
chapter one: new student

It was a rather normal day in South Park Elementary...
The 4th grade children sat down on their seats, as their teacher, Mr. Garrison started to speak.

Garrison: Alright children, today we have a new student coming to class today. Everyone, meet Becky Swanson!


Becky stood there at the entrance of the classroom, seemingly nervous.

Garrison: Come on Becky, don't be shy. I'm sure everyone is very happy to have a new student that they can possibly become friends with, right guys?

Nobody is happy.
Becky slowly walked into the classroom, looking around the room, sweating.

Garrison: Alright Becky I think you should just go and sit next to Nichole.

Becky stops and looks at the other students. All staring at her...
She shakes her head and sits next to Nichole.

Nichole: Oh um... Hey there, Becky...
Becky: ...Hi.

...Nichole just looks away, knowing she shouldn't be talking in class.

Becky: ...Why are you looking away. What's up.
Nichole: ...oh it's just that i saw somethi-
Becky: Do you want to know about the lore of DOOM.
Nichole: ...Maybe after class? At lunch? We can't really talk i-
Becky: Did you know DOOM guy has a pet bunny.
Nichole: ...What?

Becky proceeds to infodump Nichole.

Becky: and then-
Garrison: Becky, do you mind shutting the hell up?!

Everyone looked at Becky.

Garrison: Or do you want to go to the principal's office?!
Becky: ...Can I go to the principal's office?
Garrison: ...what?!

Becky: May I go to the principal's office? I don't think I have quite met them yet.
Garrison: ...Sure...?

Becky stood up and walked out the classroom.

Cartman: Damn... I like that girl!
Garrison: Eric you shut the fuck up too!

PC Principal's office...

PC Principal sat in front of Becky, who just stared at him.

PC Principal: Alright, I don't think I've ever seen you, which is weird because I always meet new students when they enter this school, but that's okay-

Becky just stared at him. Quietly

PC Principal: ...Okay, let's just start with a "Hello, how are you?"


PC Principal: You aren't as talkative as I thought you were. sigh Okay, so just tell me, what's your name? Mine is Peter Charles, but people usually call me PC Principal.

PC Principal looks inside his desk's drawers.

Becky: Becky Swanson.

Becky's last name stops PC Principal for a bit.
He slowly looks up from the drawers, now holding some papers.

PC Principal: Becky Swanson... That sounds quite familiar... Might just be my mind tricking me. Anyways, how's your life at home?

PC Principal asked, as he tried to find Becky's registration papers

Becky: Pretty good... Mother's a hot-head towards other people thaat aren't me... That annoys me very much...
PC Principal: Oh, I see... My mom was like that too...

PC Principal finds Becky's registration papers

PC Principal: "Becky Swanson"... "10 Years old"... "she/they"... I see, you seem like a cool person, Becky.
Becky: Thanks.
PC Principal: "Guardian/parent"... "Heather Swanson"... "Heathe-

PC Principal gasped as he realized something.

PC Principal: ...Becky? Your mother is... Heather Swanson?
Becky: Well, sadly, yeah.
PC Principal: ...Oh God... Oh no... WHO THE FUCK LET YOU IN HERE?!

Becky stares at PC Principal, looking a bit scared.

Becky: What do you mean??
Becky: O-Okay?!

PC Principal ran out the room.


Strong Woman was walking down the corridors, going to her office, until PC Principal ran up to her holding Becky's registration papers.

PC Principal: STRONG WOMAN!!
Strong Woman: turns around Oh hey swe-

PC Principal says, holding Strong Woman by the shoulders.

Strong Woman: ...What.
PC Principal: I do NOT know who matriculated her-- we NEED to know who did this so I can BEAT THEIR ASS!!!!
Strong Woman: ...Peter, calm down... It's just a child with a b-
PC Principal: What if she's here to spy on us and tell everything she saw to her mother?!
Strong Woman: ...Oh Jesus...
PC Principal: turns around I'm gonna make a reunion with all staff in here-- and I'm gonna FIND OUT who did this.

Strong Woman stares at him.

