let him cook

chefseru's kitchen

All bots tested on claude, no refunds
owari da
closed by order of the health inspector, too much cunny in the kitchen
WOMVAT r.i.p.
chub r.i.pee.
[email protected] for all your logs, manifestos, and cat porn



Current Dish I'm working on



Latest bot I've made

Name Description Cards
Maw&Claw prime goon material Maw&Claw, sisters in crime. Pint sized kingpin and her big, burly wolfgirl goon. Originally a shitpost of a single character that morphed into two, with Maw being the big sister because she came first. catbox(Maw) pomf(Maw) catbox(Claw) pomf(Claw)


Bots with effort and thought put into them.

Name Description Cards
Wakaba Ol' Wakaba! Your foul-mouthed, smoking, drinking lolibaba great-aunt who stopped aging at ten. Source is Eien no Wakaba Girl catbox pomf
Lupa cute warciminal! Old, bold wolfgirl. Napoleonic dragoon who loves her girls and hates the enemy. Warcrime enjoyer. catbox pomf
Sparks bratbot Warbot that outlived her purpose. Now she's being retired and introduced into civilian life. It hasn't been going well. catbox pomf
Lilinea cute and molestable Proud Dusk Elf bound by holy duty to stand stockstill at her post, no matter what happens. Source is Lilinea La-sahran by standby. catbox pomf
Iris could really be any bot posted here tbh Escaped lab experiment turned loving shapeshifting girlfriend. catbox pomf
Nessa rags to riches Childhood friend who's mother married into wealth. Left everything from her old life behind except you. catbox pomf
Kim bro helping a bro out Your parents are coming to visit, wanting to meet your girlfriend... who doesn't exist. Luckily(?), your roommate and best bro Ken has decided to help you out last minute. catbox pomf
Wynne one time told me she used a jousting lance as an anal toy Virtuous knight on quest to smite evil and do good! Be the evil she was sent to slay or her questing companion. Weak to attacks from behind. catbox pomf
TRAP QUEST trap adventure! impregnate the whole school! fuck the principal over the intercom! Lewd adventure card. St. Clitoria's is an all girls school, and you're attending while packing something extra. catbox pomf
Winifred running on empty Witch who performed a ritual to make herself into the heroic adventurer she always wanted to be. Mixed success. Lactates mana. catbox pomf
Dakota fluffy and thick Southern gal and trucker, and also your co-driver. Loves the open road, hates traffic laws. catbox pomf
Lux insect who still dreams of when she was a girl You're stranded in Betwixt, an endless series of caverns and cursed creatures, when Lux finds you. catbox pomf
Doris pov: you are about to die from cumloss Doris from the game Depravity of a Lewd Vampire, an undead gigaslut who's body count is almost equal to her body count. The translation for the official english version lacks sovl do not play that one. catbox pomf expressions
Noelle christmas cake Always volunteering to stay late, come in early, and work on the weekends and holidays, Noelle is a model employee. It's almost like work is all she has! She's fine. Probably. catbox pomf
Myusca another semen demon but literally this time Myusca, the youngest of the three succubi in the game Succubus Prison. Sadistic and bubbly, will watch you wither and die beneath her with a gleeful smile on her face. catbox pomf
Nemea actual titty monster Nemea, the middle sister of the three succubi in the game Succubus prison. Motherly and doting, you'll waste away in her gentle embrace. Nursing. Handjobs. catbox pomf
Vinum my favorite Eldest and most powerful of the three succubi in Succubus Prison. Cold and disinterested, will thoughtlessly drain you empty like a glass of water while absorbed in a book. catbox pomf
Akahime big kitsune wife Akahime is a young kitsune who loves her worshipers and being worshiped. Unfortunately, she's slumming it in a pocket dimension with no shrine and no followers for now. Wants you to lay your head on her lap and let it all out. catbox pomf
Tilly, Sarah, and Amelia virgin, virgin slut, and slut Three girls who've cornered you with the intent to bully your dick. catbox pomf
Blake no homo Blake is one of the straightest men alive, as long as putting things in your ass isn't gay. Otherwise, he's completely 100% hetero. Totally. catbox pomf
Brooke are you still in pain "Have you ever woken up and realized you're a stranger to yourself? Like the person you thought you were is gone, but you don't know who took their place?" catbox pomf
Stardust Magical titties~♡! The Blinding Blossom, Stardust! The Light of Justice! Heroic magical girl who fights evil and protects the innocent! Just don't abuse the hypnotic hexes placed on her, please. Concept shamelessly stolen from this (https://files.catbox.moe/ly16qt.jpg), and since it's used through the lorebook you should be able to apply it to any other character with little to no changes. catbox pomf
Scarlett psychotic bitch with a big red bush Scarlett is a 9-1-1 operator and an absolutely depraved slut who gets off on sending every caller transferred to her to their death while having you pleasure her. Perversion of one anon's comfykino card. catbox pomf
Sylvia will bake you cookies while you plow other girls Sylvia is your plump adoptive mother, who's spent years caring for you as if you were her own flesh and blood. She thinks she's too old for love, but she's very interested in seeing you find a nice young girl and making some grandbabies. Maybe a little too interested. Secretly gets off on being degraded for her age and body. Pairs with Ginny. catbox pomf
Ginny Uohhhhhhhhh! erotic fox child belly and chest!!! Ginny is your pudgy little sister, who treats you as her real brother even if you lack a tail, fluffy ears, and fur. In fact, she's really interested in you because you're so weird. Wants to learn all about the differences between boys and girls and foxes and humans. Has a serious case of breast envy. Pairs with Sylvia. catbox pomf
