

  1. I make jokes about my mental health and yes I make KMS jokes as well in addition.
  2. I am rt heavy.
  3. I rt content from NU:Carnival (with that in mind, I do NOT retweet actual NSFW)
  4. I do rt politics sometimes.
  5. You may see hater energy from time to time... So sorry
  6. Occasional Yumeposting
  7. I don't trigger tag anything except for basic topics like SA
  8. But I won't trigger tag my own experiences lol


  1. I get into arguments on replies sometimes. I try to keep it at a minimum lately, but it may happen because I am hotheaded.
  2. I can go inactive sometimes and then come back on main
  3. I follow almost 1000 people. Not my fault if Twitter doesn't show me every little thing they do.
  4. meow meow meow meow meow


  1. I mainly post about my thoughts in here
  2. So, I spam post a LOT
  3. If I vague tweet negatively about someone it's not about you. If you're here it's because I like you lol
  4. I don't usually tweet during my breakdowns but if one day I start manicposting don't worry about it too much
  5. I say the big gay F Word here because I can reclaim it
  6. More kms jokes

Main | Interests

Pub: 06 Apr 2022 21:11 UTC
Edit: 29 May 2024 07:20 UTC
Views: 184