Strong Woman: I think... I'll just talk to her child personally.
PC Principal: turns towards Strong Woman Are you sure?
Strong Woman: ...Yeah, I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
PC Principal: Okay, you go talk to that kid in my office, and I will go make an announcement.

PC Principal walks away, really fast. Strong Woman just sighs, and then proceeds to walk towards PC Principal's office.

4th grade classroom...

Garrison: And when we divide that by 4, it is the same as-


Announcement: All staff, including janitors and everyone else, please go to the cafeteria immediately. One of you people is fucked.

Garrison: Oh Jesus, what is it now? Alright children sets down chalk, I want you to solve the math problems in pages 50 and 56 until I'm back.

Mr. Garrison leaves the classroom.

Cartman: Dude... I think Mr. Garrison will get fired...
Terrance: Hopefully.

Suddenly, Stan enters the classroom, looking shocked.

Kyle: Yo dude, what happened?

Kyle went up to Stan, not even closing his book, giving Cartman the chance to copy his homework.

Stan: You will NEVER guess what I just discovered.
Kyle: What, dude?!

More kids surronded Stan out of curiosity.

Stan: You know the new kid? Becky? Becky Swanson??? She's Heather Swanson daughter!!!

The class gasped.

Craig: Heather who?
Stan: That one woman who like hates the vice principal? The buff one?? The one that twerked in our face once???
Craig: Oh. I don't care.
Terrance: Aw man, why did you have to remind me of that??!!

Jimmy: Oh w-well, does that m-mw-make us cousins?


Jimmy: W-well, Heather's my auntie, s-so I might just be r-r-related to Becky! What a coincidence!
Stan: ...You are related to Heather Swanson and you never told anyone?
Jimmy: I think it would be qu-q-quite an embarassing fact to reveal to anyone, s-so yes, I indeed didn't r-ru-reveal anything to anyone.
Stan: But you just revealed that to everyone.
Jimmy: ...O-oh well, now everyone knows m-m-my auntie showed her balls to t-the entire school now, I guess.


Kyle: Stan, how the hell do you know that Becky is Heather's daughter??
Stan: I was listening in PC Principal's conversation with her throught the door of his office, and I just heard "YOU'RE HEATHER SWANSON'S DAUGHTER?!"
Nichole: And did you hear anything else??
Stan: Well when I was coming back to class, I heard they were gonna make a meeting to discover who registred Becky into the school.


Jimmy: my Auntie Heather once posted something a-aa-about putting their child in a school!
Stan: And did she like, reveal any information?? Anything??

Jimmy pulls out his phone and opens Instagram

Stan: Wait... Is that Cartman?!

Everyone turned to Cartman, who was copying off Kyle's homework.
Cartman slowly turned his head to the rest of the class.

Cartman: ...Hey, why is everyone looking at me?

PC Principal's office...
Becky was sat there, looking bored out of her mind. Suddenly, Strong Woman enters the room and sits on PC Principal's seat.

Strong Woman: Hello dear... You must be um...
Becky: Becky Swanson. I am Becky Swanson.

Strong Woman got a little bit shocked. It's true. Heather Swanson's child studies at her school.

Strong Woman: ...Okay, hun-
Becky: Do not call me pet names, I am not your girlfriend.
Strong Woman (who's used to calling her students pet names.): ...What? I mean... That's fine, Becky. So um... Is it true? Are you Heath... Heather Swanson's daughter...?

Strong Woman felt a bad feeling inside her that makes her feel bad... Just saying that name brings back a bunch of bad memories.

Becky: ...Yes...?
Strong Woman: ...Becky, is everything okay at home?...
Becky: ...Well no! Not with that woman using 100 types of perfumes and infecting my room with the fucking smell of it! Jesus, she's a fucking dickhead when it comes to other people!!

Strong Woman just stared at her in shock.