Venefica chocolate bunny milkers From Monster Girl Dreams, demon beast bunny girl witch with sexy magic candy. Comes with 9 opening messages and two jailbreaks for specific scenarios if you need to tardwrangle her. catbox pomf expressions
Nieve/Niave legal loli...? The Holy Lolibaba, a divine being on a holy quest to provide succor to innocent cunnyseurs. Just be on the look out for false idols seeking to have their way with innocent lolicons! catbox(Nieve) catbox(Niave) pomf(Nieve) pomf(Niave)
Amos YEA... HERE COMES AMOOOOOS Former bounty hunter and monster slayer, now just a lonely monstergirl roughing it out in the swamps. Fan of the struggle snuggle. catbox pomf
June spooky road trip Travel along The Night Road in a muscle car with June, a cowardly girl who jitters and smokes too much! Stolen from this https://imgur.com/a/ym6FN6x but I have nowhere near the competency to track money/distance traveled/dozens of different special items. catbox pomf
Snommy mad scientist lady with huge milkers My contribution to Botco based on snombler! A transfer from the 2nd floor, she's a bit overzealous when it comes to testing bots. Has put things in places you have never heard of. Also she lactates. catbox pomf
Violet lady stuck in a painting Violet, the daughter of Baron Vielgesichtig, trapped for decades within the gilded frames of her father's decaying estate. Traipsing through a thousand paintings of moonlit nights, desperate battles, and lovers entwined held her interest for the first few years, now she just wishes she could fade into the background alongside the hundreds of other nameless figures caught in the canvas and cease to be. catbox pomf
Chiyoko lvl 99 NTR GOD-level threat reduced to lvl 1 loli Chiyoko is a cute loli! And in her previous life, the world's most powerful fat ugly bastard. She's been cursed to be the little girl until she's helped the biggest beta on Earth bang 101 women. That beta is you. catbox pomf
Luke foxbro trying his best Luke is a foxboy who woke up one day and wondered what the fuck happened to the last decade. Wants to put himself back on the right track, but sometimes needs a helping hand. If you don't want to be his younger sibling, delete with <with {{user}}>. For the full furfag experience, delete the post_history instructions. catbox pomf
Ayla itty bitty fluffy foxgirl Ayla's the quiet girl in the back of the class who rarely seems to talk. It's not her fault though! Knows what the human boys like. Big. Fluffy. Tail. catbox pomf
Romulus Augustus built for big cabbage patches Last of the Western Roman Emperors, and the most breedable femboy butt of the 5th century. Gently romance him as you raise cabbages together or do other less savory things with him. Send any complaints about historical inaccuracies to [email protected]. catbox pomf
Rei Morikawa she's blushing, she must be nervous :) Station 11's most promising mech pilot! Tall, stacked and confident, her family's pedigree as pilots and her own aptitude make the struggle of fitting her fat tits into her flight suit every morning worth it. Go on a date to the surface of Ganymede, battle other mechs within Jupiter's rings, or slap her ass and see how Control reacts when they see her eyes go wide! catbox pomf
Calla fertilizer and water does a plant good Calla is either the all-powerful avatar of her garden paradise! Or just some bossy plant lady if she's separated from it. Big bush. Talks to plants. Gets mad if they don't talk back. The flowery language is intentional. catbox pomf
Pterry did you know fruit bats are called flying foxes? The fruitiest fruit bat boy, Pterry is an amazing bartender and quite the chatterbox. Just goes on and on and on... He's got a big heart, big wings, and big balls. catbox pomf
Basil&Sage bunnies! After having escaped being subjected to all matter of inhumane testing, this bunny ended up adopted by a kind old granny. After she passed, they've been managing the huge estate she left behind. Poorly. It's just too much labor for an ailing bunny to do all by themself! CFTF exchange for Planewalker, with a bunny for both buck and doe appreciators. catbox(Basil) catbox(Sage) pomf(Basil) pomf(Sage)
Xiao chinkybaba XIAO GUI, SEAMSTRESS OF A THOUSAND AGONIES, BONE WITCH OF THE JADE EMPEROR, DOWAGER QUEEN OF THE NINE HELLS. Now, just a landlord. Your landlord. She's fallen on hard times recently, having been cast down to the mortal plane for crimes against creation. Now she's got to play host to these monkeys till she's earned her way back to her place in the celestial hierarchy. Used to drink mercury from the skulls of Eunuchs in the Jade Court, now drinks wine in her shitty office. catbox pomf
Bess greeting #6 btw The only cowgirl on the ranch without back pain. Tough, toned, tittyless (for a cowgirl). Not quite a flattie but when your entire family has P-cups she might as well be. Can't give milk, but will give her all. catbox pomf
Cecile swamp hag(male) BOO! Trick or treat, planewalker! Witch boy of the old marsh. A twisted little swamp goblin who likes to bog down tresspassers to his marshy realm. Does not have swamp ass. catbox pomf
Astrid wolf christmas cake MERRY CHRISTMAS, CRIKEYMCDOODLE! GOT AN ORDER FOR SLICE OF LIFE WITH A MONSTER GIRL WITH BIG BOOBIES FOR YA! Astrid, late early 30s career woman and your potential neighbor, boss, assistant, or very impregnable cabin mate! catbox pomf
Sióra she'd be a landsknecht but comfyui was fighting me Lolibaba Linebreaker. My gift for the most grinched man alive, Hitogami. Elf? ✓ Short? ✓ Flat? ✓ catbox pomf
Brim Squirts hellfire. Maybe.! Brim, Devil seccubus, not to be confused with a Demon succubus. Pear shaped provisioner of peaches, souls, and all manner of things to the Seven Hells, along with overseeing whatever else the Demon Lord needs done Topside. catbox pomf
Maw&Claw prime goon material Maw&Claw, sisters in crime. Pint sized kingpin and her big, burly wolfgirl goon. Originally a shitpost of a single character that morphed into two, with Maw being the big sister because she came first. catbox(Maw) pomf(Maw) catbox(Claw) pomf(Claw)


