


So you're that kind of person, then...
Don't worry, I'm not judging you. Having such fantasies is a kind of natural thing. Of course, wanting to act on them is...
Well, as long as you don't get caught, and show me the results of what you've made for me, I'm certainly willing to cooperate.
Go on ahead, ask away about anyone you'd like.

Tsukumo Sana

miyosana That girl...
She's an obnoxious target. I take it you're the kind of person who enjoys risk? She loves socializing, and she's athletic and energetic. That means she often says what's on her mind, and has a good network of friends that will be quick to notice if she's gone. Furthermore, she's outside often, which means you'll need to be more attentive and cautious in order to understand when she's alone and when she won't be. Maybe the only good point is that she'll most likely be quickly incapacitated and won't scream for help fast enough, so when you finally have her cornered, it'll pay off...
A search will begin shortly after, and if you want time to do any special work, you'll need to get her when she's in her house. That'd be frustrating, since the first place anywhere would look is, in fact, in her house. I suppose, personally, if you're the kind of person who enjoys giving people a scare, you could leave her there for others to find, but really I admire the cautious approach more.
She has a voluptous body and plenty of meat on her bones. A true feast, both for the more perverted kind of killer and the more cannibalistic kind. Of course, if you want to do the latter, you'll have to store her away somewhere else. That'll take more preparation, but not only that, you'll have to make sure she's isolated for some time. The thing is, she's actually quite easygoing and social, and so I imagine you can take advantage of that in order to get her into a situation where she'll easily trust you, perhaps a hitchhiker? Easily trusting girls can be easy in that way, but again, you'll need to work around her for that, which will require lengthy observation, which will require you don't get spotted.
She's not as bad as Baelz, but she's definitely not my primary recommendation for a beginner unless you like the thrill. Or, I guess, if you're a depraved rapist who likes taking advantage of happy go lucky, naive girls. giggle

Ceres Fauna

miyoceres It seems you greatly enjoy difficulty. If you pursue that kind of route, you understand that I expect good results more than anything else, right?
...Fauna isn't frustrating to pursue because she's always outside and surrounded by people, like Sana. In contrast, she's a little more reserved. However, she's also very perceptive, intelligent, and headstrong. That means you'll need to strike fast, and strike with conviction, when she's in a position where she can be taken advantage of. Getting her into that position, and then successfully employing it, will take work. Entry into her house is not difficult, however she's located quite deep in, and she receives frequent visits. Your likelihood of being caught before you can get to her and having the police called on you is high.
In that case, one would think to break in as she's sleeping. But she's attentive, and would probably wake up at the slightest noise. Thus, the second best idea would be to get her while she's not at home. Yet, that's even more difficult, because she's either in the company of people or somewhere nearby civilization. You would have to utilize trickery, but she won't just buckle to anyone. Ceres Fauna is a target that requires special attention, and a high degree of commitment.
However, I suppose if you enjoy the idea of worming up into a woman's life, taking over her, and then taking her life with your own hands, then she might be the best fit for you... or I suppose if you just hate her and want to teach her a lesson, hmm? Perhaps you just like the thrill of killing someone who's hard to catch, and hard to manipulate? I can respect something like that...

Nanashi Mumei

miyomumei Now you're getting it. Mumei is a much easier target than the previous two, and frankly, the one that's coming up next. Oh, sure, she may go outside a lot, but she gets lost just as frequently, too. She doesn't pay attention to her surroundings, forgets her own belongings, and has a poor sense of direction. Furthermore, her house is modest, and trickery is quite easy to pull on her. She's friendly, and honestly, quite stupid, and will easily trust anyone, especially if they tell her they want to guide her.
There's a few hiccups you'll still have to deal with in the way, though, although I'm sure it won't be a problem at all. If you try to break into her house, beware of her dog. It might alert the neighbors, or bite you. Be prepared to dispatch if it's needed, although honestly... are you really that heartless? Fufu. The second issue is that Mumei often gets accompanied by her friends. She's easy to talk to, and she's frequently in need of assistance. Kronii's her favorite companion, and the one she's with the most. However, it's worth noting that they have a tendency to get just as lost as she does. It's impressive, almost like she can drain their intelligence... well, if you were looking for a "double event", I'm sure this part will excite you. But it's worth being cautious nevertheless.
Oh, I almost forgot... there's been a few rumors that underneath that pure, innocent, forgetful, dumb behavior, she's really quite conniving, and possesses dangerous qualities. I haven't been able to verify this myself, but honestly I find it hard to imagine, and it seems to be more of a joke than anything else. Still, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared, right? Sometimes, the silliest theories end up being right... *giggle*

