Elysian Artefacts

a collection of various inventions that have spawned in the League of Mans, mostly from the Alchemist Guild (anything in blue boxes is considered highly classified information)

Gloved Cloaks

Through a surgical procedure, a Magllaecian can bind a special metallic, chuubanite-enhanced alloy to one of their arachnid limbs, reforming it as a skeleton arm for the famed Gloved Cloaks worn by a fair amount of high ranking Magllaeci in the Alchemist Guild. The procedure is not only expensive, it is also quite risky as there's no guarantee of the Magllaecian receiving the procedure can handle the increase of chuubanite in their body.

In truth, the procedure requires more than simply any chuubanite. In order for the new arm to be able to operate, it requires the sacrifice of someone close to the Magllaecian be they friend or family. The sacrifice must either be alive, or recently deceased for the procedure to work as the very 'soul' of the sacrifice is bound to the new arm to bring life into it and cannot be allowed to begin to 'pass on' first. This is what breathes life into the new limb and allows it to operate independently. The arm still receives subconscious commands from its owner's brain but requires no active commands and can act on its own. It appears that these independent acts resemble the personality of the sacrifice, such as a kind mother tucking its son into bed. The requirement of this procedure has sparked interest in circumventing the sacrificial part. Some have tried to use sacrifices of people they weren't close to, one mad man even tried to use a schizo. Few of the former could be saved through amputation, the latter had to be put down. A few decades ago, research into creating artificial life using the Alchemist themselves as a basis to make a fake, closely connected 'soul'. These experiments have all ended in failures of various degrees, but gave insight into how some manner of simple... life, if you can call it that, can be constructed. While true life is too complex to emulate, some parts of it could be replicated through advanced glyph works.


The main product of what was learnt from the unsuccessful attempts at creating artificial life.

Thanks to extensive research into glyphs, the pioneers of the Alchemist Guild have successfully managed to bring inanimate objects into motion. Made commonly of clay, stone, wood or some combination of the aforementioned materials, these Golemites have become a staple in the academically institution and has even been adopted by some frontier towns in the north as miners. These are typically quite cheaply made, both in material and the complexity in their magical construction as they don't need to do much more than the heavy lifting under command and supervision of an Alchemist overseer. The ones found in labs are often a lot more extravagant in their construction. Instead of the cobbled together, vaguely humanoid shape of laboring golemites, these are quite finely carved and sometimes even painted to give impression of a clothed, doll-like humanoid of varying heights depending on the needs (and tastes) of their makers. Their tasks can be anything from moving furniture, fetching material for their master or simply keeping them company as best as an unfeeling and mute tool can for those who have no other.

Soul Stake

While some chuubanite deposits can be found underground, one of the League's main sources of chuubanite is through hunting. Nearly all living creatures on the island have a modicum of chuubanite within them, bound to the iron in their bloodstreams. This is found in much greater concentration among the monsters and schizo population of the island. A novel invention, made some time after the original founding of the League, known as the Soul Stake is key to the extraction of this valuable resource. By piercing the heart of either a living or recently deceased creature, the stake forces the heart to pump and redirects it through a compartment of the stake fit with a filter. Older models however require manual CPR be performed to get the blood pumping through it, which is still in use for greenhorns. The end result is that it extracts a small vial worth of blood, containing almost all the chuubanite that existed with the creature. These vials sell for a high price both to the Alchemist Guild for the refinement of the chuubanite, as well as the the Vestiges. Why? They will not say, but it is fair to call it an open secret.

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Pub: 25 Aug 2022 00:54 UTC
Edit: 29 Aug 2022 21:32 UTC
Views: 511