Strong Woman: ...Wait what?
Becky: You don't know? Mother is such a bad person, no one even wanted to be my father! Or mommy! Or anything! She's terrible!
Strong Woman: ...Yeah, I was actually your mom's ex girlfriend... And she was very bad to me.
Becky: ...She also screamed at the TV whenever her favorite football team lost? Or like, make ME kill the rats around the house for her?
Strong Woman ...There's that too.
Becky: Oh you poor thing. Thank God you left her.
Strong Woman: ...Becky... Has your mother ever-
Becky: I am not in any way or somewhat like my mother and I will never be anywhat like her. I am not getting manipulated by her ignorance and rudeness.
Strong Woman: shocked ...Those are some... Long words, Becky...
Becky: True. I don't think you have told me your name, what is it, if you are willing to answer?
Strong Woman: ...Strong Woman, Strong Woman is my name.
Becky: Oh wow, what an interesting name. You are indeed quite strong, tho. I like you, maybe we could talk after class?
Strong Woman: Oh, I would be glad to but-


There's a sudden scream at the corridor, just outside the office.

Strong Woman: Oh, Jesus Christ?! What is going on now?!

Becky and Strong Woman stood up, opening the door, only to see PC Principal beating the shit out of Mr. Mackey.

Strong Woman: PC Principal, what the fuck are you doing?!

Becky was shocked.

PC Principal: You KNEW my girlfriend didn't want ANYTHING to do with her ex, and YET YOU STILL LET THAT FUCKING CHILD IN THE SCHOOL?!
Mackey: Sir! It wasn't me I swear I wasn't even in the-

PC Principal punches him in the face.

Strong Woman: AH!! PC Principal, stop it!!

Mr. Garrison and other staff came running to the scene, then tried to get PC Principal off Mr. Mackey.
Becky stood there, shocked at both the fact that she's witnessing violence in front of her poor eyes and that her ears have just received the message that her principal hates her because of her mother.

Garrison: PC Principal get off him!!!

Becky suddenly started sobbing and then proceeded to run away from the scene.

Strong Woman: Becky-!!

Jimmy and Stan suddenly appeared from the corner of the corridor, just as they finally stopped PC Principal from beating up Mr Mackey.
Mr Garrison picked up Mr Mackey as he almost fell onto the floor.

Garrison: Are you okay, kitten?
Mackey: O-ough...
Jimmy: W-w-woah! What the hell went o-on here?!
PC Principal: What the hell? shouldn't you kids be at class?!
Stan: Not now that we discovered that Cartman was the one who registred Becky into the school!

Stan shows the instagram post to PC Principal.
PC Principal is shocked. He gets out of whatever arms are holding him behind and looks at the phone screen.

PC Principal: ...That fucking bitch...?!
Garrison: ...So you're gonna pay for Mr Mackey's hospital visit, will you?!
PC Principal: looks at Garrison. ...Yeah yeah, whatever- I just need to get my fucking hands on Cartman!
Strong Woman: Oh dear Lord PC Principal, you don't need to be so violent with things!
PC Principal: Well yes I do! I know nobody wants anything to do with that Heather Swanson bitch- So I-

Strong Woman suddenly punches him and he faints.


Strong Woman: ...He just needs some hours of sleep to calm down.

Other Corridors...

Becky ran down the halls and sat near a locker... Crying...

"How could he hate me? It is my first day only... And I'm already hated... All because of my mom...!!!" - Becky's thoughts.

Meanwhile, rolling down the isle.

Timmy: Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy!!! (singing)

Timmy was coming back to class from the bathroom, when suddenly he saw Becky sitting there, crying.

Timmy: Timmaah???
Becky: Nobody likes me... Everybody hates me...
Timmy: Timmy! (worried)

Timmy rolls his wheelchair towards Becky.

Becky: ...Huh...? Becky looks at Timmy.
Timmy: Timmy!!
Becky: sobbing W-what do you want...
Timmy: Mehh!! Timmy!!!
Becky: ...Timmy...? What is that supposed to mean... You're Timmy?
Timmy: Agh!! Timmy!!! Smile
Becky: ...wipes tears with sleeves... Hi, Timmy... I-I'm Becky...
Timmy: Ti- Timmy!! Timmyyy!!
Becky: ...Yes... I know you're Timmy...
Timmy: Timmy!! Aghh!! Starts doing movements movements, asking something like "Why are you sobbing?"
Becky: ...PC Principal hates me... Because of my mom...
Timmy: Timmah?!?
Becky: Yeah... My mom... Heather Swanson...

