this url is in use and took way more than 30 seconds to make. it belongs to /pearlsdearhome .

not an url hoard anymore.... actually i dont know what i will do with this url. for now i will put some copypastas here

Oh my god, I HATE anime. Let me tell you how much I’ve come to hate it since I first heard of it. If I engraved the word “cringe” on every atom of every poorly drawn waifu poster plastered on a weeb’s wall, it wouldn’t equal one-billionth of the disgust I feel for this “art form.”

First off, why does every protagonist sound like they’re auditioning for a dub of someone gargling gravel? “KONNICHIWA DESU KA!” Shut up. Just shut up. I don’t care about your sugoi adventures or your kawaii catgirl sidekick. And don’t even get me started on the fans. Oh, you watched Naruto once? Congrats, you’ve now adopted a Japanese alter ego, renamed yourself “Kirito-sama,” and think rice is a personality trait. Newsflash: saying “baka” unironically doesn’t make you cultured—it makes you sound like a toddler with a Duolingo addiction.

And the plots? Please. Every show is either:

Teen angst simulator: “I must avenge my dead family by screaming louder than physics allows!” 13

Fanservice fiesta: “Here’s a 15-year-old girl in a bikini armor fighting demons. Totally not creepy!” 12

Nonsense philosophy: “The key to defeating the villain is friendship… and also my Stand, 『Za Hando』, which defies all logic!” 20

Let’s talk about the fans. These people unironically believe Japan is a utopia where everyone eats ramen 24/7 and trains to become ninjas. They’ll write essays about why Vaporeon is the “most compatible Pokémon for human interaction” 12, then act shocked when normal humans avoid them. And don’t forget the “animesexuals” who marry body pillows and demand pronouns like “Sasuke-chan” 912.

Worst of all? The noise. Every conversation devolves into high-pitched squealing: “OMGZZZZ SASUKE-SAMA IS SOOOO KAWAII DESU NE~~~~!!!<3333” Meanwhile, I’m over here wondering if their brains have been replaced with dubbed dialogue from Domestic Girlfriend 12.

Anime isn’t art—it’s a psychological weapon designed to turn functional humans into socially inept husks who think quoting JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure counts as a personality 20. And don’t even get me started on conventions. Imagine a room full of grown adults dressed as toddlers, arguing over whether Goku could beat Saitama in a fight. Spoiler: neither can defeat my will to live after witnessing this dumpster fire.

In conclusion, anime is a blight on humanity. If I had a Stand, it’d be called 『CRINGE REQUIEM』, and its power would be deleting every trace of this garbage from existence. Fight me, weebs.

Anime is literally the best thing ever. All of you baka Americans who can't wrap your minds around it because you think your Hollywood films and TV shows you are just stupid and wrong and need to stop speaking. Literally nobody likes your opinions except the other baka Americans that don't understand Anime culture and the fact that Anime is truly a masterpiece of art, emotion and plot development. The characters always develop so well and so does the plot and it is just like really good. Like literally just watch it and you will understand you stupid white people. Ok, I am white but like I like anime so I'm basically Japanese at this point. Anyways, back to the subject, have you ever heard of the best anime ever, Redo of Healer..

Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokemon? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of fluff, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that's not all, they have a very respectable special defense stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won't mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression ever again.

Hey everyone, did you know that in terms of psychic type Pokemon, Espeon is one of the most comforting to those who struggle with their mental health? Its soft, short fur is often likened to velvet, which would be really calming to stroke during a panic or anxiety attack. Espeon often sunbathes to recharge its psychic powers, and is said to be able to predict its opponent's next move, people's thoughts, or even the weather with its psychic powers, so it could spot a bad day from a mile away and act as a kinda service animal to those in need. Plus, since it's been in the sun, it would be nice and warm to the touch if you found it shortly after it sunbathed. Not to mention, espeon is beyond loyal - bad friends, abusive exes, and rude family members are bound to throw you to the wolves, but espeon will always be there to bring you back to safety and comfort. Oh yeah, and its psychic powers were said to be awakened by a desire to protect its trainer from harm, and the fact that espeon is a friendship evolution only proves just how much it loves you! Sounds great, yeah? Oh, but it somehow gets even better! Possessing an average size of 2'11 and 58.4 lbs, espeon is just the right size for cuddling next to you wherever you may be: a bed, the couch, or even by your feet if you're working at a desk. Also? Its large ears are perfect for receiving scritches, and its forked tail would be fun to gently twirl around as a form of stimming if needed. Yeah, vaporeon may be a "Haha funny meme evolution", espeon is where life's true comfort can be found.

One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about in Mr. Gopher Wood's yard, we spotted a fledgling Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was tiny, it didn't even have all of its feathers, and it couldn't sing. When we found it, it was already on its last breath, having fallen into a shrub — probably abandoned by its parents. We decided to build a nest for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter was unusually cold, with fierce winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many poisonous bugs and wild beasts in the vicinity... It was clear that if we left the fledgling in the yard, it stood no chance of surviving until spring. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the adults to fashion a cage for it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to spread its wings, we would release it back into the wild. The tragic part — something that we'd never considered — was that this bird's fate had already been determined long before this moment... Its destiny was determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer.

