Agape Angelidis

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Agape Angelidis is one of the three main protags within SotS (Standard of the Sky).
He wishes to pursue art, a hidden talent of his since he was young, as art careers aren't exactly appreciated or necessary at home. In Greece, his family owned a restaurant. Here, he grew up both busy and with high expectations from his parents. Mainly from his father. Upon moving to the US in an attempt to pursue art school, Agape is left in a spiral of situations, from being unsure where to make his art talents useful back at home, to figuring out what next steps he should take after dropping out of art school. Agape eventually comes by the SKY tower, having heard about this place from a stranger in a bar. Agape takes interest and finds this mysterious place himself, his last hope of finding some sort of guidance, and possibly a place where his talents could be used.

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  • Perfectionistic
  • Moved to the US to pursue schooling. Ended up dropping out, and found himself a job at the SKY tower.
  • Largely appreciates art, especially sculpting
  • Back at home, would work as a waiter or bar tender for his family's restaurant
  • Wears his partner's hat
Description (All as of the beginning of SotS):

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8ft / 172cm
Weight: 125lbs / 56.6kg
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Icy blue
Origins: Greece
Language(s): Greek, English (US)
Status: Alive
Ambition: Find a way for his talents to be appreciated, fit in with family, find a way to keep family's restaurant open


Angelos - Father
Aleka - Mother
Atticus Angelidis - Twin brother
Jasper - Romantic partner
Cas Alexandru - Acquaintance, friend
Lucas Green - Acquaintance, friend
Forsythia - Acquaintance, manager
Aqillutaq - Acquaintance, co-worker, friend


artwork creds to neqtie

artwork creds to neqtie

Pub: 04 Jun 2024 01:38 UTC
Edit: 13 Sep 2024 17:24 UTC
Views: 51