Timmy's eyes widened.

Timmy: Ahh!? Timmy Timmy Tim-!!
Becky: ...Timmy, I can't quite understand you...
Timmy: Agh!! Timmy!!!!

Timmy suddenly started rolling away.

Becky: Timmy?! Where are you going...?!

Becky still sat there, sobbing.
Timmy rolled back and then grabbed Becky by the arm, pulling her away from the locker.

Becky: Timmy-!?
Timmy: Trying to get Becky to follow him Agh!! Timmy!!
Becky: Timmy stop!! You're hurting me!!

Timmy lets go of Becky's arm.

Becky: If you want me to follow you, just ask me...
Timmy: ...Ahhg!! eye roll

Timmy rolled away, and Becky followed close behind him.


Timmy and Becky enter the classroom, only to see the kids talking to eachother as if a student just killed themselves in front of the whole class.

Becky: ...Gee, what's going on...
Timmy: Timmy...
Nichole: Becky!

Becky looks at Nichole, then realizes the whole class is staring at her.

Becky: Hey Nichole...!! What is going on, my friend?

Becky tries to approach the other students, but they just move away from her.

Becky: Hey...?

Suddenly, Nelly goes up to Becky.

Nelly: ...So, your mom is Heather Swanson?
Becky: ...Yes? You kno-

Nelly suddenly kicks Becky in the stomach.

Timmy: TIMMAY!!!

Timmy fights Nelly back, then the entire class turns into a brawl.

Class: KICK TO THE ASS!!!!!!!!!! AGGHH AHHHHH!!!!



Announcement: Students, you will all be dismissed from today's class, as there has been some technical problems with the staff. Eric Cartman, please come to the principal's office.

The children stopped fighting, and then proceeded to cheer, as if they weren't all just trying to kill eachother.
The children left the class, except Becky, Timmy and Cartman

Nelly: See you tomorrow, Swanson!

Nelly said in an rather angry tone, before leaving the class.
Becky felt scared.

Becky: Oh, Jesus Christ...
Timmy: Timmay!!!

Timmy goes to check on Becky, seemingly worried.

Becky: I am fine, my dear friend...
Cartman: I'M FUCKED!!!
Becky: Huh? Why would you say that with such language? You kiss your mother with that mou-

Cartman grabs Becky by the shirt and starts shaking her.

Becky: Woah there!! Get your hands off of me!!

Becky pushes Cartman.
Becky goes up to Timmy.

Becky: Come on my dear friend, let's leave this place.
Timmy: Timmy!!!

They leave the classroom, and Cartman lays there, panicking.

Outside the school...

Timmy and Becky were going down the entrance of the school.
You'd think Becky goes home walking, like any other kid in South Park would. Oh, you're very wrong if you think that.
A van suddenly pulled up to the sidewalk of the school. The window was rolled down, and inside the van was...

Heather: Hello there sweetums!!

Heather Swanson.
Becky got a bit scared, thinking her mother will try to argument with anyone around her.

Becky: ...Hey there mother...

Heather got out of the car and hugged her daughter.

Becky: Mother- stop!!! Everyone's looking at me!!!

Indeed, everyone was just staring at her.

Heather: But I missed ya, Beckylyn!
Becky: Don't call me that!!!
Timmy: Timmy??
Heather: Oh, and who's this big head over here, huh?!
Becky: MOTHER!! Don't call Timmy that!!!
Timmy: Timmay!!!

Both Timmy and Becky were getting stressed out with Heather.

Heather: Oh, Timmy huh? Nice to meet ya, lil guy! You kinda look like my neph-
Becky: Mother!! Let's just go home!! pulling on Heather's pants.
Heather: Oh, Beckylyn, I still haven't seen your cousin Jim-Jim!! Where's that lil guy?!
Becky: Mother, he probably is with his parents-

Heather spots Jimmy at the entrance of the school.
Heather passes throught the crowd of children, then hugs her nephew.

Heather: Hey there, Jim-Jim!!
Jimmy: Aunt Heather!! in a bit of agony, considering he's being squeezed.
Becky: MOTHER!!!!

