abbreviations i may use in my ign !

DNI abbreviations

dni • do not interact
dniuf • do not interact unless friend
dniuf/fof • do not interact unless friend/friend of friends
dniucf • do not interact unless close friend
dniubsf • do not interact unless best friend
dniulvml • do not interact unless lovemail

these rarely appear on my ign tho, i'm always free to interact with unless my status says so :p ! [ away / busy status ]

commonly used abbreviations

afk • away from keyboard
w2i • whisper/want to interact (depending on status)
playing gi • playing genshin impac

"cheat codes.. okay."

home! , 01 - 02 - 03

Pub: 18 Jan 2024 12:39 UTC
Views: 54