Panggil aja Mizky 24 y.o (but act like 15) | she/her | INFP | Capricorn | RyuseitaiP


  • before you know
    • I'M BAD WITH HANDLING HUMAN (gue kalau keliatan ngacangin atau reply pendek2 itu soalnya gue gatau mau bales apaan)
    • Toxic, but if I can I don't wanna start a fight (gue biasanya jarang nyari ribut, tapi sekalinya 'kesentil' yha.... Pls, let just enjoying shitpost between us. Sebisa mungkin gue ga mau kita kelahi :D)
    • Some people will think my wording looks harsh, sorry can't help about that. Gue gasuka nyari ribut tapi klo dirasa pembawaan gue kek nyari ribut mending gausah interaksi aja ga sih?
    • agak... Ehem... Cabul... Maaf... Tapi mostly klo gue rt konten r18 krn emang murni apresiasi art nya sih (rt in r18 content sometimes. Not always, but yeah sometimes. Appreciating the art)
    • Mixed acc, but rn is an enstarstwt
    • Mostly twt in ID/EN
    • Multishipper
    • For yumetwt, it's selective sharing
    • Hard warning, gue tidak mempermasalahkan troupe problematik krn pada dasarnya gue orangnya fleksible (selama menarik gue makan, mau itu incest, dub-con, non-con, etc. Gue cuma ga sanggup angst /aneh emang/). So it'll be helpfull if anyone who discomfort with this can leave me alone, tapi klo tetep mau temenan ga bakal gue cekokin kok, gue tipe yg ngikut interest orang (kmu suka A ya gue cuma bahas A didepan kmu, ga bakal ada ceritanya gue ujug2 bahas Z ke kmu). Kecuali klo lo openly hating dikit2 misuhin konten yg ga lu suka instead fokus sama apa yg lu suka. Dengan senang hati gue bakal ngeludahin muka lo pake konten yg lo ga suka (translations: If you don't mind with my preference, I will okay with your preference how weird it is. Except you spread hate, I'll spit your face with thing you hate)
    • Minor boleh datang tapi resiko tanggung sendiri. Gue bukan emak lo (translation: I accept minor, but I don't wanna take care of you. I'm not your mother)
  • Interest (oshi)
    • Genshin Impact: Thoma & Childe
    • Tears of Themis: NXX stan (tapi suami tetap Luke Pearce)
    • Ensemble Stars!!: ES-P gue tuh sebenernya, tapi dominan Chiaki sih
  • Yume
    You can check here
  • DNI.... DNI... I dunno... As long as you not sharing hate openly I'm okay with you. If you're okay with me, mostly I also okay with you. Moto gue adalah "Gue tidak akan mempertanyakan preferensi mutual gue mau seaneh apapun itu"
  • And it's not like there's nothing I hate, it just I pretend not to see it and only scrolling. So I'm not gonna list what's my no-no
Pub: 07 Aug 2022 16:00 UTC
Edit: 03 Dec 2024 20:05 UTC
Views: 26773