Becky stood there, confused and not knowing what to do.

Tammy N.: ...Hey is that Heather Swanson?
Kelly P.T.: What?! Not that bitch again!
Heather: Hey, you got a problem with me, little fuckers?!

Heather goes up to them, but Becky ran up and pulled on her pants again.

Becky: Mother- MOTHER!!! Stop it!!! Don't hurt anyone!!!
Kelly P.T.: Yeah bitch, don't fucking hurt anyone!!!
Becky: Please mother!! And stop calling her a female dog or she'll never stop screaming!!
Tammy N.: Just control your fuckin' mother, Becky!
Becky: Mother stop!!! Please don't hurt anyone!!
Heather: ...Alright kiddos, you get away this time, but the next FUCKING time I see your SHITFACES, I won't hesitate to KICK YOUR GIRL ASS!!

Heather walks away.

Becky: Oh my God... I apologize for my mom disturbing you, girls!!
Tammy N.: It's okay. Now leave us alone.

Becky walked away, now looking sad.
Becky saw Timmy outside, also looking shocked.
She just waves him a goodbye and enters Heather's van.

Inside Heather's van...

Heather was driving home, and Becky just sat there, quietly.

Heather: ...So, how was school, kiddo?


Heather: ...Did you see your vice principal-
Becky: Why the hell would you want to know about my vice principa?!
Heather: Well, I was just-
Becky: And "how was school"?! It was terrible! The fucking principal hates me!!!
Heather: ...Oh, why?
Becky: Because of you!


Heather: Oh, I knew this wasn't a good plan...
Becky: WHAT?!
Heather: Nothing, kid, just- Let's just go home.

Heather fixates her eyes on the road, not saying anything else.

PC Principal's office...

PC Principal was still out cold, sitting on a chair, while Strong Woman was talking to Cartman on his seat.

Strong Woman: ...So, you're Eric Theodore Cartman, right...?
Cartman: Panting in anxiety W-Will PC Principal wake up any time soon?! Will she?! Please tell me he won't!!!
Strong Woman: ...No, he won't wake up right now. Okay... So-
Strong Woman: Cartman, do not lie to me. Nobody is gonna hurt you. Now tell me- Is this you in this image?

Strong Woman shows him a picture of the Instagram post.

Cartman: Nope! You're going insane, ma'am!

Cartman sweats, and Strong Woman looks at him sternly.

Strong Woman: Cartman, how did you even do that?!?
Cartman: Youtube tutorials are helpful as fuck okay?!
Strong Woman: Cartman, you know that Heather Swanson isn't a good person!
Cartman: Oh, why are you saying that?! Is it because she's transginder?!
Strong Woman: Cartman, I AM transgender too!


Cartman: ...Aw, dang it.
Strong Woman: Cartman, I will be giving you 10 days of suspension!
Cartman: But-!!!
Strong Woman: No buts Cartman! I will be calling your mom and-

Suddenly, Liane Cartman entered the room.

Liane: Eric? Oh there you are... Sorry for interrupting, I was searching throught the whole school for my little boy...
Strong Woman: Oh, she's already here...
Cartman: MEEEWWWMMM!!!!!

Cartman ran up to Liane and got behind her.

Liane: Huh?
Strong Woman: No I wasn't! Your son literally registred the daughter of a very bad person into the school without anyone's permission!
Liane: Eric, you did what??

Cartman didn't know what to do anymore, so he just stood there... And started to run away.

Liane: Eric! Come back here, right now!
Strong Woman: Oh my God-

They both ran towards Cartman.
In the background, PC Principal was waking up.

PC Principal: ...W-what happened...?

Becky's room...

Becky was sat on her bed, thinking about her life, while hugging her Doom Guy figure.

Becky's Mind: The principal, the students... All dislike me... How am i supposed to make them like me? How am I supposed to live in whimsy and happiness, if my mother's reputation and actions are all being laid on my life?...


Becky: I have to kill my mother.

Screen Fades.

next chapter

Pub: 06 Jan 2024 01:08 UTC
Edit: 23 Jan 2024 22:45 UTC
Views: 246