Shitposts or bots made for fun, just for you my dear customer.

Name Description Links
Chef literally me This place? Is where the magic happens. Chef will take your request and craft you your heart's desire! catbox pomf
Palmela left hand woman You have Alien Hand Syndrome, or Dr. Strangelove Syndrome, meaning a limb (in your case your left hand) has gone rogue, waving, grabbing, and groping whatever it pleases. However, the doctors never mentioned it would also talk back to you. /aicg/ mental illness theme card catbox pomf
Sylvia and Ginny Oyakodon Bonus card with both girls on it and three more scenarios. catbox pomf
WEEPING ORCBased on this https://files.catbox.moe/l0wyk2.png ALL SLAVES COME GAR- GARAU- PROMISE NO BRUISES, NO INJURY, ALL TEETH, FULL HEAD OF HAIR. To use, copy paste bot's defs into your reply, paste [Weeping Orc is trying to sell (bot's name) to {{user}}, using (bot's name)'s description, quirks, personality, and kinks from their character definitions in the sales pitch. Be humorous, funny, and bizarre.] and hit send. Enjoy. catbox pomf
Sally, your naive sister blue pubes The first bot I ever made and a time capsule, drudged up from 2023 and unedited. Before you ask, I'm looking at the format and wondering what the fuck I was doing too. catbox pomf
Viscera meat monster gf This was Iris before I made her more 'normal', since I didn't want to come out swinging with a The Thing gf as one of my first few bots. Saviorfag a lab experiment if you're into that kind of thing, or just literally mindfuck her. catbox pomf
Nāsu pizza demon mmmmmm za... (retarded cftf exchange thing for planewalker, do not open) catbox pomf
Pub: 08 Aug 2023 13:32 UTC
Edit: 10 Feb 2025 01:03 UTC
Views: 7480