do not interact if you fit any of these
01. basic DNI critera
02. current the pond staff !very few exceptions!
03. over 20 under 16
primarily in dms. exceptions can be made but are rare
04. mock or overuse tone tags
05. toxic antis/stans of anything
06. post on any fakeclaiming subreddits or communities
07. mock alters based on source regardless if you like said source or not
08. poppytwt, edtwt, shtwt, leaktwt
09. endos/endo neus/endo supporters
10. anti mogai/xenos/neos
11. ex friends or psys
12. people who listen to rumors without using critical thinking
or otherwise reaching out
13. fetishize our introjects or our body/identity
14. dont respect our cultural practices (Any aspect of it I do not care if you believe it or not)
15. syscorse/dyscorse
16. believe in alter race, sys hoping, etc
17. you are friends with, or interact with lumin, eden or Q,
spreading rumors isnt cute especially from a cheater
18. if you use the R slur (even if youre autistic there is no reason to use it.)
01. we are 420 positive and actively use and discuss it ☆★ 02. because we have DID we have extremely poor memory, we will forget to reply often feel free to dm us again if we happen to forget to reply! 9./10 its not on purpose ☆★ 03. we have sp/ins and/or hyperfixations on "problematic" media, we're actively critical of it and hold none of our interests as "pure" and we are critical of all things we enduldge in, as thats the only way to enduldge in it ☆★ 04. we need direct communication especially if we over step/on boundaries etc, we dont understand social cues or "hints" and for the sake of our HPD/BPD/autism we appreciate the direct communication ☆★ 05. we sometimes, though rarely, will use slurs we can reclaim (fag/lesbo/tranny) but you will rarely see that anyway.
DNI ) Dont interact at all
DNIUDM ) dont interact unless we dm first
DNIUPS ) dont interact unless bear, sisu or gremlin
DNIUC ) dont interact unless in our priv server
IWEC ) interact extremely cautiously and dont start serious topics
IWC ) interact carefully, ask before starting serious topics
ATI ) ask to interact
OTI ) open to interact
PINT ) please interact!