Hakos Baelz

miyobae Tch.
Okay fine, I'll just give you the lowdown. This rrat is always messing around with someone. Always, she's almost never alone. She's constantly trying to pull pranks on her friends, trying to hang out with them, visiting them, going on parties, getting tipsy, streaming games in front of an audience... There's almost nowhere you can get her where you won't get noticed. You'll only get a few windows of opportunity each night, when she's heading home alone. But once you act, you need to act fast, or you'll get caught quickly due to her preference for being around heavily populated areas. There's no time to do any serious work at all, unless you've gotten a car nearby.
Oh sure, she's easier to manipulate than Fauna, but it's not like she's especially stupid. She won't go around trusting just anyone, and she can have her guard up as well. You'll need to make sure she feels confident around you. If I had to suggest one way you can break down her defenses, it's to make her feel wanted. You see, Bae loathes being alone, and she especially hates feeling ignored. So if you have the charisma to pull it off, you can easily make her feel safe around you. But, again, that'll take work, and also charisma on your part. I suppose if you're going to be doing this in the first place, you probably won't have a lot of that.
...If you do manage to capture her though, well, oho, you do have a lot to look forward to. She's basically built to a punching bag. A small body, low tolerance for pain, a small bladder, and a loud voice... she's sure to give you plenty of 'entertainment'. Just make sure to be far away from civilization. Oh, and don't be surprised if an investigation starts right away, as she's often the center of her friend group, so be sure to do it somewhere very secret. Unless you want her to be found after the deed has been done, of course... And I can certainly appreciate a person who likes spectacle.

Ouro Kronii

miyokronii Heh, you want someone a little easier, huh? I can understand that...
Ouro Kronii is really the ideal assassination target for a beginner, or simply the kind of butcher who likes a lot of time and privacy to do their best work. She can be your very own Mary Jane Kelly. *giggle*
She rarely leaves the house, and it's easy to predict when she will and why with a bit of observation and attentiveness. Her friends have come to expect this from her, and generally wouldn't panic if she's not seen for a decent amount of time, although eventually they'll catch on. But it's not like you can just erase someone from the world and expect no one to notice forever, after all. Her house is easy to get into, and she does need to sleep eventually, so whether you'd like to do it with no resistance, or you like a bit of a thrill, you'll always have the time. Not only that, but she's generally only awake at night, so you don't have to worry about her alerting the neighbors if you're fast.
If you want to manipulate her, that'll be a little harder, but it's certainly possible. People with low self-esteem like her are easy pickings, you just need to know your way around words, and know what to say to make them feel needed and wanted. You'll quickly get her to do whatever you want. Honestly, if I were you, I would even try to think of a way to groom her into being an accomplice. Heheh, someone as spineless and as desperate for attention as she is, hiding behind a veneer of dry wit and pretending she doesn't care... with effort, and time, you could get her to do anything. You could even get her to kill someone for you, provided you had the investment.
Ultimately, you'll have plenty of opportunities and time in order to mess with Ouro Kronii, and the possibilities when you get to her are effectively limitless. Just remember, I expect either a corpse or a slave; nothing sappy.


miyosmug And that's the gambit. Who are you going to choose, I wonder?
Well, it doesn't really matter... as long as you can provide me some good entertainment, I'll be looking forward to your work. Heheheheh...

...Go after someone?

Tsukumo Sana WORK IN PROGRESS Ceres Fauna WORK IN PROGRESS Nanashi Mumei WORK IN PROGRESS Hakos Baelz WORK IN PROGRESS Ouro Kronii: Murder Route WORK IN PROGRESS Ouro Kronii: Stockholm Route WORK IN PROGRESS b21lZ2FscGhh [LOCKED]

Pub: 28 Sep 2021 02:33 UTC
Views: 218