arden / venti / asta
they/he/she. white. american. twenty (20). genderfae. cupio aceflux lesbian. single. eng/de ok; 日本語 (learning) xsfj. 2w3. gemini.
NOTICE please use tone indicators if we aren't super close! i have adhd & severe anxiety (possibly autistic), so i may not understand things right away. also sdx agoraphobia. <- please be patient w/ me!! i will rotate my names in my dn. please rotate them too.
DNI (1) basic dni criteria. (2) -16 (current moots ok). (3) main dsmptwt, edtwt, shtwt (4) hate any of my ults. (5) mspecles. (6) aspec & neoprns exclus. (7) proship. (8) don't share a common interest.
BYF selective fb! sb to unf. no petnames. gendered terms ok. not in any subtwt. multi. may practice ger or jp on tl (not fluent). i don't take kinning or kpop srsly. if i say or do anything wrong, please tell me privately. i tweet abt anything i have interest in or hyperfixate on.
- i am very interactive » tl = dm idc!! ^-^
- if i go ia sometimes, it's prob cuz of school or work
likes ♫ main carrd ♪