China is highly demonized in the liberal media and even the truthers have sadly bought into it. China imposes tyranny and authoritarianism on its citizens, yes, but what the liberal media leaves out is that the "tyranny" and "authoritarianism" you hear alleged about China are actually the "tyranny" against criminals and degenerates.

You see, China is actually an ultra conservative state which does not give liberals or degenerates an inch. China believes in honor and have high moral standards. This is at odds with liberal philosophy, and so China is demonized and lied about like Russia. In truth China is basically MAGA if we kept liberals and degenerates in line. China is on the moral side of MAGA conservatism, and this is firstly illustrated by the fact that China is Pro-Trump and Anti-Obama -

• China approved of Trump. In 2017 Trump was given the high honor of being the first foreign leader to dine in Forbidden City since founding of modern China. (source)
• China insults Obama. Obama was denied the usual red carpet welcome and forced to 'go out of the ass' of Air Force One. (source)
• China was rooting for Trump to win the 2020 election (source)

While being gay is not illegal in China, China uses its police power to suppress promotion of homosexual and degenerate content in media and entertainment. In China people have a right to live free of degenerate influence, and so the degenerate freedom of speech is suppressed. Liberals hate this, and they hate it when countries police morals, so China is demonized.
• China regularly bans movies with LGBT content, like Disney's Lightyear movie and Marvel's latest Thor movie. Degeneracy is simply not allowed.
• Xi criticized male entertainers for being too effeminate and censors blur out earrings if a man is wearing them
• Gay and trans anything is stuffed in the closet
• Liberals and degenerates are scorned
• Gay Marriage is banned in China (source)
• China pressures gay pride events to shutter (source)
• Ten years' jail term for Chinese author of homoerotic novel (source)
• China bans gay content from the internet (source)
• China bans depictions of gay people on television (source)
• China bans 'sisy idols' and ‘effeminate men’ from entertainment industry (source)

• In China women don't act like hoes because respect is a big deal in collectivist culture
• Prostitution is illegal in China (source)
• Abortion banned after 14 weeks (source) (Compare to 15 weeks for Florida and up-to-birth for California)
• If someone in a marriage cheats they give up the 50% ownership stake, and it is grounds for divorce (source)

• China does not ban religion. But people in China have a right avoid religion, so religious activities outside of religious venues are banned in China.

IP Infringement
• Chinese state encouraged infringement is simply a lie. The win rate for IP court cases from foreign entities was over 70% in 2011 and 80% today. (source)

Higher Education
• China invests in higher education. College cost in china is extremely cheap and accessible, like colleges were in the US 60 years ago (source)

• Drug dealers and traffickers are executed
• Cannibis is banned in China (source)

Child Protection
• Under 18 banned from playing video games more than 3 hours per day (source)
• Chinese authorities invoke tough sentences to make examples of child molesters (source)
• Convicted child sex offenders have their personal information made public, including names, ID card number, photo, age, gender and the nature of their crimes. (source)

Pornography is banned
• China bans all pornography (source)

Death Penalty, not only for murder and treason
• Drug related street crimes (source)
• Rape (source) (Very based. Compare to various states which consider the death penalty disproportionate for rape.)
• Trafficking in women and children (source)
• Robbery (source)
• Smuggling (source)
• Bribery (source)

China believes in personal responsibility
• Poverty is a thing. They won't pay welfare for able bodied adults.
• Death by tapeworms is a thing. You are responsible for your own health. No state handouts or socialized medicine.

• Wall Street Journal: "China hasn’t fought a war since a brief border clash with Vietnam in 1979." (source)

China hasn’t fought a single war since 1979! No other major power has ever been so peaceful for so long. Contrast China with USA, which has fought countless wars in Afghanistan, Bosnia, El Salvador, Grenada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, etc.