One day, after kuru, while my younger doll and I were kururing about in Mr Kuru's yard, we spotted a fledgling Charmony Kuru all on its own. That baby kuru was tiny, it didn't even have all of its kurus, and it couldn't spin. When we found it, it was already on its last kuru, having fallen into a shrub — probably abandoned by its dollmaker. We decided to build a stage for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter was unusually kurun't, with fierce winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many kurunious kururins and wild kurus in the vicinity... It was clear that if we left the kuruling in the yard, it stood no chance of surviving until kururing. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the kurus, and asked the adults to fashion a cage for it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to spin its kurus, we would kurulease it back into the kururin. The kururic part — something that we'd never considered — was that this kuru's fate had already been determined long before this moment... Its kurutiny was determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power of kuru to you all. Faced with this situation, what kuruice would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a stage with soft light where the Charmony kuru fell? Or build a cage for it, and spin it, giving it the utmost kuru from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your kurukuru.

"M-m... M"

No one was paying attention in the crossroads of New York as I was giving my speech.


However, one person was intrigued in what I was saying.


Then it was just a domino effect, ten more people are watching.


A hundred were now watching, this had caught the attention of even the busy drivers in rush hour. Their faces in anticipation, some were even scared. Others were complaining that this isn't the real deal.


But they all suddenly started cheering, shaking, praying. When they heard my tone, my pitch, my timbre.... they all knew what was going to come next. They realized... that salvation of the human race has finally come.

"Minecraft good Fortnite bad"

And then the silence broke


Thousands of people fell to their knees, yelling orgasmically. People starting crying tears of joy, others were running and thanking God, News reporters were already on the scene, broadcasting the entire thing nationwide and consequently the entire world. Hundreds of people came out of their cars, buses, taxis, stores, and subway stations hooting and hollering. It was a miracle unfolding.

I started to say the next sentence relayed to me by our Lord and Savior.

"M-m-mi... Mine..."

Already some people fainted at just the mere sound of my voice. Even more people came. Some were jumping from planes thousands of feet in the air, others ran or swam miles to here in mere seconds. I think I even spotted a few famous people.


Nearly a million people were here now. There's now Europeans, Canadians, Mexicans, Latin Americans, West Coasters, Africans, and even several Asians and one Australian. They were screaming hysterically, bringing gifts for me, taking pictures and videos. Fireworks and confetti everywhere, helicopters, and even Donald Trump was here with his family bowing down to me.

"MINEC-C-C-CRAFT voice crack"

A billion people were here now. Even animals from all over the world were coming in herds. I could see Pewdiepie &amp;amp;amp; Martiza, Elon Musk, Keanu Reeves, Lil Nas X, 50 Cent, Oprah Winfrey, the Kardashians, and so many other people. Many people were having seizures, heart attacks, and strokes from the sheer excitement, and some were being trampled to death because of the huge crowd. The screaming was deafening. Some just came straight out of their bathroom, school, work, or their parenting... but it doesn't matter now.


No matter what was your race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, economic class, etc... it didn't matter. All of humanity has come together for this one moment. Millions of people have died to due plane crashes, car crashes, doctors abandoning their patients, parents abandoning their children... just to be here, but it will all be worth it.

Nearly half of humanity is here now. Even the dead came out their graves for this. Everyone is climbing on top of each other and on the walls of skyscrapers since they couldn't fit. So many lights, music, dancing, feasts... yet barely a minute passed. Humanity is very interesting.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

I look at the smiling faces of the crowd in front of me. I look at the death and destruction that came from sacrifice to attend this event. This is it. We're ready.


"Minecraft good Fortnite bad Instagram normie Emojis bad Keanu breathtaking Wholesome 100 [Everyone liked that] Area 51 PETA bad 69 nice 420"


Billions of people around the world disintegrated into their pure chemical compounds that composed their bodies, then their atoms, then their protons/neutrons/electrons, and finally their quarks... as they heard that holy sentence. The distant echoes of yelling can heard from thousands of miles. This... this was their ultimate purpose in life. This is the culmination of everything that has happened in human history, it is reason why life even existed in the first place. They weren't screaming in terror, they were shouting in orgasmic joy. They could finally die happy. Their entire lives flashed before their eyes as they saw their loved ones. They saw their ultimate fantasy. They can finally be freed from their imperfect bodies in this imperfect world.

The Sun blinked out. The Moon crashed into the Earth. The Earth turned into dust. The Solar System collapsed into a state of entropy. The Milky Way hosts a firework show of supernovas. All the galaxies of the universe colliding with one another. Reality is falling apart. That's because reality doesn't need to exist anymore. It has reached its goal. Spacetime has fallen. Matter ceases to exist. Not even the concept of nothing exists. The universe was never born.

Humanity is gone. Everything is gone. We are now one. Evil doesn't exist anymore. Insecurities don't exist anymore. Fear, sadness, anger don't exist anymore. Just hope, love, and harmony for eternity. This is what we were meant to be. This is our final evolution stage.

This is heaven. This is what it means to be happy.


Pub: 04 Nov 2024 18:32 UTC
Edit: 14 Feb 2025 18:24 UTC
Views: 109