if you're here
I love you very
very much!!!!!
﹒lumi ⟋ reverie𓈒
SOSO MUCH!!! blushes😳😳 lumi maeks
me soo happy anf im So glad we're together!
i love yiu lumi wumi i love every moment
we spend.together and i cherish every time
im able to talk to you !!! we are Quite literally
moonshell,, fruitcake.. berryfunny..
strawberrycookie... moonflower..and so
many more heh! i love when we call anf play
dw its so fun to be around you:)
guys VUMI is canon...heh i love lumi.
you ahve meGIGGLING and kicking
my legs like im a teen in love (i am)
hehenshdh i love you soso much
﹒silver ⟋ vivian𓈒
you giys. This is my BESTfriend eva!!! i love
this gayass so.much he makes me so happy
cuz he undersyands me and we are just linked in like that!! im afraid vro is my brother and we were
seperated at birth trust ... hes my #1 friend
and always will be!!!no matter how gay
he gets i will always loev him!!! him and i
are purple haired bang bang bang and
his gay ahh friend i keep forgetting the
namw of. HELPPMe anywya. i heart you
silver please never die you are one of my
purposes to be alive in this world
and i hope you find the happiness you
deserve!!:D ALSOi hope you get with
that guy. get ur RIZZ up vro 🙏🙏👅
WIRH i love freaky trio youre so fun
to be around even if you attempt to
tickle me in dw.. 💔 We sshoul
definitely talk and hangout more!!
i like playing games with both you
and lumi its always super duper fun!!!
youre a super fun and enjoyable person
to be around and i appreciate the times
we get to play!! heh
hai rennyboo~ you are ALSOmy best frien
i loev you very much. im.so glad to be
apart of dct~😁😂😭 we ARE hikaru and
kaoru trusy me! u are also the damn nerd to my
baka boom boom boi💥😳 ICANT ok Anyway
i miss ensuko pls make retsuko happy some day
ummanyway I lvor talking with you cause
youure so funny and jts genuinely fun to
talk to you heh lets play dw again ~😳😳
you're the sweetest and funniest ever
we NEED to call and hangout so much
more because your presence makes me
super duper happy!! :D you're a friend i
don't want to lose, I'm always here for
you if you ever want anybody to talk to!!
we need to hangout more oh my gosh
you're so funny i love talking with you T_T
﹒tooni ⟋ puppet𓈒
HAI!!! i absolutely love your art soomcuh
heh youre super duper coolT_T
ive known you for almost a year sver
since we met in hotspot..(sweats)
that server was scary!! im glad i met you!
auuhf im going to eat you Alive!!!!
same with your art. Hide it or else!!!!/
last edited on feb 12st at 9:36 pm..!