Candy thief

Sunny was browing the candy store, thinking what would Kim like. He couldn't pick something simple like chocolate, his girlfriend deserved better. Thinking back to when he and Kel pestered them about Aubrey, he remembered Vance mention taffy. Picking 2 dozen pieces of wrapped candy, Sunny walked over to the cashier and placed the candy on the counter. The woman, Miss Candice, gave him a smile.

"Will that be all? Smiley, Smiley!"

Nodding Sunny payed for the candy and walked towards the exit.

"Hold it!"

Stopping in his tracks, Sunny turned around and was met with a girl with black hair, pink skirt and a pink bow. Raising a brow, Sunny looked at her with a questioning look.

"Don't think you're clear to go just yet, mister! I know you're Kim's boyfriend, which means you probably stole something!"

Sunny was baffled. Before he could protest, Miss Candice came next to the girl.

"Oh, that won't do. We'll have to pat you down before you go, just in case."

Sunny's eyes became wide before the two girls began touching him. The young shota flushed as Miss Candice's hands went up his legs, touching his thighs and... Sunny froze as her hand graced his crotch. While she was busy with that, Cutesy rubbed Sunny's chest with her hands before touching his sides. Sunny remained frozen as the two girls "pat him down".

"Well, it looks like you're not a thief. Come again, Smiley, Smiley!"

Sunny walked out the candy store, eyes wide and face red. Did... did that really just happen?

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:24 UTC
Views: 632