of mine, it's nothing personal
  • incredibly slow to anger or being genuinely upset, if you are angry, i will probably not take your side. i struggle to care about other people sometimes. just be aware of that.
  • unsure where i stand religiously, will make jokes at the expense of christianity and catholicism (as an ex-catholic)
  • if you send me GIFs for no reason, i will block you, i don't fuck with that shit, it isn't funny
Pub: 16 Sep 2023 02:22 UTC
Edit: 13 Mar 2024 18:37 UTC
Views: 360