♪♫ " ...it means everything. "

andrew bloody guidence

" ............since you have found this page, and you know what you clicked on; i am going to be honest with you. "pro-harassment" is another term for "anti", which... i am not. i am what you'd call "proship" or "profic". im sorry you had to find out this way. and before you yell at me thinking you can change me, it's been this way for three years now, it isnt new to me. i started using fiction to cope in May of 2021, specifically starting out in the OMORI fandom. if "aubreyz_hideout" rings any bells, that is me, or more currently; "bugz_hideout". using fiction to cope with my trauma saved my life, and has helped me in a lot of ways. i use it as both a coping mechanism to explore my trauma and feelings through fiction and understand myself a little more, and just for fun. "

" if learning/knowing this upsets or makes you uncomfortable or angry, you have every right to block me or cut me off, for your own comfort and mine. but PLEASE do not go out of your way to harass me or my friends. that is simply just immature. i am getting to the point to where keeping up this facade and pretending that i am two different people, is becoming too much for me. and its making me worse having to constantly be in fear of my own friends and those i surround myself with, i do not want to be surrounded by toxic people anymore who are not so understanding of those far different than themselves. i've been trying to make new friends who are also profic like me, and trying to be a little more open about where i stand while also still so in hiding. this is a very risky rentry page to make, but i think it needs to be done. i want to take more risk and find myself a space where i can feel comfortable. if you have found this, i hope you take the time to read this and understand. goodnight. "

you cannot go back. ♪♫

Pub: 27 Feb 2024 06:46 UTC
Edit: 14 May 2024 11:37 UTC
Views: 520