red gradient divider “two years ago, that, to the best of my recollection,
was about the time i started to lose my mind.”
a png of a teenage boy sitting in a chair with his legs spread comfortably. he is white, with short brown hair, wearing blue jeans and a reddish-brown flannel. his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, his right hand resting on his hip,  his left  over his leg and holding a pistol. he is looking at the viewer emptily. the png is a painting, not heavily stylized, and taken from an old book cover. "Charlie"

charlie  or  decker.  ﹕ he himlighter pixintroj.

bloody stamp reading 'i support random violence'    a button that is an image of eyes giving the viewer the 'kubrick stare'     a stamp reading 'most likely to end up dead in the woods'.

7 teenimvu button reading 'disturbed'unlabeledpistol pix ⧉ masc trms

stamp reading 'run for your life'    button reading 'r.bachman rage', like a books spine     stamp reading 'it's always time for horror!'

ext:interact with care.. if that's what the kids say
these days. just be cool.
i can be kinda paranoid.
yeah my source isn't great but we aren't a columbiner
or anything we just like stephen king. got it? got it.

“This,” I said pleasantly, “is known as getting it on.”

Pub: 17 Oct 2024 05:03 UTC
Edit: 23 Oct 2024 12:30 UTC
Views: 82