Social Credit System
The supposed "Social Credit System" is completely misconstrued by the media with misinformation based mainly on what they think "could" happen. looked into it and found that the China Social Credit system was not as Orwellian as believed. It mostly affects business, and they mainly get on it for ignoring court orders:

China’s Social Credit System Is Actually Quite Boring

A supposedly Orwellian system is fragmented, localized, and mostly targeted at businesses.
...Contrary to common belief, the cities mainly target companies, not individuals. Nonetheless, legal representatives of a violating company are also included in the blacklists to prevent reoffending elsewhere or under a different company. Nationally, about 75 percent of entities targeted by the system end up on blacklists because of court orders they have ignored—the so-called judgment defaulters. The remaining companies are typically collared for severe marketplace violations—for instance, for food safety infringements, environmental damage, or wage arrears.

China itself says that the social credit system can be used to provide incentivized bonuses to services, but cannot be used for punishment or restrict freedoms enshrined in law. It's not meant to punish as a replacement to the legal system:, July 18th, "Personal credit scores can be combined with trustworthy incentives, but they cannot be used for punishment." Lian Weiliang, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said on the 18th that many cities have used personal credit scores based on personal credit scores in recent years. , exploring credit benefits the people, and achieved obvious results, but low credit ratings cannot be used to restrict natural persons from enjoying basic public service rights and rights endowed by law.

Tiawan is the liberal panacea of China, and is actually the place where the liberals and degenerates in China escape to if they don't like conservative China.
• Taiwan was the first country in Asia to approve same sex marriage (source)
• Taiwan hosts the largest LGBT pride parade in Asia (source)
• In Taiwan they are organizing school curriculums to teach young children about transgenderism and have transgender teachers who speak to the students about their gender. (source)

Quora Testimonials
So, as long as you are not a degenerate or criminal you would be fine in China. If you go to Quora and find people who claim to have been to China they will tell you that you were lied to about China.

"China is an amazing country. In many areas it puts the US to shame. However, half of America sees it as some comic book villain. I have watched my own country descend into fascism while claiming China is the bad guy. Even worse is the fact that my fellow Americans lap this up. I disagree with many things China does, but their government actually cares about their citizens. I can't say that about my own government. If we ever get to the point where we can have an intelligent and fair discussion about China, then I can talk about both the negatives and the positives."

"To be honest,comparing to America,China is a much better country,at least noone need to worry about gunshot;in developed area,it is very safe for a single lady to walk around the street deep in the night without any risk of being raped."

"I’ve lived in China for 9 years. From the USA. I’m not sure how you can convince Chinese that they are being oppressed, when, in fact, they aren’t. The subject of ‘oppression’ has nothing to do with the average Chinese person who just lives their life happily and harmoniously. They have complete freedom to do what is reasonable for any human being living on the planet."

"When I first arrived, I actually felt more free than I did back in the USA. The police didn’t follow me around in their car. People could drink (and smoke) in public. You could walk around late at night without being asked by a police officer what you’re doing and where you’re going."

"Given that the US press has regularly been telling fake stories about China, why do people still believe everything that they write?"

"To Western Quora users, if you have finished reading my answer, you should have an idea that Chinese citizens enjoy a freedom of speech similar to that of yours. We may have some different definitions about the word “freedom”, but that comes from our different cultural backgrounds."

"I’m a Chinese living in China. From what I can see the Chinese government is quite different from what is widely portrayed in the western media. You may also imagine that it’s somewhat similar to what you read from the novel 1984 by George Orwell. That’s not true."

"The career opportunities are excellent, with salaries comparable or higher than the USA while cost of living is about 35% the cost of the USA. That’s why Chinese are able to save - not because they are so frugal! And, no age discrimination in employment!!"

As you can see, you had China all wrong. All of this should be compelling information to consider that you were lied to by the liberal media. If the Fake News media says that China is bad, then it must obviously be good. The reality is that China and Russia are on the side of morality and decency and that the US and European NWO and liberal media are not.

Pub: 17 Dec 2023 19:31 UTC
Edit: 17 Dec 2023 19:47 UTC
Views: 150